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Pakistan Army Finds Taliban Tough to Root Out

The war was never planned to wind itself up over night. It can never be. Indeed, it was supposed to be a blitzkrieg offensive thereby breaking the back of the scumbags so that they are weak enough and dont confront the military in a planned manner, which i think has been achieved. Thereafter, the skirmishes would have to continue, may like, for ever.

A permanent positioning of the Army then has to be ensured, thereon (as announced by the President that a cantt would be established).

Life would come back to normal and the cat and mouse game would still be played for a long time to come, but atleast they would not be able to threat the Nation as they had been initially. The society would have been cleansed by then and not much support would exist for these douche bags, and resultantly they would die-their-own death!

With the Army's permanent presence, any further (surprised) surfacing of evil would be checked spot on and taken care of right there.

By then the main security responsibility would have been shifted to the civilian LEAs and the civilian govt would have taken charge of the task.

This is how it works - we call it 'real world', may be the likes of JJ still live Nintendo!
Lack of education for the little one's is our biggest dilemma. Anywhere the operations have taken place, only few schools have been rebuilt. We should not let kids grow like these rock lickers, and stick to "no child left behind". After 10, 15 years we wont encounter these complications Inshallah.
When someone's all drugged up, brainwashed, wearing civilian clothing mixing into the population, and carrying explosive vests willing to kill innocent civilians along with himselves for no stated aim but to cause mass destruction, I dont think anyone can really prepare for that. What needs to be done is to expose those organizations, foreign intelligence agency and individuals who are financing, supporting, providing logistics, arms, training/brainwashing people to commit such attrocities against humanity.

This is not an organization or a movement, this purely a tyrannical terrorist group whose job is commit sensational and dramatic acts of terror and cause chaos to ordinary citizens with no stated aims and a flawed ideology. Hiding behind threats, often claiming to use the veil of religion illogically, but then killling innocent civilians all at the bidding of a foreign intelligence agency. Who can rationalize let alone understand such individuals. Such a foe is unprecedented. But hats off to the Pakistan Armed Forces especially the army and the Frontier Corps, who despite the odd circumstances is doing a wonderful job in destroying them, gaining considerable insight as well as intelligence on them and exposing their handlers.

There also needs to be greater effort in capturing these militants alive for interrogation rather than just getting rid of them with the use of drone attacks, which for all intents and purposes are illegal and should not be occuring in the first place. Those attacks are counter-productive and are not going to win the battle. Good old fashion special ops to capture top leaders and their handlers is on order.

Hopefully, Pakistani's from all walks of life, the government and different relief organizations need to be aggresive in the rebuilding of the affected regions, allocate funds and should double their efforts to improve infrastructure, building more schools especially girls schools and improving the civic amenities of the affected regions so that a return to normalcy is expedited. The wishes of the inhabitants of the Federally administered tribal areas need to be fulfilled and their full integration into province of Pukhtoonkwa-Khyber should be the main priority.
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