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Pakistan Army Feeding Afghan Soldiers

Yeah, these aren't the kind to be fed. They're worthy of being muzzled. The Afghan regime harbours a deep hatred for Pakistan and the sooner we realize that, the better we'll be
not just the regime the general public as well.
the only people relatively friendly towards Pakistanis are hazaras and that is because they themselves are a big victim of the Afghan majority. Even Tajiks are often asked to go back to Tajikistan by these fanatics (landaghar is what they call them).

If their country breaks(which biden has given a probability) we will have violent clashes between Pakistani and afgan gangs here at home and in west, like the one that happened after a cricket match.
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According to post guy supplies suppose to come by Helicopter which not arrived also shows situation on ground in Afghanistan
Very insightful observation
Thanks I read article in NYTimes few days back about this issue in Afghanistan when guy said helicopter click in my mind right away.According to times it's so unsafe roads are not good option for supply to ANA posts and bases only helicopter are currently sole providers
Better feed Pigs instead of these Haramkhors
Pakistanis have been feeding Afghan soldiers since time immemorial. Sometimes voluntarily, sometimes involuntarily.

As Muslims , we are bound to not harm anything unless our life is threatened....
But when your life is in danger, then you feed the culprits with lead....right between the eyes.
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