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Pakistan Army commits treason in Presidents Office

Good and bold step by the president.
He is IK man. IK is still showing army,s true aukaat to public from jail.
See so far army appointed its own army chief not the president. The want a puppet president to just sign the nomination papers of the army chief.

President should be acting impartially but sadly here the President is acting as an agent of IK & PTI.
As I said in this forum: 'Intentions are not intelligence'.
I can't think of anyone occupying the highest office in a country the size of Pakistan in modern history who removed so many advantages as Imran did starting March 2022. Absolutely mind blowing stupidities and almost makes me think that the 'Cocaine Khan' jest I use may have some truth in it.
Lack of experience the reason, I still believe he should have joined the opposition, not resigned from the assemblies, keep attacking PDM on wrong policies and economy, try to convince the establishment about his policies or work towards a solution. We all know Usa/Saudia were not happy with IK, Saudi threaten to kick all Pakistanis out of Saudia Arabia, demand their loans be paid back, Usa made similar threats. He then could have made a comeback in the next elections, with some clever policies, as brother @Signalian mentioned, at the highest level, diplomacy is a must. However whatever is happening now is a major crime, no law or constitution is being followed.
I guess the establishment or PA had to do, with whatever was available. You can only play with the system you setup, if you want to be seen inside it and not above it.

Future govts should do away with such subversions, by bringing fail safes. However we all know that we humans come up with ingenious ways to circumvent rules. There is a reason why laws are differentiated fundamentally, between letter and principle. As long as there is no intent to follow the principle, any amount of letters cannot prevent subversions and catastrophe's.

Honestly, throwing out the NCM was an open and shut case. I am old enough to remember Benazir Bhutto HAD to face that in 1989 and she had not only the Establishment but a large part of the media, and combined Opposition parties against her. Maybe the higher Judiciary was not as bad as now. In the end, she scraped by the NCM vote on a handful of votes. She may have 'bought' them but then weren't the Sharifs also rich enough to 'buy' votes? She had ideological supporters which Imran never had: Look at the likes of Firdous Ashiq Awan?? Who would choose her??

My PDF friends just dont' understand why I changed my stance about Imran starting Imran throwing out the NCM in April 2022. I saw signs of not only unnecessary stupidity but also a confirmation that Imran was the same old arrogant dictator which I knew him in the 1970s/80s. He is frankly as bad temperamentally as Nawaz and Altaf are. Unfit to rule a country like Pakistan. He is a cancer to Pakistan!!
Lack of experience the reason, I still believe he should have joined the opposition, not resigned from the assemblies, keep attacking PDM on wrong policies and economy, try to convince the establishment about his policies or work towards a solution. We all know Usa/Saudia were not happy with IK, Saudi threaten to kick all Pakistanis out of Saudia Arabia, demand their loans be paid back, Usa made similar threats. He then could have made a comeback in the next elections, with some clever policies, as brother @Signalian mentioned, at the highest level, diplomacy is a must. However whatever is happening now is a major crime, no law or constitution is being followed.
Yeah we can form a PDM of 16 parties of IPP AND PTI P against the skrulls/Khali mukhloq who have infiltrated pakistan
Lack of experience the reason, I still believe he should have joined the opposition, not resigned from the assemblies, keep attacking PDM on wrong policies and economy, try to convince the establishment about his policies or work towards a solution.

The so-called '27 year political struggle' was not enough 'experience'.
Bhutto was also born in the military's cradle like Imran. But he quit Ayub Khan after the 1965 war and opposed Ayub Khan and formed his political party which to date remains relevant in Pakistan's politics. And Bhutto opposed Ayub while Ayub was basking in the glory of the 1965 war--a war which Pakistanis still celebrate as a great 'victory'.
Bhutto was also a silver-spooned spoiled brat like Imran--the difference is Bhutto had a brain, which Imran lacks. Going to Yale or Oxford gets you diplomas but not intelligence.
Maybe Bhutto had to work harder because he was not Punjabi, unlike Imran.

As to the quoted part: Imran refused to even attend a National Security Council meeting shortly after the Pulwarna 2019 incident in Kashmir because Imran would have to sit with the Opposition members. Imagine what kind of corrupt, arrogant, self-serving mindset is that? Just imagine!!!!
If army or CJCOS does not fire army chief, this whole army is no better than war Lord army of Rashid dostum, Sudanese and Libyan generals.

Any army officer can take action and arrest asim muneer has he has violently raped constitution.
It's not Asim Muneer decision but a decision made by the army. Similar to how General Mushraff was alone blamed for declaring emergency but in reality it was a majority decision by the corp commanders.
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As Canada is within markhor reach they way we were able to settle that balochistan girl(which we in PDF called a drank ****)

Canada is compromised with jasoosy

Other activists get off'd in Canada too. Many Khalistan activists are getting off'd by RAW.
as the Civilian C in C of the entire armed forces plus the final appointing authority for the Civil Service of Pakistan, he can and should call upon any and all person(s) whom he suspects, to give an explanation of this matter. A strong response is required, he should show through his actions that he truly represents the "Unity of the Republic"
But still you support her

Says enough about your political analysis and your morals in general

I try not to respond to the likes like you. It is not my 'style' to stoop to such lows. I could easily put many videos where the Cocaine Khan is admiring both ZAB and Benazir Bhutto.
Generally, I skip you and some others here. Brain cells are too precious to be wasted. Or, Well... I might as well play the proverbial flute to buffaloes.
It's not Asim Muneer decision but a decision made by the army. Similar to how General Mushraff was alone blamed for declaring emergency but in reality it was a majority decision by the corp commanders.
Mush affair was different.
That had become a personal vendetta between the two.

Today we are facing another level of violent gang rape of the constitution and the law of Pakistan by asim muneer and isi.
Even of whole army decide to violate law, it remains illegal.
I try not to respond to the likes like you. It is not my 'style' to stoop to such lows. I could easily put many videos where the Cocaine Khan is admiring both ZAB and Benazir Bhutto.
Generally, I skip you and some others here. Brain cells are too precious to be wasted. Or, Well... I might as well play the proverbial flute to buffaloes.

Imran Khan admiring BB or her father doesn't mean that both of them were not corrupt and were not feudal
Also you are a fan of someone like Nawaz Sharif and consider him to be the only leader who stood upto military establishment. With such an opinion that you have it is me who is stooping low to quote someone like you
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The so-called '27 year political struggle' was not enough 'experience'.
Bhutto was also born in the military's cradle like Imran. But he quit Ayub Khan after the 1965 war and opposed Ayub Khan and formed his political party which to date remains relevant in Pakistan's politics. And Bhutto opposed Ayub while Ayub was basking in the glory of the 1965 war--a war which Pakistanis still celebrate as a great 'victory'.
Bhutto was also a silver-spooned spoiled brat like Imran--the difference is Bhutto had a brain, which Imran lacks. Going to Yale or Oxford gets you diplomas but not intelligence.
Maybe Bhutto had to work harder because he was not Punjabi, unlike Imran.

As to the quoted part: Imran refused to even attend a National Security Council meeting shortly after the Pulwarna 2019 incident in Kashmir because Imran would have to sit with the Opposition members. Imagine what kind of corrupt, arrogant, self-serving mindset is that? Just imagine!!!!
I meant experience in governance, its easy to criticise when your not in power but once your in power you will have to work with all political players, institutes, international players, you may not like them but you have no choice because you represent Pakistan now. I assume the PM must have advisiors including the IB, military who give you intelligence. Look at Joe Biden, he must have loads of advisors who tell him what to do, otherwise Usa would be screwed.

Like I said many times, IK made alot of mistakes which cost him power. Nawaz Sharif who everyone is calling establishment agent, he came to power 3x and was toppled, also had problems, during Rahel Sharif time he had major issues with the military. Unfortunate what happened to Bhutto, this is why those who keep pushing IK need to calm down, think hard and support IK to make a deal, maybe even leave Pakistan. I am sure even you don't want him hanged.

For Pakistan to become a powerful nation, the military, civilian government and judiciary must find a way to work together towards a common goal. Instability, dirty politics, breaking laws, constitution, corruption is destroying our nation.

Mush affair was different.
That had become a personal vendetta between the two.

Today we are facing another level of violent gang rape of the constitution and the law of Pakistan by asim muneer and isi.
Even of whole army decide to violate law, it remains illegal.
As @Meengla said, we are in undeclared martial law, so constitution is no more and people have no rights, unfortunately.
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