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Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated

I wonder where those Kornets are being used....
Using Kornets on an Mi35 to hit terrorists, I’m impressed, PA really wants them dead 😂

How did PA manage to integrate it onto Mi35? I’m assuming they asked the Russians to do it. I’m aware it’s possible but from what I know it would be the first ever use of kornet from a helicopter. (Unless you mean they’re being used from the ground.)
We’ve never really seen any of PAs Mi35s flying around with the missiles, but I guess PA doesn’t want to show them yet.

Either way, I’m not complaining, as long as they’re killing terrorists, who cares if it’s with a rock or a nuke.
No, They’ve been used in Ops many many times already, currently they’re deployed in Baluchistan covering convoys and Ops on a regular basis. Just because there’s 5 of them doesn’t mean theyre “just for training” (what would the army get from training with this helicopter anyways that they wouldn’t from another one?).
Besides, PA will probably buy more if it needs to, this was a major symbolic purchase, PA needs proper gunships thats why they don’t buy it in large numbers.
We heard the news PA order 5 more Mi35
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Using Kornets on an Mi35 to hit terrorists, I’m impressed, PA really wants them dead 😂

How did PA manage to integrate it onto Mi35? I’m assuming they asked the Russians to do it. I’m aware it’s possible but from what I know it would be the first ever use of kornet from a helicopter. (Unless you mean they’re being used from the ground.)
We’ve never really seen any of PAs Mi35s flying around with the missiles, but I guess PA doesn’t want to show them yet.

Either way, I’m not complaining, as long as they’re killing terrorists, who cares if it’s with a rock or a nuke.
I think PA could put Bakter Shikan on Mi-35s, we have plenty of them already.
Kornets from Mi-35s? :blink:
It’s possible, a few years ago there was a helicopter borne version of the kornet unveiled, the Kornet-DA, but it has no recorded sales or interest after its unveiling, basically lost to time. Maybe PA has bought that.

Normal Kornets are easily possible to be configured for helicopter use, it’s just that nobody has ever done it due to the other dedicated missiles being available, however it wouldn’t surprise me if PA was the first one doing it. I asked a friend, Ex-Russian army and aviation enthusiast, he was pretty interested in this but sadly I didn’t have much to tell him. He showed me the Kornet-DA.
I think PA could put Bakter Shikan on Mi-35s, we have plenty of them already.
Technically yes, they could, maybe they will even, but given their smaller numbers currently I assume they haven’t and are using the dedicated ammo. The kornet is a much more advanced system than Bakter Shikan, not that PA hasn’t upgraded those either.
I wonder where those Kornets are being used....
Not sure if you’ll know this, but do you have any idea if PA has ordered Vitebsk DIRCM (advanced countermeasures system) with it’s Mi35? The numbers in this photo are probably a typo unless PA is buying a disassembled aircraft carrier from the Russians. 33000 tons of ammo!
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Normal Kornets are easily possible to be configured for helicopter use
This could be it probably, plus it's most likely easier to integrate a Kornet with the Mi-35 rather than a Baktar Shikan.
Not sure if you’ll know this, but do you have any idea if PA has ordered Vitebsk DIRCM (advanced countermeasures system)
Let's hope they did, there's been an increase in use of MANPADS by terrorist groups around the world and as we rely more and more on air support, they'll be likely trying to get their hands on some MANPADS. Last thing we want is losing a gunship.
I didn't mention that.... Its just that those Kornets keep coming to my mind...
LoC maybe...
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