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Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated

The other half went to Lebanon, wish we had gotten those as well.
its still good we got some
pumas are expensive items
but uts true we should have gotten the whole lot like we got mirage v from uae back in the day
but i must confess we messed up pretty bad in middle east our reputation isn’t something to be proud of
Considering we spent all these years fighting insurgents why didn't we ever try getting the A10 warthogs for PAA?

@Windjammer @PanzerKiel
The A10 is a highly, highly overrated aircraft that has been hyped up by media and fanboys over the decades. If you look at USAF numbers it’s been one of the least reliable platforms for CAS after the 2000s since now normal jets can do anything it can but better. That’s why they’ve been advocating to replace it for years now. The F16 is truly a much better CAS platform than A10 if people manage to look past the “cool factor” of the A10 or its use after the 90s
The A10 is a highly, highly overrated aircraft that has been hyped up by media and fanboys over the decades. If you look at USAF numbers it’s been one of the least reliable platforms for CAS after the 2000s since now normal jets can do anything it can but better. That’s why they’ve been advocating to replace it for years now. The F16 is truly a much better CAS platform than A10 if people manage to look past the “cool factor” of the A10 or its use after the 90s
F 16 is a multi role platform ie jack of all trades.
While at the moment their are only two dedicated CAS platforms operational in the world today
A 10 n su 25.
From the ground up they have been built for one role alone ie CAS/air to ground.
They can take massive hits and still do the job and return to base. This alone is not possible for multi role/swing role/omni role ac. As they are not built for such eventualities.
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F 16 is a multi role platform ie jack of all trades.
While at the moment their are only two dedicated CAS platforms operational in the world today
A 10 n su 25.
From the ground up they have been built for one role alone ie CAS/air to ground.
They can take massive hits and still do the job and return to base. This alone is not possible for multi role/swing role/omni role ac. As they are not built for such eventualities.

A-29 Tucano and MB-339 can do that role better and cheaper. Warthog no doubt is cool and capable plane
but it's like using a super computer. You have to go through a lengthy procedure to load and select weapon.

Fun fact F-16 carry more armaments than A-10.
F 16 is a multi role platform ie jack of all trades.
While at the moment their are only two dedicated CAS platforms operational in the world today
A 10 n su 25.
From the ground up they have been built for one role alone ie CAS/air to ground.
They can take massive hits and still do the job and return to base. This alone is not possible for multi role/swing role/omni role ac. As they are not built for such eventualities.

Modern multi role aircraft are much better at CAS, especially precision CAS than A-10, and this is proven by numbers, USAF has used their F-15s and F-16s more and more for CAS starting the 2000s with a better success rate against literally any target. Also A10 has fewer A2G missions flown in its history than F16, F15 and F18 aircraft.
Same with Russian SU35 strike variants taking over CAS roles from SU25. The Pure-CAS concept is rather out dated at this point as the A-10 cannot carry as many precision munitions and cannot use them as well, cannot defend itself well in A2A combat, cannot fly as fast, far and as high as proper fighters, cannot carry an appreciably higher amount of payload and CANNOT take much more punishment than a regular fighter. A proper fighters speed alone makes it much better than an A-10 which needs proper Air support from fighters to do its job.
A lot of the A10s fame and accomplishments in CAS role are known to be hyperbole.

So in the 80s and the 90s the SU25 and the A10 concepts worked great, but after that not anymore. There’s a reason A10s replacement is a standard Multi-role fighter (F35).

People will claim it’s good for use against insurgencies because they only have AA machine guns against which it is bulletproof…well a proper fighter can’t even be hit by machine guns, and a missile will take them both out the same. The only reason it was used so much in the USAF was cost, it’s cheaper to use that than a proper fighter, but for a country like Pakistan it wouldn’t be cheaper, plus if we wanted a cheap CAS aircraft then there’s better options. You can read up on the A10s its history though, even the US Air Force never wanted it.
F 16 is a multi role platform ie jack of all trades.
While at the moment their are only two dedicated CAS platforms operational in the world today
A 10 n su 25.
From the ground up they have been built for one role alone ie CAS/air to ground.
They can take massive hits and still do the job and return to base. This alone is not possible for multi role/swing role/omni role ac. As they are not built for such eventualities.
You may notice that the A10 has never been exported. One trick ponies ars looked down upon with the exception of air superiority platforms and even those can have multi role capacity. You may also note that only Russia and US have produced these platforms and both have now discontinued them. The Warthog has come to prominence due to the US campaigns. Typically the/US will only use them once they have achieved air superiority in the arena. During the Russian campaign the SUs did not do so well against the PAF due to their inherent weakness against an MR platform. Where the situation dictates the PAF has used a MR platform in the A2G role but this per se is not a CAS role.
Drones and Helos will remain the main go to's in this role but they will remain prone to attrition in a equally contested arena.
The A10 is a highly, highly overrated aircraft that has been hyped up by media and fanboys over the decades. If you look at USAF numbers it’s been one of the least reliable platforms for CAS after the 2000s since now normal jets can do anything it can but better. That’s why they’ve been advocating to replace it for years now. The F16 is truly a much better CAS platform than A10 if people manage to look past the “cool factor” of the A10 or its use after the 90s
On the contrary, the USAF has put it's A-10s through a major upgrade as it plans on holding onto it for at least another decade.

On the contrary, the USAF has put it's A-10s through a major upgrade as it plans on holding onto it for at least another decade.

This is not because they like or want the A-10, it’s because the F35 project is delayed and a feasibility study conducted showed that replacing them with more MR fighters or a new CAS would cost the USAF too much, and that a new CAS fighter would be too expensive for the little capability it brings. Back when the F35 project was on track, They were meant to be retired prematurely by 2022. So even these upgrades are not because of the platform being good. USAF never wanted the platform originally either.
Considering we spent all these years fighting insurgents why didn't we ever try getting the A10 warthogs for PAA?

@Windjammer @PanzerKiel
More expensive for an Air force the size and budget of PAF to keep dedicated ground attack aircraft that are good only when you have complete air superiority over the battlefield. PAF in its war planning discounts complete air superiority on the battlefield as it would be hard to achieve vs a larger air force operating from airfields out of reach of PAF interdiction strikes.

Even buying/getting a squadron of Warthogs for WoT would not make sense because it would have entailed, separate training, supply chain, maint. etc. It would ans was better to use the current inventory to do this task.
The other half went to Lebanon, wish we had gotten those as well.
How many in numbers we got and in which year ?
its still good we got some
pumas are expensive items
but uts true we should have gotten the whole lot like we got mirage v from uae back in the day
but i must confess we messed up pretty bad in middle east our reputation isn’t something to be proud of
Hard reality..

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