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Pakistan Army at its Best- A must see Video from Swat



New Recruit

Jun 24, 2009
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What do you guyz think of our army's performance
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Answer this for me..
Would you like your daughters and sisters to be educated?
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u live in canada bro.
y dont u take ur family to swat and live under taliban rule. may be then ull start likin generals who are atleast better than talibans
Providing education doesn't mean you bomb them first. Education and making wars are two differet streams my freind!
they behead people in cold blood get that through your head. they hide behind civilian population that is why schools get hit.
they behead people in cold blood get that through your head. they hide behind civilian population that is why schools get hit.

In Civilized Environments the law enforcing agencies don't kill the hostages ......but Pakistan Army brutally bombarded an entire city to kill 500 talibans, approximately 2.5 million innocent civilains were displaced. Thousands died..and lost the houses and livings
In Civilized Environments the law enforcing agencies don't kill the hostages ......but Pakistan Army brutally bombarded an entire city to kill 500 talibans, approximately 2.5 million innocent civilains were displaced. Thousands died..and lost the houses and livings

bull crap!!!!!
there was no brutal bombardment. only those places were bombarded where the talibs were firing at the army and which city are you talking about. the operation was in three districts a lot of cities. the loss of innocents life was kept to a minimal a lot of stories in the pakistani press will attest to that.

Swat – a report from the frontline

AIRRA (Aryana Institute for Regional Research and Advocacy – an Islamabad-based research organisation) investigation team went to some parts of Swat that had been under army attacks. The team observed whether the attacks Recently an were targeted at the Taliban and their installations. It observed two villages -- Ladikas and Watkai in Mingora -- and Khwazakhela, a tehsil in Swat. The team with its access to the people of the area could manage to take Besham route from Islamabad to reach Mingora via Khwazakhela. Though continuous curfew and alternate threats from the military posts and the Taliban posts badly hampered the journey of the team but somehow some of the members could manage to reach Mingora via Khwazakhela and Charbagh with the exodus of the people from different parts of Swat valley. The team was able to access and interview several dozens of those families who were still stuck up in the valley.

The team observed that the security forces have successfully destroyed the installations of the Taliban and have disrupted their chain of command in that area. They have killed many Taliban there with very little collateral damage, albeit with the destruction of civilian infrastructure. The best example is the Taliban headquarter in Khwazakhela. The headquarters was located on a mountain. It housed the Taliban operational command led by commander Yamin, the intelligence department led by commander Rashid and the department of logistics and supplies. The aerial bombardment of the Pakistan army reduced all that to rubble. The entire side of the mountain housing the headquarters has been exploded and razed.

The Taliban terrorists had established the headquarters with great efforts. They had cleansed a huge portion of the forest on the mountain to make free space for the building. They recruited the youth on a large scale, strengthened their command and control structure, established their hierarchical structure, planted mines on the main roads, dug bunkers and occupied the strategic passes in only two and a half months. And they did all this after the peace deal agreed with the NWFP government in February of this year.

The team interacted with the people in the area. Most of those killed were confirmed Taliban. There had been almost no serious collateral damage. Nearby buildings collapsed due to the force of explosions. Some people got injuries when hit by the collapsing debris.

Moreover, the army has cordoned off several narrow alleys of Mingora to prevent the Taliban from escaping. The military has cordoned off Swat from the northeast (the Shangla side), the southeast (the Buner side) and the southwest (the Dir side). In Mingora city itself, the Taliban are reported to be lying dead in the streets and local people confirm that some of them are well-known Taliban leaders.

There are still stranded people in Swat. The people are facing enormous difficulties due to power failure and water reservoirs in their homes which have dried up. Food commodities have become scarce and fuel stations have more or less stopped functioning. Soldiers of the Pakistan army and the FC are sharing their limited food rations with the stranded people. This goodwill gesture has earned respect of the stranded people for the security forces.

It is suggested to the army to issue the photos or video clips of the killed Taliban to the media and of the destroyed Taliban installations. Local people and the IDPs often know the Taliban and location of their installations. They would confirm that the dead were indeed the Taliban and the installations shown as destroyed indeed belonged to the Taliban. This is important because it will ensure transparency and reassure people of the success being achieved in the war.

It is highly commendable that the security forces are conducting targeted operations that have considerably damaged the Taliban in Swat. I would once again request the army high command to destroy the Taliban networks, installations, headquarters everywhere in Pakistan, including FATA and south Punjab. Taliban leaders in each and every city or town of Pakistan have to be neutralised. There is a strong connection between the Taliban in Waziristan, Orakzai, Swat, South Punjab, Khost and Kunar in terms of supply of manpower, weapons and chain of command. This connection is the Al Qaeda-linked Jalaluddin Haqqani and his terror secretariat in North Waziristan. This connection has to be broken, which means that Haqqani's 'secretariat' must be destroyed. Other than the military front, the war against militancy also needs to be fought on the ideological battleground -- Talibanisation needs to be denied ideological space in the country's security and state apparatus and this can be done by targeting elements in state structures and institutions deemed as being sympathetic to the militants.

The army must carry the war against the Taliban to its logical end. The army owes it to the Pakhtun and by extension to Pakistan, because the Pakhtun are citizens of the country and hence deserve the same protection by the state as accorded to those in the other provinces. The Pakhtun have always taken pride in giving their best sons to the army. It is now the turn of the army to reciprocate in such a manner that truly honours the Pakhtun martyrs of the army. This means complete elimination of the Taliban so that the Pakhtun live their lives free of the jihadi fear and intimidation. If done successfully, this will bind the Pakhtun even more closely with the state and the army. In that context, the army must convert this war into an opportunity that will substantially contribute towards making Pakistan a successfully functioning multi-ethnic state.

While the army is rising itself to the occasion, the performance of the politicians is dismal. The soldiers are giving their blood to save us from the Taliban. They are sharing their limited food ration with the stranded people. The army has given a share of their salary to support the relief work for the IDPs. Where are political leaders? What is President Zardari doing abroad? He should be visiting the IDPs rather than foreign lands. What is Asfandyar Wali doing in London? Why is Afrasiab Khattak in Dubai? The IDPs constantly complain that the ministers, MPAs and MNAs only come when the media is there and leave soon afterwards, without tending to their (the IDPs) problems.

All MNAs and MPAs, especially those elected by the people of Swat, Dir and Buner, should stay with the IDPs of their respective constituencies as long as possible because these are after all the people who voted them into public office.

The writer is a research fellow at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Research, University of Oslo, and a member of Aryana Institute for Regional Research and Advocacy. Email: bergen34@yahoo.com

now read this and weep you taliban supporting fascist freak
u live in canada bro.
y dont u take ur family to swat and live under taliban rule. may be then ull start likin generals who are atleast better than talibans

maybe u shld watch the video again, and then read my question again, n since when was i telling people to go live in swat.


When did i say i supported taliban??
I had to stop half of the video cuz i know where this dude waseemca is and had been headed ! dude remove that flag from your profile this video is rubish practicing islam doesnt teach to kill practicing islam doesnt teach to blow your self up! practicing islam doesnt teach to put young small kids to grow up and become a walking bomb away from there parents and family ! practing islam doesnt teach hate and terror ! Yet it teaches us to follow our faith in peace and bring peace upon others to spread love and happiness u should be shamed of your self and iam sorry to say this for u to put this video up and to call your self Pakistani look wat these bastards are doing in our country wake up smell the coffie come to GOD and have pride and love for the armed forces and for our country we are doing nothing wrong in for a causeful fight against evil sometimes the good die and its sad but its part of life all we can do is pray to Allah and hope for the best for the ones lost no matter who they were i rest my case i hope mods and admin and other members agree with me and i request to remove this video from our site as i think its a slap for our armed forces which are giving there lives everyday for our country for the cause of peace!
u still haven't answered my question.

You don't want ur daughters or sisters to be educated?

its seems that our friend waseem is just like his ideals the taliban when he is met with over welhming power may that be intellectual in the case of the this forum of military in the case of swat. he runs and hides and does not have the ability to respond
First i will say that For me you are out of dira-e-Islam for trying to prove or support the worst of humans we have faced, To support the enemies of Islam the enemy of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his teaching. Where does it say in Islam to endanger the existence of only Powerful muslim nation? Did you even ever read the hadit or Quran with translation? I have Mashah Allah and i have tried to cover most of hadits Al hamdu-lillah and no where none of talibans acts are justified through Islam. Islam even tell muslims to go and fight those muslims if you have to, who are oppressing non muslims. It means declaring Jihad agaisnt bad muslims too, So let me get back to the point, Prophet Muhammad PBUH said that muslim men and women, get education even you have to travel to china, So how can you justify taliban ban on education of muslim women? Islam say that mosqes are for pray and house of god,even churces and mandirs not allowed by muslims to distroy and respected until there are non muslims to practice their faith there. So how these mullahs collected arms in Lal masjid and attacked the people around them, if they were so right they should off gone and closed hira mandi, or chakla in Multan? why Islamabad the capital of Pakistan? let me help you so it takes the attention of the world, they were given 9 months to come to peace, Imam-e Kabbah went to talk to kateeb of lal masjid and convance him, edei's wife went to talk to them but they decided to confront the government and make Pakistan look bad, Why? Who was telling them to do this? After that the sucide attacks on civilians and the army men who were not even fighting talibans in rawalpindi and other cities and police, Who were not even fighting them? Islamic rules of engagment tells us that if your enemy has his weapon in non assult mod, You cant even attack that enemy, if you did then you killed him not for God because Allah clearly told you not to attack them, So how does taliban attacks are justified, You moron. My friend was killed who worked in sadar rawalpindi on a shop because of sucide attack, He was just married for 3 years and had two kids his father passed away and he was the sole supporter of his mom sister and wife and kids, He was a guy who i don't remember missing even one Namaz Mashah Allah, never did wrong that i know off just a kind and good muslim who was living to support his family and tryed to live his life according to Islam and its teachings. You are gonna tell me that these talibans are good.... You can go and live with them in caves but not on Pakistan's watch, We want every single of them dead, What are these talibans who give a shoping bag to a 12 year old kid and 50 rupees and that kid looses his legs because he didn't know that he was carring a bomb, Did you ever think that what have happend to his mother and sister and his entire life of that kid that is a head of him as of a hadicap!!!!!!!! Wow man i am ashamed of know that you are Pakistani, You love talibans then revoke Pakistan's citizenship and get one from Kabul and live with talibans
I had to stop half of the video cuz i know where this dude waseemca is and had been headed ! dude remove that flag from your profile this video is rubish practicing islam doesnt teach to kill practicing islam doesnt teach to blow your self up! practicing islam doesnt teach to put young small kids to grow up and become a walking bomb away from there parents and family ! practing islam doesnt teach hate and terror ! Yet it teaches us to follow our faith in peace and bring peace upon others to spread love and happiness u should be shamed of your self and iam sorry to say this for u to put this video up and to call your self Pakistani look wat these bastards are doing in our country wake up smell the coffie come to GOD and have pride and love for the armed forces and for our country we are doing nothing wrong in for a causeful fight against evil sometimes the good die and its sad but its part of life all we can do is pray to Allah and hope for the best for the ones lost no matter who they were i rest my case i hope mods and admin and other members agree with me and i request to remove this video from our site as i think its a slap for our armed forces which are giving there lives everyday for our country for the cause of peace!
Your post is fully supported and one thing in addition that One a guy came to prophet PBUH and asked him that he want to join jihad and prophet asked him that do you have mother adn he replied yes and she is not well. Prophet PBUH asked him to offer comfort to your mom this is the best jihad for you" The poor civilians who are getting killed are poor and the talibans who are using people are also poor but to promote their views they are using these people to fight Muslims so Pakistan get weaken adn then make the way for outsiders to invade Pakistan. get your acts streights waseem
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