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Blood will bring blood... i see nothing more gentelmen. it is pity but pashtuns' desires brought us to this point. they dont want to share the power in afghanistan, they attack karzai. they want the unity of their tribes, they attack pakistan... sometimes i ask myself if we slaughter them all, will this problem be solved? i think no... then another ethnic group will be used against us. by the way, i wonder who we are... =)
I wonder what exactly do you mean by giving the impression that taliban are "Pashtuns" and the war on terror isn't between the state and non state actors but Pakistan and mainly pashtuns. Either have complete information of the scenario or keep your thoughts with your ownself rather than trying to prove another conspiracy theory on unfertile grounds.
So you are basically blaming Pashtuns from both sides for this disaster? You have any idea of what you are saying? Do you know that in South of Afghanistan only daily at least 50 people die?; All of them Pashtuns?

Please examine what Al-Qaida and Talib have done to the traditional strutures of the Pashtun tribes - they have in effect forever destroyed these traditional structures and you may not realize but for the tribesman who does not have an education a no skills to speak of, the talib pay more than US$150/month.

Don't sell us short, Pashtun are not savages, they are misled because they have now accepted the Al-Qaida but also Pashtun must admit that some of their attitudes particularly with regard to education and toward Mullahism, have seriously disadvantaged them.
^ That's a very small minority who ruined the whole picture for the entire Pashtun nation. All those Pashtuns I saw in Pakistan were very well educated, my family back home are very well educated and even girls are starting education. Just in some areas the fear for Taliban still is there and therefore families are too scared to let their daughters study. Pashtuns want to study, they want to rebuild their areas and want peace, but each time they are being attacked from one way or another. When Taliban came to Mazar, thousands of Pashtuns saved Hazara's from the Taliban and sheltered them so that the Taliban can't reach them. But the very same Hazara's have killed, raped and robbed Pashtuns when Taliban left Mazar. Uzbek's were encouraged by Pashtuns while back because many of them were educated in Uzbekistan and Pashtuns wanted them to join in higher position as well. Taliban stopped them but Pashtun civilians have never had problems with Uzbek's. But even those Uzbek's have done the same thing to Pashtuns when Taliban left. I won't even start about the Tajiks because nowadays at least half of them are speaking the Iranian minds, not Afghan. Pashtuns feel betrayed and they feel their loyalty to their fellow Afghans have brought them disaster only and even I felt absolutely furious about how my relatives in Takhar and Mazar helped Hazara's, Uzbek's and Tajiks from Taliban, and how they got rewarded in return; Most of them got killed.

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