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Pakistan angers Afghans by suggesting Taliban share power - minister

Unlike both Afghanistan and Iraq, Pakistani people live together as a nation, at least in 95% of the country's areas

This is certainly not reflected in what's happening to Shias and Hazaras in Pakistan at a sickening frequency. Neither in what's happening in Peshawar or Karachi...
This is certainly not reflected in what's happening to Shias and Hazaras in Pakistan at a sickening frequency. Neither in what's happening in Peshawar or Karachi...

The only difference is that attacks on Shias or Hazaras are perpetuated by terrorist organizations unlike hindu muslim riots of India or Pushtoon-non pushtoon rivalry of Afghanistan.
same self distructing path .....good luck

The Afghan Govt calls Taliban as ' brothers '
According to the US Govt , the Taliban aren't even the enemy .
The American Govt is very keen and eager to negotiate with the insurgents to the point that they say that ' negotiations will continue despite attacks ' .

Where's Pakistan in all this ? We aren't even a party in the latest talks .

So if we aren't even doing anything but rather assisting the Mayor of Kabul and ISAF in the negotiations , where's all this blame coming from followed by a certain ' Good Luck ' ? :azn:
Pakistan's regime is pushing both the Americans and the Afghans to reconcile with the Talib@stards and invite the retards into forming a democratic government

Leave Pakistan aside , isn't it what the Americans and Afghans themselves wanted , calling Taliban as not their enemy and brothers to integrate them into the mainstream and to see them as a part of a future Afghan Govt ?

Somehow Islamabad is to be blamed for that ? :azn:
@RescueRanger Cant send you a PM , mate for some reason .

Except for a Pakistani physicist , nothing more came into my mind but I still think I have heard the name somewhere .
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Te afghans need to realise they will have to talk to the Taliban sooner or later. It's just the reality of what is on the ground.

@RescueRanger Cant send you a PM , mate for some reason .

Except for a Pakistani physicist , nothing more came into my mind but I still think I have heard the name somewhere .

No worries mate, thought you were a former colleague who goes by the same alias.
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The Afghan Govt calls Taliban as ' brothers '
According to the US Govt , the Taliban aren't even the enemy .
The American Govt is very keen and eager to negotiate with the insurgents to the point that they say that ' negotiations will continue despite attacks ' .

Where's Pakistan in all this ? We aren't even a party in the latest talks .

So if we aren't even doing anything but rather assisting the Mayor of Kabul and ISAF in the negotiations , where's all this blame coming from followed by a certain ' Good Luck ' ? :azn:

well sir with all deu respect if that was the case why on earth is pakistan so concerned about indian hand in afghanistan and why are we discussing it in the first place well the truth is pakistan did many mistakes and even after paying heavily (destruction of its sufi islam based culture , gun/kalashnikov culture & rampant drug abuse +terrorism ) is still reluctant to learn from its mistakes and is on way to repeat them .................. Good Luck ;)
well sir with all deu respect if that was the case why on earth is pakistan so concerned about indian hand in afghanistan and why are we discussing it in the first place well the truth is pakistan did many mistakes and even after paying heavily (destruction of its sufi islam based culture , gun/kalashnikov culture & rampant drug abuse +terrorism ) is still reluctant to learn from its mistakes and is on way to repeat them .................. Good Luck ;)

I do not need to write the whole story since the first Soviet entered that hell-hole . What mistakes we made and why , have been debated to ad nauseam . I was just asking where the hell is the blame on Pakistan coming from at the moment , when my country isn't even a party in these talks but rather assisting the interested parties ?

If we aren't talking , then there's no question of the reluctancy .
If we aren't talking , then what mistakes are we repeating .
If we aren't talking , then what are we not learning .
I do not need to write the story since the first Soviet entered that hell-hole . I was just asking where the hell on Pakistan is coming from when my country isn't even a party in these talks ?

so why is your ministers and generals & media persons saying that pakistan must be part of the so called end game in afghanistan after US withdrawl in 2014
so why is your ministers and generals & media persons saying that pakistan must be part of the so called end game in afghanistan after US withdrawl in 2014

Maybe because Afghanistan is our next door neighbor and whatever happens in that country directly or indirectly affects us ? :what:
Maybe because Afghanistan is our next door neighbor and whatever happens in that country directly or indirectly affects us ? :what:

fair enof but sir i dont get the point why are your establishment making such heu and cry about indian presence in afghanistan we are building roads , colleges , schools and hospitals there we are not having even more than a couple hundred of security staff there and those who are there are to give security to owr consolates there we are not even directli in the picture we are a non entity there still you make so much sound about us while whet ever is happening in pakistan or who are creating trouble in your country are your own people whome you fed and trained to fight against soviets and indians now deu to your own wrong policies and misgovernence they have revolted against you how come we fit into it and why even after repeated requests pakistan establishment isnt giving or producing any credible evidence but keeps on blaming us for unrest in balochistan and terrorism in pakistan
fair enof but sir i dont get the point why are your establishment making such heu and cry about indian presence in afghanistan

Stop . Are you sure that this post was intended for this thread since it isn't related to the topic at hand ?

So take it there , but after reading Hagel's statement about Indian's peaceful role .
fair enof but sir i dont get the point why are your establishment making such heu and cry about indian presence in afghanistan we are building roads , colleges , schools and hospitals there we are not having even more than a couple hundred of security staff there and those who are there are to give security to owr consolates there we are not even directli in the picture we are a non entity there still you make so much sound about us while whet ever is happening in pakistan or who are creating trouble in your country are your own people whome you fed and trained to fight against soviets and indians now deu to your own wrong policies and misgovernence they have revolted against you how come we fit into it and why even after repeated requests pakistan establishment isnt giving or producing any credible evidence but keeps on blaming us for unrest in balochistan and terrorism in pakistan

:blah::blah::blah: If you don't get this then it means you need to educate yourself about international relations and countries interests. Go ask your GOVT why do they feel insecure when they see chinese presence and involvement in pakistan. If you GOVT that much interested in charity work then maybe they should start from home and start building toilets at home then roads in Afghanistan.
Stop . Are you sure that this post was intended for this thread since it isn't related to the topic at hand ? As for the Indian presence and the support to insurgents from the other side of the Durand Line through dozens of consulates , it has been proven by the Hagel's statement about India fomenting trouble in Pakistan from Afghanistan so the intentions of ' building that country ' aren't really that peaceful and much is being done under that guise , something that is unacceptable to us .

well sir if you are so much inclined to beleve that any thing that americans say is gospel truth then why do you contest the fact when americans same Hagel and his establishment says that pakistanies are playing double game and keeping the giving the taliban safe centuries in your western provinces where much of these so called terrorist are active

Pakistan's Double Game (Part 1 of 4) - YouTube

Pakistan's Double Game (Part 2 of 4) - YouTube

Pakistan's Double Game (Part 3 of 4) - YouTube

Pakistan's Double Game Part 4 of 4 - YouTube

well with all deu respects sir im not contesting your integrity but what ever is happening in pakistan is deu to your own mistakes evn the respected member mastan khan once elobrated about pakistan mistakes and your own former CM of Punjab najam sethi also said so


before pointing fingers at us and hidingbehind them and show yourself as victim try to geather courage to fight it and before u fight it you have to aknowledge your past mistakes and be sinceare enof to do the right thing and i guess its pakistan last chance to get even ...thanks and i rest my case Thank you Sir & Good Luck
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