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Pakistan and the OIC refuse to recognize Kosovo


Feb 17, 2009
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Pakistan as well as most of the OIC nations have yet to recognize an independant Kosovo.

Islamic Conference Refuses to Recognize Kosovo Independence: Islamic Conference Refuses to Recognize Kosovo Independence - De-Construct.net

This Article's Source: Recognize Kosovo! Why is PPPP aligned with the Serbian butchers of Bosnia? Rupee News

In one of the most disgusting foreign policy decisions of the century, the government of the PPPP has aligned itself with the rump Serbian republic of the former Yugoslavia. Prime Minister Gilani’s picture with the Serbian Foreign Minster would make any respectable human be engulfed in revulsion and utter disgust.

The butchers of Bosnia are smiling with the Pakistani Prime Prime Minister. It could not get any worse.

After Marshall Toto’s death, Yugoslavia exploded. Bosnia, and Kosovo were Muslim majority areas and both decided to form their own countries independent from Serbia. The Serbians brutally attacked Bosnia and massacred thousands, setting up rape camps for the women and committed the worst ethnic cleansing of the century. Entire Muslim villages were bombed out of existence and the Bosnians faced criminal apathy from the world.

Pakistan and Iran were the only countries in the world that came to the assistance of the Bosnians. President Bill Clinton in a brief shining moment decided to stop Serbian aggression and bomb Serbia to submission. Serbian aggression was halted. This was America at its finest. US troops assisted by UN forces liberated the Muslims from the clutches of the Serbian murderers.

Today the same Serbians are fighting the independence of the republic of Bosnia where the a majority of the population is Muslim. President Bush had one shining moment. He recognized Kosovo as an independent republic. Serbia still refuses to acknowledge the country as an independent republic.

The Kosovars have had a very tragic history. Must of its Muslim population suffered the excesses of the Serbians, and thousands had to seek refuge in the neighbouring countries like Bosnia, Macedonia and Greece. Pakistan has been supporting Kosovo’s cause in the US. Why is Islamabad not continuing this morally correct policy? Pakistan had also supported the recommendations of the Martti Ahtisaari initiative.

Pakistanis totally understand and support the legitimate aspirations of the Kosovars and the need for peace in the Balkans. Pakistanis are watching the developments in the Balkans with interest and confusion. Many important states have recognized Kosovo. What compelling foreign policy decision prohibit Islamabad from recognizing Kosovo? Kosovo declared itself independent on Feb. 17th, 2008. It is a Muslim state and should be recognized immediately.The OIC Secretary General expressed happiness over this independence of Kosovo. It also expressed solidarity and support with the Kosovars. Islamabad’s policy should be guided by the OIC policies and the aspirations of the people of Kosovo.

Rupee News wrote the story the day the Kosovars declared themselves independent. Pakistan was missing from the list of countries that had recognized Kosovo as an independent country. Kosovo to declare independence on 17th: When will Pakistan recognize the 4th Muslim state in Europe - Following the Kosovo crisis - Zimbio

Mr. Gilani has no right to improve relations with Serbia. Pakistan must help the Serbians understand that Kosovo is an independent country and it should come to terms with this reality.

It would be revolting to see a Serbian delegate at the OIC. What is Mr. Gilani thinking. Many Islamic countries would go berserk at the notion of seeing the butchers of Bosnia staring down the Bosnians

ISLAMABAD: Serbia has sought Pakistan’s help to get an observer status in the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC).

“We have applied for an observer status in the OIC where Pakistan is an influential member. We are hoping that soon we will get an observer status,” Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic said here on Thursday.

Mr Jeremic is the first Serbian foreign minister to visit Pakistan since independence of the country after break-up of Yugoslavia.

During his day-long visit, he called on Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

The Serbian minister praised Pakistan’s refusal to recognise Kosovo as an independent state.

In an interview with Dawn, Mr Jeremic said the International Court of Justice was expected to give its ruling on Kosvo’s secession in a few months. “As a result of our diplomatic efforts, two thirds of the world’s nations, including Pakistan, have not recognised the succession.

“We are grateful for this solidarity and support and we are now making history,” he said.

He said his country had the support of Russia, China, Britain, Brazil, Egypt and other countries on the Kosovo issue. “We have a firm stance on Kosovo. We are also firm that it is peacefully seen through, not through any confrontation.”

He said Serbia expected to sign several agreements with Pakistan, especially in the fields of trade, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, hydroelectric power, construction and defence.

“We will close the discussion on a number of bilateral agreements that will facilitate economic and cultural relations between our two countries.”

He said Serbia had decided to set up a scholarship fund for students from non-aligned countries, including Pakistan.Dawn News.

Why is Islamabad showing solidarity to Serbia. This has to stop. Pakistan must recognize Kosovo. What is the problem. The US recognizes Kosovo. Why is the compliant government in Islamabad not doing the right thing and recognizing Kosovo as a real country.

Kosovo is the unfinished business of the destruction of Yugoslavia. Bosnia-Hersogovina and Macedonia, and Croatia are independent, but Kosovo remains occupied by Serbia. After the destruction, and then cutting down of Bosnia, a fatigued world did not want to deal with the supression and the plight of the Kosovans in Europe. Today Kosovo a Muslim Albanian country remains gobbled up by Serbia which is refusing to give Kosovo its independence.Occupied Kosovo is the unfinished business of the “destruction” of Yugoslavia, and the defeat of the Ottomans in Europe. As Turkey retreated East of the Bosphorus, it left behind many islands of Muslims totally surrounded by their former enemies. Hounded by enemies on all sides, it is amazing that these Muslims survived at all.

Bosnia-Hersogovina, Macedonia, and Croatia are independent, but Kosovo remains occupied by Serbia. After the destruction, and then cutting down of Bosnia, a fatigued world did not want to deal with the suppression and the plight of the Kosovans in Europe. Today Kosovo a Muslim Albanian country remains gobbled up by Serbia which is refusing to give Kosovo its independence. Belgrade and Pristina have been unable to reach agreement on Kosovo’s final status: the province’s Albanian leadership supports independence but Serbia is opposed.

Bosnia itself is a rump state which was combined with Herzogovina because the flag holders of free speech and freedom “did not want to tolerate a Muslim state in the heart of Europe” (British foreign secretary quote). Europe stood by, when Muslims were massacred in rape camps and mass graves. It took America to bomb Serbia to its senses and it took America to stop the carnage in Bosnia. Today Mr. Bush remains the most popular leader in Albania and Kosovo.

As Pakistanis we have always supported our Muslim brothers/sisters in their time of need, why stop now? This is absolutely ridiculous, and our current government is acting AGAINST the will of the Pakistani people!

As Pakistanis we must support an independent Kosovo, and work towards unity between all Muslim nations!

It is well known that Pakistan helped the Bosnians in their time of need, and we should help our Kosovar brothers/sisters in theirs
Firstly, the article is from rupee news. All that guy posts is 90% gossip and 10% his sexual fetishes.

Secondly, the government's foreign policy in this regard is clearly dictated by the Foreign Office not AZ's own choice or Gillani's for that matter.

This Ruppe News - Ahmed Quraishi gossip nexus are the epitome of hypocrisy. When Salman Bashir comes back from India after bashing the Indian Govt, they say it was his achievement and the govt has nothing to do with it and when the govt wishes not to recognize Kosovo, it is the govt that is wrong not the FO. What bullcrap.

Kosovo is recognised by 65 states as of now. I hope Pakistan does not side with Serbs but I'm guessing there's Chinese influence on this matter.
i think these guys are also getting cold shouldered by rest of the muslims because rest of the muslim nations don't "like" the islam they practise. True some of the things they do are against islam, and they aren't super hardcore about religion but thats not their fault, i mean the islam that reached there and the one that has been passed down is very losely based on islamic fundamentals and has a lot of european influence so thats why there is resentment towards them.

But thats wrong, a nation that has bled and fought for this long, where you'll be lucky enough to have our legs by the time you reach 20, a nation who has made so much sacrifices deserves independance. They deserve our support, and we as pakistani's should know their pain since some muslim countries tried to do the same thing with us too
I don't understad the politics of former yogoslavia other then it was major location for starting of major wars in past

I am on with our gov on this we have aligned our forigne policy with that of Russia / China / OIC
Its nothing to do with the Islam they practice. Kosovo's declaration was apprently in contravention to International law. The main perception is that it was created to create a weak pro-US/west state near Russia.

So Russia, China, India and many other countries oppose it. Some countries close to the US like Saudi Arabia, Turkey e.t.c. have recognised Kosovo. Not sure if Pakistan will follow China's lead or US in this regard.

This OpEd in an Egyptian paper discusses the issues involved
Al-Ahram Weekly | Opinion | In Focus: Deferring recognition of Kosovo
Pakistan is an influential member of OIC and should allow Kosovo to be a member state in the OIC since Kosovo has a Muslim majority population.

I dont see how Kosovo is a threat to either Pakistan, China, or any other close friend of Pakistan.
Just found an updated list with official position of various govts. Apparently Afghanistan has also recognised Kosovo now.

Kosovo itself might not be a threat. But the perception is it will be used by US/NATO as an outpost against Russia, China.

Recognition of Kosovo
Pakistan as well as most of the OIC nations have yet to recognize an independant Kosovo.

Islamic Conference Refuses to Recognize Kosovo Independence: Islamic Conference Refuses to Recognize Kosovo Independence - De-Construct.net

This Article's Source: Recognize Kosovo! Why is PPPP aligned with the Serbian butchers of Bosnia? Rupee News

As Pakistanis we have always supported our Muslim brothers/sisters in their time of need, why stop now? This is absolutely ridiculous, and our current government is acting AGAINST the will of the Pakistani people!

As Pakistanis we must support an independent Kosovo, and work towards unity between all Muslim nations!

It is well known that Pakistan helped the Bosnians in their time of need, and we should help our Kosovar brothers/sisters in theirs

Have you also noticed how our so called "muslim brothers and sisters" haven't given jack **** about us all these years? How many times have the arabs supported Pakistan against India? none.

If we decide to help Kosovo, then it should be because they are humans in need of help, not just because they are muslims.
One fact that OIC is warried about Kosovo case also occurs in South Sudan (Darfur).

Will OIC Muslim accept South Sudan christian state?
Kosovo is recognised by 65 states as of now. I hope Pakistan does not side with Serbs but I'm guessing there's Chinese influence on this matter.
This is your sexual Fetish?
Ruppe news is data base of some deliberately ignored facts....... it is serving quite well.
One fact that OIC is warried about Kosovo case also occurs in South Sudan (Darfur).

Will OIC Muslim accept South Sudan christian state?

OIC has never forced any state in Kosovo affair.
There are attempts being made to distant Pakistan from Saudi Arabia and this is a big contribution towards that.
Saud Arabia wanted us to accept Kosovo but our pro indian govt. is trying to make manmohan's visit most successful.
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