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Pakistan and Israel

Not that. Two things: One, you didn't answer how you learned what you previously thought was fact, and two, you didn't actually ask me a question!
One, you didn't answer how you learned what you previously thought was fact


Mr Palestinians people didn't promise Jews to give Palestine .So by putting these maps you are negating yourself.British Promised them not muslims . you are showing these maps to us as if we had promised them.The Allied had won the war they could write whatever they want in those stupid treaties.It doesn't mean that we endorse them.

Ok now consider it a question.And one final thing I don't know what time is it in America but here in Pakistan it is 2 A.M.I am only logged in awaiting your answer so if you don't wanna answer it just tell me.I can't remain awake to play your games.
Understood. A treaty always involves more than one party. The Sevres treaty was signed by the Ottomans, the dominant MUSLIM power of the area for centuries. So it was the Ottomans, a MUSLIM power, not just the British, who agreed that Palestine should be a Jewish homeland, along with agreeing that other bits they ruled should become Arab, Christian, Greek, etc.

Furthermore, isn't the emphasis in Islam that Muslims (whether in Muslim or non-Muslim countries) should show cooperation with the governments of Islamic countries? link So who, exactly, was in the wrong when Arabs evicted Jews and other minorities out of whatever places they could following WWI?
anyone who defends this "chosen land" notion is delusional, and needs to get his/her head examined
Sevres treaty.Come on it was not a agreement between two same level parties.
Ottomans were defeated in WW1.And Allies were the winners.so Ottomans had no choice other than accept the treaty.You put conditions when you are in dominant state not when you have been defeated and your country is under occupation.
that is why Ataturk was very important for the birth of independent Turkey. But thats a whole other discussion.
that's the beauty of it, that people saw the light in Islam.

lower caste hindus under discrimination embraced Islam, while even influential people like Jinnah's distant ancestors embraced the same religion. It shows that Islam was a religion that never discriminated along caste or economic lines.

Partition is something every man woman and child of Pakistan is proud of; and also of our Qaid-e-Azam, father of the nation.

as for the boxer -- we'll see who delivers. Amir Khan is rapidly rising to the top, a lot of people are talking about him now.

76 second KO....salita ko nani yaad ayi i think :wave:

p.s. totally off-topic, but worth the read

DAWN.COM | Sport | Six visiting Central African boxers to embrace Islam

I personally am an admirer of Islam....but to say that a muslim boxer would be more able than a hindu boxer is just wrong.
paitosh what does boxer got to with anything ?
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Sevres treaty.Come on it was not a agreement between two same level parties.
Ottomans were defeated in WW1.And Allies were the winners.so Ottomans had no choice other than accept the treaty.
Tell that to the British who were defeated by the Ottomans at Gallipolli.

You put conditions when you are in dominant state not when you have been defeated and your country is under occupation.
No, there's more to it than that. For example, after Waterloo France was defeated and occupied; the victors still negotiated with the able Talleyrand for terms. Similarly, the Ottoman Empire made an agreement at Sevres and both the Empire and its ruling Caliphate survived the treaty - for a few more years, anyway, until Ataturk took over. The French and British wanted control in Syria and Palestine under a temporary Mandate, and the Ottoman Caliph didn't want to yield the entire Middle East to just one of its many component nationalities.

Let's review. The notion that I've made up history has been trashed. It is accepted that at Sevres the Ottoman Empire agreed to the establishment of Palestine as a homeland for the Jewish people. So at that point Jews had no reason to feel that by voluntarily returning to The Land and lawfully leasing, renting, or purchasing property wherever they could was wrong, as such activity did not violate the civil and religious rights of the non-Jews of Palestine.
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