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Pakistan and India

Of course man.

Desi is about blood.

Not class.

Strong feeling of alienation creeping in on the Parsis in Sanghi India.

You've been away for a long time ....

Cheers, Doc

I T O L D Y O U S O !

The Sanghis are not Conservatives; Parsis who are conservative keep making this mistake.

Also, here we are not dealing with Sanghis alone; we are also dealing with the CallCentreatsia. These are people who have uprooted themselves from their village and small town roots and migrated to the cities. Here they acquired a working knowledge of English, a non-working knowledge of how water-closets operate, a training in some technical field (as they and their parasite educators define it) that equips them to be meter-reading assistants aiding the traffic police, and a sense of entitlement to a flat and a sedan on EMIs by the age of 30. Anyone getting between them and this absolute and non-negotiable life-script is a libtard and a sickular Khangressi, because they themselves are true believers in the professional con-men who have promised them this life and several other things besides, and are fearful that any disloyal behaviour will upset the non-performing shadow play going on on-stage.

But they won't make you feel queasy. It's the Sanghis who will make you feel queasy.
I T O L D Y O U S O !

The Sanghis are not Conservatives; Parsis who are conservative keep making this mistake.

Also, here we are not dealing with Sanghis alone; we are also dealing with the CallCentreatsia. These are people who have uprooted themselves from their village and small town roots and migrated to the cities. Here they acquired a working knowledge of English, a non-working knowledge of how water-closets operate, a training in some technical field (as they and their parasite educators define it) that equips them to be meter-reading assistants aiding the traffic police, and a sense of entitlement to a flat and a sedan on EMIs by the age of 30. Anyone getting between them and this absolute and non-negotiable life-script is a libtard and a sickular Khangressi, because they themselves are true believers in the professional con-men who have promised them this life and several other things besides, and are fearful that any disloyal behaviour will upset the non-performing shadow play going on on-stage.

But they won't make you feel queasy. It's the Sanghis who will make you feel queasy.

I'll be honest.

You Hindus need to rescue your religion and peoplehood from the sanghis before you go the way of the Muslims.

I don't care whether you are a janeu dhari shloka chanting practicing Hindu or an atheist Hindu.

These guys are making you the next Muslims.

Not just in our country.

Soon worldwide.

Cheers, Doc
@Hari prasad

This guy.

Surat has beaten Hyderabad as the Food City of India.

By the way i heard they changing names down under too

Oh yes, it's been suggested.

That same 'go-rakshak' I mentioned earlier caught fire when he read about our own pocket battleship, aka Abbe Napoleon, renaming Allahabad and Faizabad. So he suggested that when he is the Chief Minister of Telangana, he will rename Hyderabad Bhagyanagar.
Oh yes, it's been suggested.

That same 'go-rakshak' I mentioned earlier caught fire when he read about our own pocket battleship, aka Abbe Napoleon, renaming Allahabad and Faizabad. So he suggested that when he is the Chief Minister of Telangana, he will rename Hyderabad Bhagyanagar.

Clearly the correct priority.

Any statues planned?
I'll be honest.

You Hindus need to rescue your religion and peoplehood from the sanghis before you go the way of the Muslims.

I don't care whether you are a janeu dhari shloka chanting practicing Hindu or an atheist Hindu.

These guys are making you the next Muslims.

Not just in our country.

Soon worldwide.

Cheers, Doc

Errm, yes, indeed.

There is a small fee of 0.25 p per word payable when you quote me to me. Leaving out the first four words, I get 52 words @ 0.25 = Rs. 13.00 only.

I take PayTM.

Clearly the correct priority.

Any statues planned?

It is claimed that the statue was cunningly disguised as faux patriotism, when actually they plan to mint money through entrance fees. Ye Gods! We just finished recovering from DeMonetisation, and never, ever got to enjoy life with the promised black money recovery of 15 lakhs from foreign tax havens. And now to be promised this!

This statue business ties in well with the BJP current policy of co-opting Congress non-heroes, in order to build a substitute for their non-existent back story for the independence movement. I presume that the next statue, in Hyderabad, will be Narasimha Rao.
Errm, yes, indeed.

There is a small fee of 0.25 p per word payable when you quote me to me. Leaving out the first four words, I get 52 words @ 0.25 = Rs. 13.00 only.

I take PayTM.

It is claimed that the statue was cunningly disguised as faux patriotism, when actually they plan to mint money through entrance fees. Ye Gods! We just finished recovering from DeMonetisation, and never, ever got to enjoy life with the promised black money recovery of 15 lakhs from foreign tax havens. And now to be promised this!

This statue business ties in well with the BJP current policy of co-opting Congress non-heroes, in order to build a substitute for their non-existent back story for the independence movement. I presume that the next statue, in Hyderabad, will be Narasimha Rao.

You seem to be njoying this.

The Sangh basher Vs the one time apex Sanghi.

What you see today are watered down desified versions. Who lack the vitriolic pureness of a pure race.

Cheers, Doc
Shaadar Shubhechha. Apatoto kete jachhe, roktopat hochhe na!

What does that mean ??

Brilliant. I'm beginning to obsess about Hyderabad. It has its bad spots - a moron who leads the 'go-rakshak' pack, a bunch of savages in the Old City who think they are latter-day Razakars, Asaduddin's younger brother, Akbaruddin Owaisi - but I think we are much better off than most cities in India.

Akbaruddin Owaisi is a motormouth. He must learn to control his tongue.

By the way, Shabana Azmi's mother, Shaukat Azmi, was from Hyderabad and a participant int eh progressive scene there. in your perception is there any of it there or has vanished ??
What does that mean ??

Affectionate good wishes. The rest is 'punny'; things are moving along - in Bengali, kete jachhe, cutting on - but without bleeding. Sounds all right in Bengali, very laboured in translation.

Akbaruddin Owaisi is a motormouth. He must learn to control his tongue.

Such a contrast to his brother.

By the way, Shabana Azmi's mother, Shaukat Azmi, was from Hyderabad and a participant int eh progressive scene there. in your perception is there any of it there or has vanished ??

Huge. You can't ignore it. That is why Hyderabad is so alive; it's nothing to do with the IT dodos, it has everything to do with real, live people. Everything happens at Lamakaan or at Manthan. Just heard Ramachandra Guha in conversation with Shekhar Gupta and one other at Manthan. The scene is all that you can wish. Remember I singled out the pockets around the Charminar area as being filled with crazies; the rest of the city is fine.
Affectionate good wishes. The rest is 'punny'; things are moving along - in Bengali, kete jachhe, cutting on - but without bleeding. Sounds all right in Bengali, very laboured in translation.

Such a contrast to his brother.

Huge. You can't ignore it. That is why Hyderabad is so alive; it's nothing to do with the IT dodos, it has everything to do with real, live people. Everything happens at Lamakaan or at Manthan. Just heard Ramachandra Guha in conversation with Shekhar Gupta and one other at Manthan. The scene is all that you can wish. Remember I singled out the pockets around the Charminar area as being filled with crazies; the rest of the city is fine.

Why did you get afraid of the Hyderabadi sanghi?

You have more than sufficient protection.

I'm just waiting for one of them to try touching me here .... lol

Cheers, Doc
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No special privileges. Only an extension of the provisions of the Ranbir Code, that were put in, in the first place, to protect Dogras and Pandits from being dispossessed by entrepreneurial Punjabis and eased out of their jagirs. The Muslims were not even in the picture.

Is anyone here aware that identical provisions apply in Himachal, in Sikkim, in Arunachal Pradesh, in total, about half a dozen states in India? I just don't feel like doing the legwork for ill-informed posters any more.

I confess, I am not an absolute expert on the Ranbir code but from what I know it is based on and is more or less the IPC with a different name with some provisions here that's not there and vice versa.

Also, if I am not wrong, Andra Pradesh does have some parts of the IPC ammended, they just call it the IPC. Tamil Nadu and UP too have a few different provisions set in their version of the IPC.

Some differences between IPC and RPC off the top of my head.
Threatening a person to give false evidence isn't punishable in the RPC.
Carrying arms in mass gatherings is not punishable in the RPC as it is in the IPC.
Something about dowry.

Clearly, what a privilege the RPC is/was for its enacters, seeing as how it couldn't even prevent the eventual persecution and exodus of the Kashmiri pundits.

How nice it would be if people did their homework. Women are deprived of these rights, if they marry non-Kashmiri men; settling anywhere has nothing to do with it. A man can marry outside, and can settle outside and retain his land-owning rights.

I knew about it, I just didn't feel I needed to expound on it for some troll.
But let's for argument's sake say that I didn't know and I was rightly schooled. So what?

Your "correction" still doesn't refute my initial statement, i.e. kashmiris having the unjust RIGHT to reject assimilation.
Which other state forces its people to stay within in such a fashion?

Just imagine.

Donald Trump has been a member of this forum all these years, and we never even guessed.

Sir, I didn't expect you of all people to resort to ad hominems.

Is it wrong for an Indian to expect every other Indian to follow the same constitution for which we as Indians celebrate the Republic Day?

Extracted at gunpoint, presumably, from a Central Government kicking and screaming every millimetre of the way.

What a big and pointy nose you have, Grandpa.

The point is, it is extracted. Why does the "how" matter?
All the ensuing nonsense could be easily avoided if one just chooses to assimilate but no, apparently that's just too much to ask.

What was that about "Physician, heal thyself"?

Of course, we have been to Kashmir ourselves, and we say what we say from actual knowledge of the ground realities.

In reference to the troll I initially replied to, I believe the saying should go more like, "Neem Hakeem, Khatra e Jaan".

It's the information age sir.
The Kashmir issue has been covered ad nauseam. Anyone can gauge what the ground realities are in Kashmir provided one does not suffer from confirmation bias and is actually willing to learn.

It is definitely not necessary for one to first stand on Kashmiri soil and eat a pakistani mortar shrapnel on the face to "know the ground realities".


Two wrongs don't make a right.

What is "right", sir?
At this point, I doubt anyone is in the right; the side which is the least wrong is maybe, probably the closest to right.
my advice would be to give both sides of Kashmir a good amount of autonomy except for defense and foreign policy
while also granting them dual citizenship on both side.
I believe this will an optimal way of going forward but this will only happen when both sides agree to discuss the Kashmir issue.
I confess, I am not an absolute expert on the Ranbir code but from what I know it is based on and is more or less the IPC with a different name with some provisions here that's not there and vice versa.

It had nothing to do with the IPC; it was set up by Ranbir Singh, a successor to Gulab Singh, after the abdication of Gulab Singh.

As it happens, the Ranbir Code relates to far more than the Indian Penal Code.

Also, if I am not wrong, Andra Pradesh does have some parts of the IPC ammended, they just call it the IPC. Tamil Nadu and UP too have a few different provisions set in their version of the IPC.

It is not solely a penal code. It covers a lot of additional ground. It was more of a pre-constitutional constitution.

Some differences between IPC and RPC off the top of my head.
Threatening a person to give false evidence isn't punishable in the RPC.
Carrying arms in mass gatherings is not punishable in the RPC as it is in the IPC.
Something about dowry.

The point being?

Clearly, what a privilege the RPC is/was for its enacters, seeing as how it couldn't even prevent the eventual persecution and exodus of the Kashmiri pundits.

Yes, wasn't it strange that the passage of decades eroded the social situation for which it was formulated? How the Pandits and the Dogras thought they could be King Canute and order the tide to roll back is the strange part of it.

I knew about it, I just didn't feel I needed to expound on it for some troll.
But let's for argument's sake say that I didn't know and I was rightly schooled. So what?

So we are faced with a choice between a half-truth and a half-lie; or, as the Latins might have put it, suggestion false and suppressio very. Not a palatable choice.

Your "correction" still doesn't refute my initial statement, i.e. kashmiris having the unjust RIGHT to reject assimilation.
Which other state forces its people to stay within in such a fashion?

EVERY other state that disallows Indian citizens not concurrently its own permanent residents from owning property. That's a long list.

Sir, I didn't expect you of all people to resort to ad hominems.

Is it wrong for an Indian to expect every other Indian to follow the same constitution for which we as Indians celebrate the Republic Day?

No, not at all; provided also that we acknowledge that the Indian citizens of Jammu and Kashmir have their own additional constitution that is consistent with the Indian Constitution, but does not permit automatic application of laws passed in the Indian parliament to the territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

What is the contradiction? Should we also consider that every Indian that belongs to a state with laws inconsistent with the general rule to be backsliders and to be against the Indian Constitution?

That would include both the Chief of Army Staff and the Chief Election Commissioner in their ranks.

The point is, it is extracted. Why does the "how" matter?
All the ensuing nonsense could be easily avoided if one just chooses to assimilate but no, apparently that's just too much to ask.

The immediate reply from a Kashmiri from the Vale would be that all the ensuing nonsense could be easily avoided if one chooses to treat all Kashmiris as Indian citizens, subject to the same protection and the same application of human rights as every other Indian.

It takes two hands to clap.

In reference to the troll I initially replied to, I believe the saying should go more like, "Neem Hakeem, Khatra e Jaan".

Still your dubious intervention under scrutiny. Whatever you might wish to say to others who have displeased you.

It's the information age sir.
The Kashmir issue has been covered ad nauseam. Anyone can gauge what the ground realities are in Kashmir provided one does not suffer from confirmation bias and is actually willing to learn.

It is definitely not necessary for one to first stand on Kashmiri soil and eat a pakistani mortar shrapnel on the face to "know the ground realities".

Yes, of course. The further, the better, I presume. As it happens, on none of my visits to Kashmir has a Pakistani mortar shrapnel come even close to me; I have not even heard any firing. You give the impression of a constant barrage of gunfire; no doubt it sounds so like Commando War Comics to believe in that and to comment accordingly. The ground realities are still, and will remain for ever, realities on the ground.

What is "right", sir?
At this point, I doubt anyone is in the right; the side which is the least wrong is maybe, probably the closest to right.

That happens to be the hapless Kashmiri man, woman and child in the street.

It seems that you have studied the Bible and Shakespeare equally well; " 'What is truth?' said jesting Pilate, and would not pause for an answer."

You are to be congratulated.

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