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Pakistan and India...Why can't we be friends?

Definitely since you don't have a word to write on your own thats all you do copy paste and make claims on how Pakistanis hate this and that. I have lived here all my life so you know nothing about the attitude of an ordinary Pakistani towards so and so if you for once take in the issue open mindedly you would come to the same conclusion.
What an ordinary Pakistani thinks about India? :wub:
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but if India stop blame every problem and chilling after every incident .i thing now terrorist win Bombay action because they want destroy peace process and the done it.
but if Pakistan have brought terrorists involve in mumbai genocide and have not harboured Dawood Ibrahim terrorists would have never won. As you say they want to destroy peace process and they done it because of the inaction of Pakistani Govt.
Definitely since you don't have a word to write on your own thats all you do copy paste and make claims on how Pakistanis hate this and that. I have lived here all my life so you know nothing about the attitude of an ordinary Pakistani towards so and so if you for once take in the issue open mindedly you would come to the same conclusion.
Definitely since you don't have any logic to defend your claims thats all you do , making empty claims on how Pakistanis do not hate this and that. I have seen all you here , so I know many things about the attitude of an ordinary Pakistani towards so and so if you for once take in the issue open mindedly you would come to the same conclusion.

No offence mate. I am forced to do this because of your Biased Mods. Also check some Pakistani posters here who have immense hate for Indians, specially hindus and check the silence of your intellectuals and mods here.
To all my indian friends, I want you to know that the word "jihad" does not neccasarily means to fight...this word has as many as 3 meanings..

I hope the following article would give you a fair idea about jihad and will help to understand the article by Farrukh Saleem's article.

The conventional interpretation of "Jihad":
According to Beliefnet, 2 Al-Hajj Talib 'Abdur-Rashid, imam of the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood in Harlem, NY, defines three levels of jihad -- personal, verbal and physical. Considering each in turn:

Personal Jihad: This is the most important form. This type of jihad, called the Jihadun-Nafs, is the intimate struggle to purify one's soul of evil influences -- both subtle and overt. It is the struggle to cleanse one's spirit of sin. In a brochure, the Institute of Islamic Information & Education describes several different contexts in which The Qur'an (the Islamic Holy Book) and the Hadith (the collected sayings of Muhammad) use the word "jihad" to refer to personal struggles: Putting "Allah ahead of our loved ones, our wealth, our worldly ambitions and our own lives."
Resisting pressure of parents, peers and society; strive against "the rejecters of faith..." (Quran 25:52)
"...strive and struggle to live as true Muslims..."
"Striving for righteous deeds."
Spreading the message of Islam. "The (true) believers are only those who believe in Allah and his messenger and afterward doubt not, but strive with their wealth and their selves for the cause of Allah. Such are the truthful." (Quran, 49:15)

Verbal Jihad: To strive for justice through words and non-violent actions. Muhammad encouraged Muslims to demand justice in the name of Allah. When asked: "'What kind of jihad is better?' Muhammad replied, 'A word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler!'" 3 According to the Institute of Islamic Information and Education: "The life of the Prophet Muhammad was full of striving to gain the freedom to inform and convey the message of Islam. During his stay in Makkah [Mecca] he used non-violent methods and after the establishment of his government in Madinah [Medina], by the permission of Allah, he used armed struggle against his enemies whenever he found it inevitable." 1
Physical Jihad: This relates to the use of physical force in defense of Muslims against oppression and transgression by the enemies of Allah, Islam and Muslims. Allah commands that Muslims lead peaceful lives and not transgress against anyone. If they are persecuted and oppressed, the Qur'an recommends that they migrate to a more peaceful and tolerant land: "Lo! Those who believe, and those who emigrate (to escape persecution) and strive (Jahadu) in the way of Allah, these have hope of Allah's mercy..." (Quran, 2:218). If relocation is not possible, then Allah also requires Muslims to defend themselves against oppression by "fighting against those who fight against us." 2 The Qur'an states: "To those against whom war is made, permission is given [to defend themselves], because they are wronged - and verily, Allah is Most Powerful to give them victory." (22:39) The defensive nature of physical jihad (or "jihad with the hand") is frequently lost among many, Muslims, Christians, secularists and others.

In her book "Muhammed," author Karen Armstrong writes: "Fighting and warfare might sometimes be necessary, but it was only a minor part of the whole jihad or struggle. A well-known tradition (hadith) has Muhammad say on returning from a battle, ' We return from the little jihad to the greater jihad,' the more difficult and crucial effort to conquer the forces of evil in oneself and and in one's own society in all the details of daily life." 4
You should preach this to Pakistanis, Afganis, Syrian, Palestinian, Sayed sallauhdin etc. They are the one who were bombing. Jehad has no concept in Hinduism.
Definitely since you don't have any logic to defend your claims thats all you do , making empty claims on how Pakistanis do not hate this and that. I have seen all you here , so I know many things about the attitude of an ordinary Pakistani towards so and so if you for once take in the issue open mindedly you would come to the same conclusion.

No offence mate. I am forced to do this because of your Biased Mods. Also check some Pakistani posters here who have immense hate for Indians, specially hindus and check the silence of your intellectuals and mods here.

Even if i agree with you that there are such people even then you can't generalise all Pakistanis i have come across such Indians as well here who utter trash but that does not mean all Indians or Hindus necessarily hate Pakistani Muslims. I am not saying such people don't exist but they don't form the majority. If some Pakistanis post hateful comments then they should be subjected to the same treatment as those of other nationalities without any second thoughts but to resort to name calling Muslims or others and insulting them isn't fair either.
Certainly not the way your fellow Indian is pushing so hard to prove.
Ignore him.....pathetic way to increase post counts!
Except some extremists hindus like Shiv Sena members...and some others which counts negligible in total population of India hates Pakistan .....a common Indian thinks of getting quality education and a good job rather than plotting plans against the other nation?

There are issues like 'Kashmir' which needs peaceful talk rather than using guns....their is no use of using violence.
Very easy to point fingers at others as much as i agree with your mutual respect point i disagree that all Muslims treat non Muslims badly and i always wonder why is the word kaafir taken as an offence some might try to justify by saying that its used in a derogatory way but that doesn't change the meaning of the word or probably people get this idea because when Muslims call each other kaafir they get offended but thats because they are emotional about their religion and don't like to be branded as those who are not following it.
If muslims are emotional , what we will do ? If somebody ridiculed your holy things, he will be wajeb-ul qatl and you intelectuals and so called peace loving people remain silent. Now cow is holy for Hindus. Why do you sacrifice cows on eid ? Why it is always that muslim sentiments has to be respected ? Why not other way around ?
If muslims are emotional , what we will do ? If somebody ridiculed your holy things, he will be wajeb-ul qatl and you intelectuals and so called peace loving people remain silent. Now cow is holy for Hindus. Why do you sacrifice cows on eid ? Why it is always that muslim sentiments has to be respected ? Why not other way around ?
Idiot that is part of their religion. Some things are meant to be accepted, be mature..
Eating of cows is part of Islam? Can some Muslim Quranic scholars (wannabes like @Zarvan included) please confirm?
Even if i agree with you that there are such people even then you can't generalise all Pakistanis i have come across such Indians as well here who utter trash but that does not mean all Indians or Hindus necessarily hate Pakistani Muslims. I am not saying such people don't exist but they don't form the majority. If some Pakistanis post hateful comments then they should be subjected to the same treatment as those of other nationalities without any second thoughts but to resort to name calling Muslims or others and insulting them isn't fair either.
I am forced to generalize when I see Spring Onion, Raz Pak have given free hand and if I retaliate mods ban me. Also I have seen the silence of the intellectuals at that time who are preaching peace now. You said "They should be......" but reality is they are not. That is why I am forced to generalize . The day I see your silent majority is vociferous against this minority and mods are taking action against them, I will stand by you.
Idiot that is part of their religion. Some things are meant to be accepted, be mature..
Wrong. Cow slaughter is not a customary ritual. Personally I hate all kinds of slaughter though. Take this post only as of academic importance. Don't attach any emotional value.
If muslims are emotional , what we will do ? If somebody ridiculed your holy things, he will be wajeb-ul qatl and you intelectuals and so called peace loving people remain silent. Now cow is holy for Hindus. Why do you sacrifice cows on eid ? Why it is always that muslim sentiments has to be respected ? Why not other way around ?

Listen nobody is Waajib-ul Qatl and again you are making the same mistake branding everyone as the same thats unfair because not everybody necessarily supports the things you mention and they do speak out. Honestly speaking without any disrespect to any hindu i have heard many hindus claiming they eat beef in India similarly others might not. I am not disrespecting your opinion of considering the cow holy thats is your right but we don't even ask others to follow the Quran because thats what we believe in not others they are free to do as they like as they should be and being decent human beings they won't pick on somebody's religion in the first place that is if they are decent human beings.
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Listen nobody is Waajib-ul Qatl and again you are making the same mistake branding everyone as the same thats unfair because not everybody necessarily supports the things you mention and they do speak out. Honestly speaking without any disrespect to any hindu i have heard many hindus claiming they eat beef in India similarly others might not. I am not disrespecting your opinion of considering the cow holy thats is your right but we don't even ask others to follow the Quran because thats what we believe in not others they are free to do as they like as they should be and being decent human beings they won't pick on somebody's religion in the first place that is if they are decent human beings.
One note dude. Many Hindus do claim that, but most of them have never even seen it. #TrueStory. It is fashionable to say things like I drink, I do drugs etc in some places. This is similar. I have also seen this personally.
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