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Pakistan and India...Why can't we be friends?

Fact is that this longing for friendship and apparent traits of shared culture is a strain found among Punjabis in India and some other North Indians. While Indian Tamilians have an affinity toward Sri Lankan Tamils, I have never seen them romanticize or long for unision with Lanka. For that matter even the Indian Bengalis who are culturally close to Bangladeshis don't tend to think with the same fervour about B'desh. And despite the posts of some people here - India -Bangladesh and India - Sri Lanka are friends. That is because Bangladesh is happy with its Bengali identity and Sri Lanka is happy with its Lankan identity. Till Pakistan sees itself as "Not India" or the "citadel of Islam" or filled with descendants of Arabia - it will always have an issue with India.
We've so much in common, we guys get along really well.......what would have happened if their was no separation.
I really think India allying with Pakistan can beat the shit out of any country out there

Get over it. It is done. Unfortunately, instead of bringing a surgeon's scalpel to Partition India - the British did it with a butcher's knife. That is the root cause of the problem. The problem is not the partition - the problem is the manner in which it was carried out.
There are many issues and problems that need to be erased. First step would be to treat each other as equals. Also Indians must learn to abandon their double standards and biases and stop denying the truth like the terrible treatment of minorities in India just like we Pakistanis must stop living in delusion and trying to promote tehreek e taliban (actually tehreek e kafireen) as some muslim saviors. It is also extremely annoying when I hear some stupid comments from illiterate Indians. I have lost people in our family because of indian terrorist organizations and truth is it is with great difficulty that i control my anger sometimes when some terrorist indians are on a rampage with their stupid comments and idiotic death threats.

Examples of bias and denial:
1) Government sponsered terrorism like gujrat genocide and mumbai genocide and even recent Mumbai attacks to kill karkare and lead his investigations into disarray.

Some examples of double standards are:
1) JUD is terror organization even with its 160 schools and 40000 students ands aid and help to victems of earthquake and disasters but Shiv Sena RSS and Bajrang Dal aren't? Modi is'nt who killed over 10000 muslim civilians and sits in government? Bal Thakerey is'nt who killed over 4000 muslim civilians?
2) Pakistan should not interfere about kashmir where over 90% population wants freedom from Indian torture rape murder etc but Indian action in Bangladesh was alright?

As far as friendship is concerned we can definately be friends. UAE, Malaysia, Canada US everywhere I have lived I haven't had trouble getting along and making some Indian friends. I just keep politics out and they do same. If they raise politics i usually cant resist retorting and i represent my country in every way.
here are many issues and problems that need to be erased. First step would be to treat each other as equals ( irrespective of religions). Also Pakistanis must learn to abandon their double standards about treatment of minorities and biases and stop denying the truth like exporting terrorists to india just like we Indians must stop living in delusion and trying to promote congressi aman ki asha (actually congressi communal assha) as some hindu saviours. It is also extremely annoying when I hear some stupid comments from illiterate Pakistanis and silence of the so called intellectual Pakistanis. I have lost people in our family because of Pakistani terrorist organizations and truth is it is with great difficulty that i control my anger sometimes when some terrorist Pakistanis are on a rampage with their stupid comments and idiotic death threats.

Examples of bias and denial:
1) Pakistani Government sponsered terrorism like kashmiri pundit's ethnic cleansing and mumbai genocide and even recent Mumbai attacks to kill Indians and no lead in investigations in Pakistani side.

Some examples of double standards are:
1) RSS, VHP are terror organization even with its 30000 schools and 4000000 students ands aid and help to victims of flood and disasters but JuD, JuI, LET and Harqat ul Mujahiddin aren't? Hafiz Saeed is'nt who killed over 1000 Indian civilians and and move freely? Dawood Ibrahim and Osama Bin Laden are not in Pakistan , who killed 100000 civilians?
2)India should not interfere about Balochistan where over 90% population wants freedom from Pakistani torture rape murder etc but Pakistan action in Kashmir was alright?

As far as friendship is concerned we can definately be friends. UAE, Malaysia, Canada US everywhere I have lived I haven't had trouble getting along and making some Pakistani friends. I just keep politics out and they do same. If they raise politics i usually cant resist retorting and i represent my country in every way.
Get over it. It is done. Unfortunately, instead of bringing a surgeon's scalpel to Partition India - the British did it with a butcher's knife. That is the root cause of the problem. The problem is not the partition - the problem is the manner in which it was carried out.
I agree...totally agree with you. What if the partition didn't happen? I think partition itself was very senseless decision
I haven't seen people who hate hindus the way you claim maybe you get this idea from the internet but social attitudes can't be judged through such mediums alone. I'll tell you one thing neither does the internet nor do most non Muslims who utter the words "kaafir" and "Jihaad" know even the meaning of the words they use to spew their biased opinions. I am a Muslim and i don't hate Hindus and nor do many Muslims in Pakistan as it is perceived.
I haven't seen people who hate Muslims the way you claim maybe you get this idea from the internet but social attitudes can't be judged through such mediums alone. I'll tell you one thing neither does the internet nor do most Indians who utter the words "Jehadi" and "Violent" only use to spew their biased opinions. I am a Indian and i don't hate anyone and nor do many Indians in India as it is
here are many issues and problems that need to be erased. First step would be to treat each other as equals ( irrespective of religions). Also Pakistanis must learn to abandon their double standards about treatment of minorities and biases and stop denying the truth like exporting terrorists to india just like we Indians must stop living in delusion and trying to promote congressi aman ki asha (actually congressi communal assha) as some hindu saviours. It is also extremely annoying when I hear some stupid comments from illiterate Pakistanis and silence of the so called intellectual Pakistanis. I have lost people in our family because of Pakistani terrorist organizations and truth is it is with great difficulty that i control my anger sometimes when some terrorist Pakistanis are on a rampage with their stupid comments and idiotic death threats.

Examples of bias and denial:
1) Pakistani Government sponsered terrorism like kashmiri pundit's ethnic cleansing and mumbai genocide and even recent Mumbai attacks to kill Indians and no lead in investigations in Pakistani side.

Some examples of double standards are:
1) RSS, VHP are terror organization even with its 30000 schools and 4000000 students ands aid and help to victims of flood and disasters but JuD, JuI, LET and Harqat ul Mujahiddin aren't? Hafiz Saeed is'nt who killed over 1000 Indian civilians and and move freely? Dawood Ibrahim and Osama Bin Laden are not in Pakistan , who killed 100000 civilians?
2)India should not interfere about Balochistan where over 90% population wants freedom from Pakistani torture rape murder etc but Pakistan action in Kashmir was alright?

As far as friendship is concerned we can definately be friends. UAE, Malaysia, Canada US everywhere I have lived I haven't had trouble getting along and making some Pakistani friends. I just keep politics out and they do same. If they raise politics i usually cant resist retorting and i represent my country in every way.
We Indians are getting brainwashed by our media.... first of all they are really retarded.....if India creates Agni 5 our media starts yelling "China Killer" and bla bla bla the things they say are worse of Pakistan...
Currently our media is a big game changer...they can make a nation look like a god or a devil
Fact is that this longing for friendship and apparent traits of shared culture is a strain found among Punjabis in India and some other North Indians. While Indian Tamilians have an affinity toward Sri Lankan Tamils, I have never seen them romanticize or long for unision with Lanka. For that matter even the Indian Bengalis who are culturally close to Bangladeshis don't tend to think with the same fervour about B'desh. And despite the posts of some people here - India -Bangladesh and India - Sri Lanka are friends. That is because Bangladesh is happy with its Bengali identity and Sri Lanka is happy with its Lankan identity. Till Pakistan sees itself as "Not India" or the "citadel of Islam" or filled with descendants of Arabia - it will always have an issue with India.

Thats how you see it doesn't mean thats the issue even if Pakistan sees itself as the "citadel of Islam" it has every right to it is a sovereign state i have never raised any suspicions over the so called secular nature of the Indian state neither i have a right to .Secondly your claims about so and so being happy won't be removed because you either deliberately or otherwise refuse to see how India dictates to almost all its neighbours.
We Indians are getting brainwashed by our media.... first of all they are really retarded.....if India creates Agni 5 our media starts yelling "China Killer" and bla bla bla the things they say are worse of Pakistan...
Currently our media is a big game changer...they can make a nation look like a god or a devil
The Pakistanis are getting brainwashed by their mullahas.... first of all they are really retarded.....if India creates Agni 5 mullahas starts yelling "Jehad" and bla bla bla the things they say are worse of Pakistan...
Currently mullahas are a big game changer...they can make a nation look like a god or a devil
Thats how you see it doesn't mean thats the issue even if Pakistan sees itself as the "citadel of Islam" it has every right to it is a sovereign state i have never raised any suspicions over the so called secular nature of the Indian state neither i have a right to .Secondly your claims about so and so being happy won't be removed because you either deliberately or otherwise refuse to see how India dictates to almost all its neighbours.
Blame our foreign policy... Pakistan must stop being a terrorist factory..you call them freedom fighters..WORLD call them terrorists. The whole "anti India" notion that Pakistan is carrying will either make them bankrupt or more worse.
I haven't seen people who hate Muslims the way you claim maybe you get this idea from the internet but social attitudes can't be judged through such mediums alone. I'll tell you one thing neither does the internet nor do most Indians who utter the words "Jehadi" and "Violent" only use to spew their biased opinions. I am a Indian and i don't hate anyone and nor do many Indians in India as it is

I was replying to a comment that stated that Pakistani Muslims do hate Hindus so don't start your word games. As far as most Indians go, yes they do utter these words to spew their biased opinions but don't have the nerve to accept they don't a thing on the subject.
I was replying to a comment that stated that Pakistani Muslims do hate Hindus so don't start your word games. As far as most Indians go, yes they do utter these words to spew their biased opinions but don't have the nerve to accept they don't a thing on the subject.
"jihadi" "lashkar" "mujahideen" = TERRORISTS

^^ This is what Hindus think....
Thats how you see it doesn't mean thats the issue even if Pakistan sees itself as the "citadel of Islam" it has every right to it is a sovereign state i have never raised any suspicions over the so called secular nature of the Indian state neither i have a right to .Secondly your claims about so and so being happy won't be removed because you either deliberately or otherwise refuse to see how India dictates to almost all its neighbours.

Actually, I don't think India is secular. It was secular till Shastri was Prime Minister - after that it has never been truly secular.

Yes - Pakistan can see itself as whatever it wants. But as far as it sees itself as "not India" or "anti-India" - it will always be at loggerheads with its own people. It needs to find its identity. In the beginning in the 1940s and 50s it saw itself as a descendant of the Mughal Empire. In the 60s, they seemed to forming a national identity. After 1971 it was trying to embrace itself as an Islamic state. Anyway - it is your country.
I was replying to your comment as I know that Pakistani Muslims do hate Hindus so don't start your word games. As far as most Pakistanis go, yes they do utter these words to spew their biased opinions but don't have the nerve to accept they don't a thing on the subject.
Blame our foreign policy... Pakistan must stop being a terrorist factory..you call them freedom fighters..WORLD call them terrorists. The whole "anti India" notion that Pakistan is carrying will either make them bankrupt or more worse.

Oh yes the world even called Indian freedom fighters terrorists so depends from where you are looking at. I am not supporting any terrorist activity but people who spew their venom against Muslims and Pakistanis in general don't accept their own wrongdoings. There is a clear difference between haters and people who really want to confront and solve the issues.
I was replying to your comment as I know that Pakistani Muslims do hate Hindus so don't start your word games. As far as most Pakistanis go, yes they do utter these words to spew their biased opinions but don't have the nerve to accept they don't a thing on the subject.

Definitely since you don't have a word to write on your own thats all you do copy paste and make claims on how Pakistanis hate this and that. I have lived here all my life so you know nothing about the attitude of an ordinary Pakistani towards so and so if you for once take in the issue open mindedly you would come to the same conclusion.

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