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Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

You can sit on your computer and bang head. But the truth is your country or India can't afford to go to war.
But even India will face lot of heat for such Act. From within and outside. somebody is watching.

We are ALREADY at war you moron.
Just because they're stupid doesn't mean we should be too.
What is your major issue with reducing waters?
  1. India should have high moral ground? - All is fair in love and war. Believe me this is war like situation even though it has not been declared formally. And what has the high moral ground ever done for us?
  2. International Community will sanction India? - India has been sanctioned before also. It will be a temporary setback but we will bounce back. When the International community does not care about terrorism from Pakistan why should we care about them? and remember Baap bada na bhaiya sabse bada rupaiya. International community cant afford to isolate a big market like India
  3. Innocent Pakistani citizens will be affected? Yes but it will be a temporary thing unlike a nuclear war which will have permanent irreversable damage
stop talking nonsense. Just because you sit on river flows doesn't mean you can treat it like your grandfather gifted it to you. Pak is entitled to their fair share of the water.

LOL...... sure they are 'entitled'. ........... so what ? :cheesy:

Are we expected to grant their 'entitlement' ?

What is your major issue with reducing waters?
  1. India should have high moral ground? - All is fair in love and war. Believe me this is war like situation even though it has not been declared formally. And what has the high moral ground ever done for us?
  2. International Community will sanction India? - India has been sanctioned before also. It will be a temporary setback but we will bounce back. When the International community does not care about terrorism from Pakistan why should we care about them? and remember Baap bada na bhaiya sabse bada rupaiya. International community cant afford to isolate a big market like India
  3. Innocent Pakistani citizens will be affected? Yes but it will be a temporary thing unlike a nuclear war which will have permanent irreversable damage

His "reasoning" is that they are "entitled" to the water :cheesy:
Actually,we should've done long time back.IWT is most biased water treaty in World.Over generous Indian politicians screwed India big time,just like giving away Coco Island to Myanmar and Kachchativu to Sri Lanka.

Some members are saying,We shouldn't do that as we've agreement on this with Pakistan.I want to ask them,do We?Are we not fighting cases related to this treaty in International courts?They filed cases against our dam and lies that we're diverting water from river.Even though they lost all of them,it costs us time,money and energy.And tell me,didn't Shimla treaty also proclaimed that Kashmir would be bilateral issue?Didn't Musharaaf also promised Pakistan will never let their land for Anti Indian activities?Do those treaties and joint statements hold Pakistan from trying to take Kashmir into international arena or stopping terrorist attacks originating from their land?

One thing I've learned quite clearly,countries like China and Pakistan only respects strength.Twist their arm and they'll fall into line.Water is the best way we can ensure that.Unilaterally cut Water percentage for short term and monitor their reaction.Then go for negotiation.Let them force to dismantle terror infra aimed against India and only then supply water again.If they want a war on Water,be prepared for that as well.Only we can force them the way it hurts,not vice versa.
Since Jammu and Kashmir is occupied by India..the India state must share its part with JK...this has nothing to do with Pakistan...more like..India deprives occupied Kashmir from its share of water...and this would constitute a war crime as India is now guilty of looting natural resources of an occupied country.

whatever... thanks for your post.
Moron if we had war. There won't be such big mouth on Internet calling India big mouth.
Problem is our leadership doesn't follow what it says.

LOL.....so now its all Modis fault ? :lol:

You are a world class clown.

War is defined as 'a state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country.' ....... so when armed men come into India to kill Indians, its WAR. You are just too stupid to recognise it. Maybe you recognise it, only you are too cowardly to ADMIT it.

Actually,we should've done long time back.IWT is most biased water treaty in World.Over generous Indian politicians screwed India big time,just like giving away Coco Island to Myanmar and Kachchativu to Sri Lanka.

Some members are saying,We shouldn't do that as we've agreement on this with Pakistan.I want to ask them,do We?Are we not fighting cases related to this treaty in International courts?They filed cases against our dam and lies that we're diverting water from river.Even though they lost all of them,it costs us time,money and energy.And tell me,didn't Shimla treaty also proclaimed that Kashmir would be bilateral issue?Didn't Musharaaf also promised Pakistan will never let their land for Anti Indian activities?Do those treaties and joint statements hold Pakistan from trying to take Kashmir into international arena or stopping terrorist attacks originating from their land?

One thing I've learned quite clearly,countries like China and Pakistan only respects strength.Twist their arm and they'll fall into line.Water is the best way we can ensure that.Unilaterally cut Water percentage for short term and monitor their reaction.Then go for negotiation.Let them force to dismantle terror infra aimed against India and only then supply water again.If they want a war on Water,be prepared for that as well.Only we can force them the way it hurts,not vice versa.

Its the "Prtiviraj Chauhan Syndrome".

The sooner we dump it, the better we will be for it. Otherwise like him, Our Arrogance will be our downfall.
Alright deal is done - in future we will live in desert and you guys live in nuclear waste land - Disrupt the treaty when you are ready -

If Pakistan's consistent appeals to World Bank(which somehow Pakistan always manages to loose) are to believed ,then treaty is already being disrupted.

Question here being pondered over, whether to scrap the treaty all together.

India was under no obligation to sign a treaty with Pakistan.

China never signed any treaty with India or Bangladesh, Most of the countries don't

Problem with Pakistan is that they consider Indian decency as weakness and they take it for granted.

If Pakistanis think Indians are afraid of their war and nuclear rhetoric, they should consider again.

Last time India was considering scrapping the treaty was after terror attack on Indian parliament. But then Musharraf took U turn and cut the state funding for terrorist organisations and things went back to normal.

Unless Pakistan shuts of it terror tap, policy of bleeding India through thousand cuts, they will likely be reminded, why Jinnah believed Pakistani jugular is in Indian hands .
Its the "Prtiviraj Chauhan Syndrome".

The sooner we dump it, the better we will be for it. Otherwise like him, Our Arrogance will be our downfall.

more like thats the way to go.

Tell me,Whining here and there and handing over dossier to Pakistan - what good it did?Rather kicking their @r$3 using fair and square means always gave us nice results.

Indian policy should be fair - cut all diplomatic relationship and make all these "Free goodies" treaty null and void.Let them know that we too can cause them pain in such a manner that really hurts.Some are asking,why should innocent Pakistanis should suffer for their state's policy.But it is them whose inaction is making Pakistan's neighbor suffer beyond thought.Each year,India is suffering billions of rupee because of terrorism and FICN.Is not that enough to take a strong step against a rogue nation?If that makes us arrogant,I'd welcome such steps time and again.
more like thats the way to go.

Tell me,Whining here and there and handing over dossier to Pakistan - what good it did?Rather kicking their @r$3 using fair and square means always gave us nice results.

Indian policy should be fair - cut all diplomatic relationship and make all these "Free goodies" treaty null and void.Let them know that we too can cause them pain in such a manner that really hurts.Some are asking,why should innocent Pakistanis should suffer for their state's policy.But it is them whose inaction is making Pakistan's neighbor suffer beyond thought.Each year,India is suffering billions of rupee because of terrorism and FICN.Is not that enough to take a strong step against a rogue nation?If that makes us arrogant,I'd welcome such steps time and again.

There is no need to cut off diplomatic relationship since we need Diplomatic relationships with pakistan to SPY on them and liberate Baluchistan. :disagree: ...... for that we need an embassy and diplomatic channels.

In fact the MORE trade we do with pakistan, the MORE our ability to destroy them from within. So we should be advocating MORE trade with pakistan.

But Indus Water Treay is fair game and its about time we talked about tearing it up.

Cricket is fair game too. So is any other sporting event that do not give us any military advantage.

Any channel that can help us push propaganda and develop spys should also be allowed e.g. bollywood, news media, cultural exchanges etc.
There is no need to cut off diplomatic relationship since we need Diplomatic relationships with pakistan to SPY on them and liberate Baluchistan. :disagree: ...... for that we need an embassy and diplomatic channels.

In fact the MORE trade we do with pakistan, the MORE our ability to destroy them from within. So we should be advocating MORE trade with pakistan.

But Indus Water Treay is fair game and its about time we talked about tearing it up.

Cricket is fair game too. So is any other sporting event that do not give us any military advantage.

Any channel that can help us push propaganda and develop spys should also be allowed e.g. bollywood, news media, cultural exchanges etc.

You're talking like "We should give a child more lollipop as we'll have more leverage on them" while we're discussing "to take away lollipop from the child to give some punishment".What is the use of leverage if we never exercise them?
Nothing is fair in this world. Rich countries don't share their resources with poor countries. Pakistan is forcing us to take these steps, this is the only language it understands. Better first start monitoring terror activities in your country before crying over IWT.
India Hints at Question Marks Over Indus Water Treaty With Pakistan

Can someone translate this in British or US English please? I must admit, I am not good at Indian English :p:

We will scrap the Indus Water Treaty With Pakistan.

Hope this helps...
We will scrap the Indus Water Treaty With Pakistan.

Hope this helps...

Yaar you Indians talk too much, seriously.

Like the "Dehati Aurat" Zardari was calling you.

Do it man, grow a pair and do it!
It should definitely be up for a review. You can't keep hitting us with your proxy terrorists and then expect us to honor one of the most generous water treaties in the world. I welcome this move from the govt. Pakistanis should not be able to take IWT for granted. Even if we don't scrap it immediately they should realize that it can be scrapped if they keep supporting terrorism.
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