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Pakistan and India must restart bilateral talks, in a new paradigm

Yeah now this Bully is seeking peace when between a mountain and deep blue sea. All hollow wishes of some trying-to -be-over-smart baniyas who want to avoid two 'hot' borders. Let us and China give them peace or rather some rest-in-peace. We dont feel any need for talk. These bollywood jokers are only good boasting infront of smaller neighbors while we have been taking this 7 times bigger bully head on for the last 75 years.

Its such fun these days watching these war-mongerers and their retired generals crying day and night in their TV war studios engulfed in fear and devising strategies of a two-front war while trying to figure out what china really wants and trying to prove the world how innocent they are. Such a joy!
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So I guess the two front war footing isn’t such a sweet scenario as they anticipated.
Talks with these Sanghi ba$tards, that ain’t happening. What will happen is they will continue to be sandwiched between the two of us until they break. The cracks are already appearing.

I’d send a message back, sure we talk right after you hand the valley and it’s people who want to join Pakistan.
No talks, they were so confident after removing article 370 and beating down the civilian population, now reality sets in.
Continue unabated and hit them hard.
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The spectre of a two front war is really giving the Indian strategic planners a hard time. The Indians have created for themselves this problem by not harmonising their ambitions with strategic planning.

The Indian ambitions have put them on a collision course with China. However, they chose Pakistan as an enemy to focus their abilities on. Kashmir kept them distracted and bled India for so long. It could've been a true competitor for China given it's potential. However, that isn't the case. They prepared with Pakistan in mind and consequently are now ill prepared to deal with China.

However, China finds itself with a perfect ally in Pakistan. Pakistan is to China in relation to India what the US wishes India could be for it in relation to China. Pakistan is both motivated and geared towards dealing with India.

India and Pakistan can hold any level of diplomatic talks now, fact is the moment Pakistan sees its opportunity, it will try to take advantage of it.

As far as Pakistan is concerned, this thought of improving ties from India comes a day late and a dollar short.

No point. There will NEVER EVER be peace between Pakistan and india. The above is just a ploy for india to decrease the heat from it's Western border while it tries to deal with China. NOTHING more.

PS Making peace with india, will NOT improve the economic situation or any other problems Pakistan has.
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