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Pakistan Among Top Three Online Outsourcing Destinations in the World


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
Pakistan ranks number 3, after US (#1) and India (#2), in terms of freelancers doing outsourced IT work on contract. Bangladesh ranks fourth, according to data from four biggest online outsourcing sites: Elance.com, oDesk.com, Freelancer.com, and Guru.com.


The data also shows that US, Australia and the UK as the top hiring countries. All four websites work in a similar way: First, companies post job requirements on these sites. Next, freelancers or IT-companies offer their bids with skills and cost for the project listed on the website. Finally, the company chooses the best bid meeting its job requirements.


Recently, Freelacers.com, one of the top four online marketplaces, said there are 240,000 freelance Pakistanis registered as providers on its website.

With more than 30 million internet subscribers, five million plus broadband users and a population nearing 200 million, according to Freelancer executive Adam Byrnes, it makes sense to have a presence in Pakistan.
“Going forward, we want to provide self-employment for a billion people, a significant portion of that is going to come from Pakistan,” he told Express Tribune.

In addition to having a large population, Pakistan has seen its human capital grow significantly over the last decade. With nearly 16% of its population in 25-34 years age group having college degrees, Pakistan is well ahead of India and Indonesia, according to Global Education Digest 2009 published by UNESCO Institute of Statistics. UNESCO data also shows that Pakistan's lead is growing with younger age groups.

Faster economic growth requires BOTH skilled manpower and investment of dollars as Pakistanis saw during Musharraf years. Regardless, the growth of human capital is a good thing to build a foundation for Pakistan's future. It'll contribute to economic growth when the security situation improves and FDI returns to Pakistan. The country's large diaspora too will be helpful in accelerating Pakistan's growth and development with money and skills.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Third Most Popular Online Outsource Countries
Do these website provide the amount in dollars of the transactions for the top 4 outsourcing destinations? How much foreign exchange do we earn from this activity?
Do these website provide the amount in dollars of the transactions for the top 4 outsourcing destinations? How much foreign exchange do we earn from this activity?

It takes a basic critical mass of enabling technologies, processes and participants before such tech-based businesses achieve explosive growth.

In this case, Internet access, especially broadband, is a relatively new phenomenon in Pakistan. I expect to see online freelance markets' accelerated growth with increasing broadband access in Pakistan.

In addition to the Elance (founded in 1999) figures of $170 million total and $40 million to Pakistanis, Express Tribune says Freelancers (founded in 2004) has paid $150 million to its freelancers, including $13 to Pakistanis, according to Express Tribune.


Pakistan 3rd-highest user of freelancer as self-employment rises – The Express Tribune
yeah but only in couple of fields :(
while we living in uk and studying marketing from top uni's we dont get any jobs ...
yeah... i think we have degrees in marketing. but thing is it doesnt have enough jobs in here, now i am planing to either go for "charted marketing" or switching my field to flight engr.
Here's an earlier post I did back in 2009 on this phenomenon:

Menlo Park, California based oDesk has ranked the Philippines and Pakistan as the top two outsourcing destinations in terms of growth, value for money and customer feedback.

oDesk helps its clients with tools, technologies and services to hire and manage remote work teams. Other companies in its category, including Elance, Guru and RentACoder, create marketplaces in which employers and freelancers can contact one another. These sites often manage the payments, and make money by charging membership fees and/or take a cut of the payment. The cuts can range from 4 percent to 15 percent.

According to oDesk, Pakistan experienced 328% growth in its outsourcing business in 2007-8, second only to the Philippines (789%) on a list of seven top locations that include US (260%), Canada (121%), India (113%), the Ukraine (77%) and Russia (43%).

Pakistan ranks number one in value for money for developers and data entry and number two overall behind the Philippines where the cost of answering calls is about half of the cost in Pakistan. Pakistan is well ahead of India and just behind the number 1 ranked United States in customer satisfaction.

The growth of outsourcing within the US and Canada as well as the high customer satisfaction data for North America are particularly noteworthy. It seems to indicate that more and more North American companies are showing preference for outsourcing close to home. New technology appears to be helping close the cost gap between North America and the rest of the top seven outsourcing destinations.

In addition to oDesk's view of Pakistan as a preferred outsourcing destination, Gartner, in its 2008 report ‘Analysis of Pakistan as an Offshore Service Location’ said the major factor behind upgrading Pakistan to first tier status for outsourcing is the lower salaries and better infrastructure advantages than other offshore destinations. “The salaries of IT professionals in Pakistan are approximately 30% lower than those in India, while telecommunication costs are also lower as compared to any other offshore locations, which make Pakistan an attractive outsourcing destination.”

oDesk says that "the results … the Philippines and Pakistan rank the highest in this admittedly simplistic analysis, which must be taken with a grain of salt." It adds, "There are many factors to be taken into consideration when hiring contractors to your workteams. But, in the meantime, congratulations to providers in these two countries for topping the list! Fans of outsourcing to the Philippines and Pakistan will also be glad to know that they were also the fastest growing countries on oDesk, by hours worked, from 2007-2008."

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Ranks Among Top Outsourcing Destinations
Pakistan Among Top Three Online Outsourcing Destinations in the World

Ha.....and I see a lot of Pakistani posters calling India a call-centre country. Strange.
I don't get this Riaz Haq guy. When indians do it - its a menial low paying job or "cyber coolies". When pak does it, the reaction changes to - "lo and behold, the IT revolution beckons".
I don't get this Riaz Haq guy. When indians do it - its a menial low paying job or "cyber coolies". When pak does it, the reaction changes to - "lo and behold, the IT revolution beckons".
india should have made its own operating system untill then they are all cyber coolies even pakistan altough pakistan has its own operating system
Indians are collies, Pakistanis are Freelancers...Lol. India's last year software exports stand at 75 billion, surpassing Pakistan's entire Export (25 billions) and Imports (45 billions)
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