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Pakistan: Alliance Over if US Troops Expand War Across Border

Another point.....Pakistan is not as weak as people think....The US/ISAF forces need a firm rebuttal at the borders......what is the point of Pakistan having a large number of troops and spending a lot on defence if it cannot protect its Sovereignty and its people???....nuclear weapons will deter any enemy.....if serious messages are sent to threatening nations???
Shall we expect increased terrorist attacks from TTP as retaliation to Pakistani refusal?
I suppose the presence of ISAF would merely highlight this humiliating fact.
The presence of ISAF in FATA would only highlight the inability of the US to get beyond 'a bull in a chinashop' policies that revolve around using brute force to address extremely complex issues.

It would, of course, merely create a bigger morass That the one the US finds itself struggling with in Afghanistan, after nine years of war and hundreds of billions spent.
i know general ppl. of pakistan would want to see the end of alliance in such situation, but i doubt abt. pakistan govt.

Also the Indians want the alliance to end, so they can be best friends with the US. That is not going to happen as long as Indians are brown nosing Russians.
can any one tell me since there is an aliance with pakistan why dont they ask the pakistan army do the raid for them instead of asking permision to do the raid themself?
What is the use of Pakistan being a Nuclear Power when different countries are pushing around Pakistan like its Afghanistan and Iraq and violating Pakistan's sovereignity.

I'm sick and tired of people comparing Pakistan to a counntry like Afghanistan.

Pakistan's leaders need to grow some balls. The world's 6th largest nation with the world's 5th largest army with the world's 7th nuclear power shouldn't be pushed around like this.
can any one tell me since there is an aliance with pakistan why dont they ask the pakistan army do the raid for them instead of asking permision to do the raid themself?

Pakistan has asked for Apache's with night vison to do raids in NWA, but the US says Apaches are in short supply and Super Cobras can be sold to Pakistan after the US Marine Corp orders are fulfilled.

Pakistan Army will only go in NWA when all the pre-requisites are in place for a successful operation.
There's a limit of what Pakistani Military and Pakistani public can tolerate because of the slave policies of the incompetent government.

Americans will be fools if they dare to invade. The response will be ruthless.
Another point.....Pakistan is not as weak as people think....The US/ISAF forces need a firm rebuttal at the borders......what is the point of Pakistan having a large number of troops and spending a lot on defence if it cannot protect its Sovereignty and its people???....nuclear weapons will deter any enemy.....if serious messages are sent to threatening nations???

Yes Pakistan is not a weak country and everyone knows it....
the only problem with our US gov is that they keep spending on these wars..... Now we want to take this war in Pakistan which is now a solution basically its a problem ..... as Our gov need to understand indians in Afghanistan are doing bad stuff for Pakistan and its proved too so what options we will have if this Alliance get over and we are left with limited supply lines, greater national debt, china investing in Pakistan, China Loan to US going high day by day, army personal loosing hope................etc etc

Where this gov will stop????
There's a limit of what Pakistani Military and Pakistani public can tolerate because of the slave policies of the incompetent government.

Americans will be fools if they dare to invade. The response will be ruthless.
That is an extremely childish response. First of all, the American attacks if happening, will be towards the Taliban suspects and those offshoots in the remote bordering areas. I personally do not like meddling with someone else's territory and understand you anger, but Taliban and Al Qaeda seem to have become a global problem which is further complicated due to your limited border precautions and porous regions along Afghanistan Pakistan border.

Hence it leaves NATO little choice but to ask your permission to strike with special forces into your territory. Maybe they could ask your own special forces' cooperation in an arrangement that would appear like a joint operation between NATO and Pakistani security forces.

However, I failed to understand what ruthless consequence you are promising Americans of.
That is an extremely childish response. First of all, the American attacks if happening, will be towards the Taliban suspects and those offshoots in the remote bordering areas. I personally do not like meddling with someone else's territory and understand you anger, but Taliban and Al Qaeda seem to have become a global problem which is further complicated due to your limited border precautions and porous regions along Afghanistan Pakistan border.

Hence it leaves NATO little choice but to ask your permission to strike with special forces into your territory. Maybe they could ask your own special forces' cooperation in an arrangement that would appear like a joint operation between NATO and Pakistani security forces.

However, I failed to understand what ruthless consequence you are promising Americans of.

Just wanted to say that maybe you dont know whats going on around this area or have very less information.

can you justify these points?
1- When Pakistani army offered to put wire on afghan border so no one can pass border without permissions NATO and USA was the first one to raise voice against it.

2- When Pakistan Army enggaged war in south Waziristan NATO and USA removed thier check posts along the border and lots of Al-Qaida and Taliban escaped to Afghanistan - why do they remove the checkposts? in order to support militants???

3- Indians actions in Balochistan and FATA proved by Pak Army with indian origin weapons captured from these militants......

there is a long list and thats the reason Pakistan army is against and saying if you cross your limits then Alliance is over.....

Dont see and listen what media is telling you only try to read in between the lines and you will get more from what they jsut want to tell you....
What is the use of Pakistan being a Nuclear Power when different countries are pushing around Pakistan like its Afghanistan and Iraq and violating Pakistan's sovereignity.

I'm sick and tired of people comparing Pakistan to a counntry like Afghanistan.

Pakistan's leaders need to grow some balls. The world's 6th largest nation with the world's 5th largest army with the world's 7th nuclear power shouldn't be pushed around like this.

In that case, you could firmly commit towards a joint anti-terror operation with American forces. There is absolutely no reason that NATO or ISAF would give up on a zero sum game.

The problem is that your country is facing a militancy that has some connections linking to global problems of terrorism as well. It is rather unfortuante that these radicals are taking up refuge in your border areas. All these numbers and ranks count for little if militancy has gripped your country.

Please think of it in a proactive manner on how to first rid of the problem that is keeping the Americans in your part of the world. That specific problem is the cause of all other problems your country is facing. Aggression towards Americans at this stage or at any stage will get no positive results for both of you. While you both fight, fundamentalists and militants would thrive and refill their supplies.

And recent wiki leaks shows that Karzai is protecting Anti Pakistan elements BLA.
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