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Pakistan: Alliance Over if US Troops Expand War Across Border

pakistan had to side with america on WOT, be with us or with the terrorists, that was the message from bush. Musharaf also said that american diplomat told him to bomb pakistan to stone age if they didnt side with americans, paksitan didnt really have much choice.

Many politicians and officiers say tht musharaf lied!
pakistan had to side with america on WOT, be with us or with the terrorists, that was the message from bush. Musharaf also said that american diplomat told him to bomb pakistan to stone age if they didnt side with americans, paksitan didnt really have much choice.

And your point is what? All of this is about converging your interests. When they do not converge then we hope to have an amicable understanding at the end with the Americans as suggested in the article above.
lol if this allaince falls apart so will all the billions of dollars of free aid that pakistan gets atm from USA ,and looking at the state of the pakistan economy atm.....it needs al the free money it can get .
Actually Taliban are the ones to decide what will happen in future.
Many politicians and officiers say tht musharaf lied!

I do not think he lied. In Shuja Nawaz's book, he mentions that when Lt Gen Mahmud Ahmed was in DC when the 9/11 attacks took place, someone mentioned to him that some (in my view overzealous US officials) "were talking about using nukes". We can all connect the dots and come to the conclusion that some were very angry and had talked about hitting Afghanistan and potentially even Pakistan (given their understanding or lack thereof of the situation on the ground) with such capability which obviously would have resulted in setting both countries back to the stone age.
sooner or later, US will take some action. only time will tell Pakistan reaction.
lol if this allaince falls apart so will all the billions of dollars of free aid that pakistan gets atm from USA ,and looking at the state of the pakistan economy atm.....it needs al the free money it can get .

Do u know the loss in dollars Pakistan has suffered? $50-60 billion compare tht with the help by usa........Now compare tht with US AID to india or even british AID to great india.:tdown:
lol if this allaince falls apart so will all the billions of dollars of free aid that pakistan gets atm from USA ,and looking at the state of the pakistan economy atm.....it needs al the free money it can get .

Who cares about funding? As if Pakistan has always received this aid. When national interests are at stake, Pakistan has the will and the intention to say no. We took this stand with our nuclear program in the 90s and paid for it financially and economically.

While funding is good, its not what holds Pakistan together.
Do u know the loss in dollars Pakistan has suffered? $50-60 billion compare tht with the help by usa........Now compare tht with US AID to india or even british AID to great india.:tdown:

but thats what im saying sir ....whats done is done you cant rewind time and undoo your alllaince with the USA .......so it will be better off if pakistan dose get free money rather than nothing at all.
And your point is what? All of this is about converging your interests. When they do not converge then we hope to have an amicable understanding at the end with the Americans as suggested in the article above.

hope there is an understanding between pakistan and america, so far we have seen more of accusing each other. in such a situation it's best to have a fresh start and having different ways.
hope there is an understanding between pakistan and america, so far we have seen more of accusing each other. in such a situation it's best to have a fresh start and having different ways.

I hope so too. Because currently the US side wants Pakistan to make all the sacrifices and concessions and essentially give the ISAF/US a graceful exit at our expense. I do not think Pakistan is able to do so and neither is it fair or in Pakistan's interests to do so. Some accommodation is in order on all sides.

If Pakistan is willing to go for a power-sharing deal in Kabul (against a demand calling for only a Pashtun-led government, then others also need to give in a bit and come to a compromise.)
Do u know the loss in dollars Pakistan has suffered? $50-60 billion compare tht with the help by usa........Now compare tht with US AID to india or even british AID to great india.:tdown:
Though I disapprove of the taunting tone of his, the warning is something worth considering. Where as these figures officially mentioned? Any detailed economic analysis released by your government on such a high sum of losses? I am sure that if the damage has been so extensive, your government would have been far more vehement than the non-participant role currently played by your president and prime minister.

Please for one moment, do think what the imminent breakup of this alliance would mean. The losses even if we are to go by the figures you mentioned here, are not going to be recovered by the breaking of this alliance. On the contrary the economic and financial assistance that you receive from United States would also dry up. Not to mention American comeback in some way for attempting to break this alliance.

The losses suffered by your country are great and my sympathies are with your people, but being head strong in such a scenario would be ill-advised. No one is willing to help you to the level of United States. Not even the Chinese (if I am to assume the deep ties that you have as has been mentioned here a lot) since their projects in your country is not extensive enough to immediately keep your economy afloat.

Please consider what this action would mean in medium term. To keep employment rate reasonable and hence form a basic plank on which your economy could rebuild its foundations right now, is not independently working especially with militancy at all time high in your region.

It was impractical of your elite to depend on one country so much initially rather than following the policy of strategic neutrality. But now breaking away is certainly not the right solution.
There is no defeat. Essentially a national government has to come to fore which addresses the concerns of Afghanistan's neighbors (similar to the situation in Iraq). Then just like in Iraq, the Afghan government would be responsible for denying sanctuary to AQ types. Beyond that, the Taliban problem ceases to exist for the US because in the end it is a ethnic, social issue facing Afghanistan. At that time, the US will have to pull the troops out and move on.

Just like there was no "victory" or "defeat" in Iraq, nothing of the sorts would happen in Afghanistan. This is the only realistic outcome. Stakes are too high for anyone to walk away with a clear victory or defeat!

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