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Pakistan: Alliance Over if US Troops Expand War Across Border

Mr. Techlahore, The answer to your most crucial question in this post is: more hands, more logistics, and more weapons. That is all the incentive that is there for you to permit NATO forces, even if you consider their wider operations as a failure.
You haven't really answered the question - 'more hands. more resources, more logistic, more weapons' have been incapable of pacifying large parts of Afghanistan, whereas the PA has shown itself to be far more successful in the majority of the areas it has conducted operations in.

But that said, 'more logistics, weapons and resources' can help improve the effort on the Pakistani side, and that is precisely where ISAF needs to assist Pakistan, in providing the military resources necessary for Pakistan to expand. But as has been pointed out repeatedly, the most essential resources of transport and gunship helicopters will take a few more years to deliver. So the issue is ISAF constraints, not Pakistani unwillingness.
Again you fail to understand the point of my post. This is not your problem alone any longer. It is the entire world's problem and that includes a lot of countries from Europe as well. The question of your sovereignty being breached would have held water when NATO would intentionally breach them to antagonize the Pakistani state. However, that is not the intention here but instead of conduct hot pursuit missions against militants.
Certainly it is the 'entire world's problem', but then the 'entire world' has a platform in the United Nations, and specifically the UNSC, to get a mandate to allow ISAF to address this issue. Until ISAF has that mandate from the UN, you cannot claim to be conducting unilateral military operations in violation of the sovereignty of other nations on behalf of the 'entire world'.

And again, your argument fails to address the issue of ISAF failures in the territory it is currently occupying and operating in, and how extending ISAF operations to cover an even larger swathe of territory, that will act as a recruitment catalyst for Taliban and Al Qaeda groups, will not make the situation even worse.
The way I see it and being a part of military myself, the problem is not so complicated as it is projected to be if only both sides American and Pakistani, are willing to cooperate and genuinely end this problem. What creates a road-block is the general anti-Western sentiments that are raised by some of your more conservative parties that are easily bought by some sections of your society and hence create political pressure on your leadership to refuse cooperation with NATO.
Pakistan is willing to cooperate, it is the US that has been hesitant since 2001 to cooperate in any meaningful way to boost Pakistani military and COIN capabilities. Pakistan only recently received some SIGNIT equipment from the US, to track Taliban/AQ communications, despite asking for it for years. Even now the majority of SIGINT is reportedly carried out by CIA cells posted in Pakistan in collaboration with the ISI - again reflective of a refusal of the US to bolster Pakistani capabilities to perform the job themselves, in order to maintain a pervasive US military and intelligence presence in Pakistan.

The US has similarly been stingy over providing gunship helicopters for years, and now we are at the point where Pakistani demands for choppers will not be fulfilled till after 2014 likely, which is completely counter to US deadlines. But perhaps the US should not have procrastinated over providing equipment to Pakistan then, ostensibly to avoid antagonizing India and loosing business and military deals with it. The US cannot have it both ways.

I am likely to assume here that the more conservative and to some extent radical parties are sympathetic towards these Taliban and other such elements. Correct me if I am wrong, but such political forces are a large-scale cause of a deadlock between your government and international forces. The cross-border raids so far organized by American agencies is out of desperation since your own government is pressured to show some sort of patronizing defiance to American forces without understanding the core issue of this problem.
The core issue is that cross-border raids or Pakistani military operations in North Waziristan will not provide a long term solution to ending the insurgency. And with ISAF offering no understanding or movement towards a comprehensive long term solution to the instability in Afghanistan, there is understandably reluctance to spark a fire in FATA that Pakistan believes it will be left to put out on its own once the US pulls out.
It is neither about your sovereignty nor about accepting succumbing to American bossing; it is eradicating radical militancy that has caused a lot of damage to a lot of countries including yours.
Pakistan has not questioned that, but the US has refused to provide the necessary resources to Pakistan to address the issue comprehensively.
In the past United States has refused to transfer you some of its high technology military weapons because simply put, it wants to retain control of that technology such as repeated requests for armed drones. But does a reactive refusal from your government to allow American forces to enter your territory (Even in cooperation) on the basis of hot pursuit solve the militancy? No it does not.

So I would say that both of you people have to come above petty personal issues and see the big picture.
The big picture is that the US compromising on transferring high technology to Pakistan is the only reasonable compromise here, a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty because of US paranoia and discrimination is not.

No 'cooperative hot pursuit', no 'unilateral military operations', no 'military operations by Pakistan until it feels it has the necessary resources'.

Yes to US transfers of the necessary equipment and technology to facilitate these operations.

Mr. Techlahore, The answer to your most crucial question in this post is: more hands, more logistics, and more weapons. That is all the incentive that is there for you to permit NATO forces, even if you consider their wider operations as a failure.

Again you fail to understand the point of my post. This is not your problem alone any longer. It is the entire world's problem and that includes a lot of countries from Europe as well. The question of your sovereignty being breached would have held water when NATO would intentionally breach them to antagonize the Pakistani state. However, that is not the intention here but instead of conduct hot pursuit missions against militants.

The way I see it and being a part of military myself, the problem is not so complicated as it is projected to be if only both sides American and Pakistani, are willing to cooperate and genuinely end this problem. What creates a road-block is the general anti-Western sentiments that are raised by some of your more conservative parties that are easily bought by some sections of your society and hence create political pressure on your leadership to refuse cooperation with NATO.

I am likely to assume here that the more conservative and to some extent radical parties are sympathetic towards these Taliban and other such elements. Correct me if I am wrong, but such political forces are a large-scale cause of a deadlock between your government and international forces. The cross-border raids so far organized by American agencies is out of desperation since your own government is pressured to show some sort of patronizing defiance to American forces without understanding the core issue of this problem.

It is neither about your sovereignty nor about accepting succumbing to American bossing; it is eradicating radical militancy that has caused a lot of damage to a lot of countries including yours.

In the past United States has refused to transfer you some of its high technology military weapons because simply put, it wants to retain control of that technology such as repeated requests for armed drones. But does a reactive refusal from your government to allow American forces to enter your territory (Even in cooperation) on the basis of hot pursuit solve the militancy? No it does not.

So I would say that both of you people have to come above petty personal issues and see the big picture.

I appreciate your comments. But when did FATA become "the world's problem"? It became the world's problem after NATO action in Afghanistan. We forget that the deal on the table while the Taliban were still in power, was:

1) They would give up Osama and gang if his trial was done in a muslim country
2) They would deny Al-qaeda any ability to use Afghan territory for action against any foreign country

This deal was not taken. How are we better off today? We aren't. You have to realize that western strategy viz Afghanistan is now in its 200th or so year of continuous failure, starting with the British. The only way the British, at the height of their empire, were able to deal with the Afghans was by befriending them... and perhaps the definition of friendship here is a little different to your conventional dictionary definition, but I think you know what I mean.

If you think that we need more boots and guns on the ground to control FATA, then you are exhibiting the same utter lack of understanding about this area that western foreign offices/departments of state have exhibited since God knows when. Yes, there are some equipment shortcomings which Pakistan has been requesting for years, which are not being provided... one wonders why this is, but that's another topic. These aren't even very expensive or strategic items. Just helicopters, smart munitions, UAVs and things of that nature. No Ballistic missiles, nuclear technology or SSBNs involved!

Pakistan will solve the world's problems with respect to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, but for this we need a couple of things:

1) Give us the trivial supplies we need, helicopters, smart munitions etc. These are truly a drop in the bucket when compared to the annual cost of operations in Afghanistan. The ROI on this is absolutely unsurpassed, and yet it continues to be ignored.

2) Don't pound your chest all the time and threaten us with newspaper headlines. This makes our job harder and hardens positions and mindsets which we need to keep flexible.

3) Get the Pashtuns involved in Afghanistan, divert the money used to keep NATO boots on the ground (something ludicrous like well over $1M/soldier/year) to developing Afghanistan and buying loyalties where necessary

4) Reduce visible military presence as much as possible in Afghanistan. Most Afghans are xenophobic. You cannot change that in 2, 5 or 10 years. It will take a generation or two of stability and education. So for now, get out of their face.

5) Help Pakistan believe that it is not being used again. If our strategic reality is going to get worse post NATO exit, we will definitely do things now to help us survive in future. Our strategic reality is defined by a neighbour 6.5 times our size with an army 3 times ours which has fought numerous wars with us. The core issue which makes us India's enemy is the issue of Kashmir. Without headway or resolution viz this issue, Pakistan's threat perception will remain the same. If a NATO exit creates a vacuum in Afghanistan, and we have the option of us filling it with the help of allies, or India filling it, then you know the path we will choose. Help make these choices a non-issue by seriously committing to making headway in Kashmir.

Without the above, NATO will find that it will continue to meet the daily disasters it has thus-far met in Afghanistan. And if it redirects its frustration with its own failures in Afghanistan by threatening an invasion of FATA, then it will only make matters unfathomably worse for itself.
Dear Readers

Is not the U.S. continuously striving to improve its relationship with the Pakistani people and government? In no way, shape or form is this alliance a fake one. Let us make it clear for everyone; this alliance will not die, and it will not end. Together we are committed to fighting terrorism and regaining peace and stability in Pakistan; which was prevalent before the terrorists decided to tyrannize the people as was the case in Swat. United States Central Command would like to inform all our readers that the news about U.S troops crossing the border into Pakistan to conduct raids is absolutely false. This misunderstanding emerged due to a New York Times article, which falsely suggested this idea. NATO’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, U.S Rear Admiral Gregory Smith stated that there is absolutely no truth in the news posted in the NY Times. The White House, State Department and Pentagon also added to this statement and reaffirmed that we understand and respect the sovereignty of Pakistan and would not plan anything mission of this sort without the consent of both the Army and Government of Pakistan. It is critical to our combined efforts in fighting against terrorists that we stand united against a common enemy. We understand, respect and honor the sacrifices made by our Pakistani allies.

LCDR Speaks,
Digital Engagement Team
U.S. Central Command
Dear Readers

Is not the U.S. continuously striving to improve its relationship with the Pakistani people and government? In no way, shape or form is this alliance a fake one. Let us make it clear for everyone; this alliance will not die, and it will not end. Together we are committed to fighting terrorism and regaining peace and stability in Pakistan; which was prevalent before the terrorists decided to tyrannize the people as was the case in Swat. United States Central Command would like to inform all our readers that the news about U.S troops crossing the border into Pakistan to conduct raids is absolutely false. This misunderstanding emerged due to a New York Times article, which falsely suggested this idea. NATO’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, U.S Rear Admiral Gregory Smith stated that there is absolutely no truth in the news posted in the NY Times. The White House, State Department and Pentagon also added to this statement and reaffirmed that we understand and respect the sovereignty of Pakistan and would not plan anything mission of this sort without the consent of both the Army and Government of Pakistan. It is critical to our combined efforts in fighting against terrorists that we stand united against a common enemy. We understand, respect and honor the sacrifices made by our Pakistani allies.

LCDR Speaks,
Digital Engagement Team
U.S. Central Command

Has anyone verified this dude as actually being from Centcom?
What is the use of Pakistan being a Nuclear Power when different countries are pushing around Pakistan like its Afghanistan and Iraq and violating Pakistan's sovereignity.

I'm sick and tired of people comparing Pakistan to a counntry like Afghanistan.

Pakistan's leaders need to grow some balls. The world's 6th largest nation with the world's 5th largest army with the world's 7th nuclear power shouldn't be pushed around like this.

well this is getting closer to the mark....

being a nuclear power does not everything is on a plate.

nuclear power is only one form of power, but there are many many others, like economic, political, military etc etc

nuclear option is only last resort
Many politicians and officiers say tht musharaf lied!
He did not lied. Those who think otherwise are fooling themselves only.

If you are leader of a nation and you are threatened with such grave consequences by an extremely powerful adversary, what will you do?

Who cares about funding? As if Pakistan has always received this aid. When national interests are at stake, Pakistan has the will and the intention to say no. We took this stand with our nuclear program in the 90s and paid for it financially and economically.

While funding is good, its not what holds Pakistan together.
Sir, Pakistan survived in those times because of:

1. Less energy requirements
2. Lower inflation
3. Cheaper dollar (around Rs.40/- mark)
4. Pakistan was getting US aid even during the time of sanctions
5. Pakistan was not in a state of war

Read this excellent report: US Aid to Pakistan and Democracy

Wars can put severe strain on economy. Our professional war-machine depends upon these resources. Or you think that people will fight without wages and hardware?

Unfortunately, we are so much habitual of relying upon aid money that we have forgotten the very basics of economic system.
well this is getting closer to the mark....

being a nuclear power does not everything is on a plate.

nuclear power is only one form of power, but there are many many others, like economic, political, military etc etc

nuclear option is only last resort
This :tup:

If nuclear assets could guarantee complete safety, than Pakistan would have escaped from the turmoil it currently finds itself in.

A nation should be considerably strong in all aspects, as you pointed out, if it wants to successfully meet security threats at any level.

Have a look at China: No one dares to carry out any misadventure in its soil or even around its borders. Even DPRK finds safety under the shadow of Chinese dragon.

Our nation does not lacks the potential to become a powerful nation like China. We lack in will.
"We would have preferred if the U.S. government had spoken of joint failures and problems on the Afghan side of the border as well," says the official. In fact, Pakistan sees the review as having sanitized U.S. failures in Afghanistan, while casting blame on Pakistan. (See photographs of Pakistan beneath the surface.)

So what's the method to this American madness? Why have they opted for this route over any other options available to them?? What can we discern about their intentions given the choices they have made over the nine, now going on ten years?

Friends, there is no alliance between Pakistan and the US - Pakistanis know all too well the US is out to screw Pakistan in South and Central Asia and positioning it's strategic ally such that US strategic competitors can be better managed, even restrained -- now it is the U.S's right and privilege (in the eye of the beholder) to play it as it sees, defines, those interests -- surely, reasonable people will grant that Pakistan must play it as it sees, defines it's interest and role in the region along with it's friends and allies.

A shooting war would be a disservice to all, and at least to my thinking, the U.S is simply not prepared to play a constructive role - fear mongering about Al-Qaida in (fill in the blanks) will keep her population in fear and allow her politicians to play hero, while her economy and her standing take a hit they will not soon recover from (it's not just Pakistan that suffers from a "rot" problem, after all, notice what the response to the loss of more than US$ 6.00 Trillion in financial scandals have been - who has been accountable?), more blood and more treasure and more time is what the war mongers are suggesting is the answer - whether they are right or wrong is immaterial, the home front is collapsing as Americans seem more worried about themselves than Afghans, and rightfully so.

But does that mean that Pakistan will find that the issue of religious extremism and it's fellow traveler, terrorism is something they can avoid? I think we all agree that the issue cannot be ignored and the day of reckoning for religious extremists and the Pakistani state is not far off in the future - however, Pakistan can do without whatever it is the U.S is selling or threatening - The U.S behavior sets it up as a bad actor in the region and the world and it cannot for the foreseeable future, be seen or be sold as, a relevant partner - tragic? sure, but that's just besides the point, they can't be helped, just as many in the U.S are persuaded that Pakistan cannot be helped. Let them both go their separate ways.
At the last moment of defeat american will try to transfer blame and damage as much as they can towards the Pakistani side of border. After all they need to full fill their commitments with "shining India" for greater afghan foothold.

This stupid WOT is nothing but botched US attempt to redesign Central Asia and Asia proper. After 10 years of war, the US administration is unable to accomplish anything and fear a massive accountability backlash from the population. Hence a scape goat should be found. A popular saying goes that Lies have no root..and a thousand lies need to be created to cover one..and we are witnessing a similar sequence...9/11 was the biggest lie..followed by WoT, AQ, OBL, TTP, Pakistan being a sequence of lies for cover up.
sooner or later this is bound to happen.
BTW smart move from both the nations
pakistan cant afford attacks on its soil and america wants to get down as many terrorists as it can before it leave.
Others have said it above and let me reiterate it.

It is pointless to ask and expect the US to act honestly in this so-called alliance because Pakistan and the US have diametrically opposed long term interests. The US is here to help US interests, not the Afghans and certainly not the Pakistanis.

And those US interests involve installing a certain chowkidar in Afghanistan to foment trouble in Pakistan and China.
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A backgrounder - not "the truth", but an interesting perspective:

NATO weaves South Asian web
By M K Bhadrakumar

What the summit meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) at Lisbon last month brought to mind almost instinctively was that the persistent rumors about the alliance's death were indeed greatly exaggerated. The striking thing was the degree of internal unity and outward determination among the alliance's 28 members.

In recent years, derisive dismissals have featured galore in international discourse about the "dysfunctional irrelevance" of NATO and an alliance characterized as a "Cold War relic". In South Asia - Indian, in particular - this almost resulted in an intellectual ellipsis while dwelling on the overall United States regional strategies in the overlapping Afghanistan-Pakistan conflicts. In fact, NATO hardly figured in the Indian discourses on Afghanistan as an issue of consequence.

Facile impressions gathered in the South Asian strategic community that the US was desperately seeking an "exit strategy" in Afghanistan and was about to "cut and run" from the Hindu Kush.

The NATO summit in Lisbon at the end of November, therefore, came as an eye-opener for South Asians. Voices in the transatlantic space that questioned the continued the raison d'etre of the alliance have fallen completely silent.

Equally, alliance members of both Old and New Europe seem to have recognized that NATO has successfully maneuvered though a transitional phase and completed a process of adjustment in the post-Cold War era. Fundamental divergences in matters of alliance policy are no more.

Unscathed psyche
Quite obviously, the alliance is well on the way to transforming into a global political-military role, and it is forward-looking. There are skeptical voices still that in an era of European austerity, a question mark ought to be put on the alliance's ambitions. European cutbacks in military deployment and rigorous savings programs in defense budgets should not be overplayed, either. NATO is by far today the most powerful military and political alliance in the world.

The US has always been the main provider of the alliance's budget - almost 75% currently - as well as its "hard power". The perceived widening of the US-Europe "divide", however, presents a complex scenario as regards the alliance's evolution as a security organization in the 21st century.

As NATO secretary-general Anders Fogh Rasmussen underlined at the Lisbon summit, "The United States would look elsewhere for its security partner." A kind of "division of labor" in international interventions becomes necessary for the US. The Iraq war showed that it is already happening.

The various partnership programs of NATO in Central Asia and the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Mediterranean regions can be viewed as part of the overall approach to take recourse to other states or groups of states to promote the Euro-Atlantic interests globally.

In a manner of speaking, the "concepts" of power are expanding and NATO is seeking ways and means to eliminate unwanted duplications so as to coordinate more efficiently. At any rate, the handwringing over NATO's impending retreat from the world arena as a military alliance pretty much ended in Lisbon.

On the other hand, it has been replaced by an unequivocal acceptance of the continued raison d'etre of the trans-Atlantic alliance - and the US's leadership role in it - as well as the need of a robust search for partnerships in other regions. Clearly, the US will continue to give primacy to its transatlantic security partnership and intends to use NATO as a key instrument for exerting influence globally as well as for preventing the emergence of any independent power center that challenges its preeminence.

US President Barrack Obama's tour of the Asian region in November (just before NATO gathered in Lisbon), which included stops in India, Indonesia and South Korea, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's extensive tours of the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Asia-Pacific region in recent months underscore that the US is bolstering defense ties in the region and scouting for underpinnings for the future expansion of NATO's partnerships in the region.

The thrust of the US strategy is quite clear. To quote former US secretary of state Madeline Albright, who headed NATO's Task Force to develop its new Strategic Concept adopted at the Lisbon summit, "[The] alliance is a solid house that would benefit from new locks and alarm system."

Rasmussen corroborated that the Lisbon summit's objective was to "ensure that NATO is more effective and more efficient" than ever before. He added: "More effective, because NATO will invest in key capabilities like missile defense, cyber-defense and long-range transport. More engaged, because NATO will reach out to connect with our partners around the globe, countries and other organizations. And more efficient, because we are cutting fat, even as we invest in muscle."

These objectives constituted the foundation of the New Strategic Concept for the coming decade adopted in Lisbon. As the objectives were fleshed out, three tasks got highlighted: collective defense, comprehensive crisis management and cooperative security. The Strategic Concept states, "We are firmly committed to preserve its [NATO's] effectiveness as the globe's most successful political-military alliance."

The core task will be to defend Europe and ensure the collective security of its 28 members, while the Strategic Concept envisages NATO's prerogative to mount expeditionary operations globally

The document explicitly says, "Where conflict prevention proves unsuccessful, NATO will be prepared and capable to manage ongoing hostilities. NATO has unique conflict-management capacities, including the unparalleled capability to deploy and sustain robust military forces in the field."

The alliance pledged to strengthen and modernize its conventional forces and to develop the full range of military capabilities. It will remain a nuclear alliance while developing a missile defense capability. The Strategic Concept reaffirmed that NATO will forge partnerships globally and reconfirmed the commitment to expand its membership to democratic states that meet the alliance's criteria.

To be sure, the Western alliance's habitation in the South Asian region will be shaping the geopolitics of the region in the coming period, and vice versa.

The discourses in the region blithely assumed until recently that NATO would have no appetite for far-flung operations and was desperately looking for an exit strategy in Afghanistan. On the contrary, what stood out from the Lisbon summit is that the NATO psyche comes out of the bloody war unscathed and, conceivably, the US may succeed in attaining a politically acceptable outcome for NATO's continued engagement in Afghanistan (and Pakistan).

'Robust, enduring partnership' with Kabul
Several questions arise as NATO transforms as a global security organization and establishes its long-term presence in the South Asian region. Will NATO be prepared to subject itself to the collective will of the international community as represented in the UN Charter, or will Article 5 of its charter (an armed attack against one or more [NATO members] in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all ....) continue to be the overriding principle?

There are huge uncertainties regarding regional security in South Asia. Border issues and beliefs and resentments expressed in Manichean categories, etc, are ransacking the security environment in the region.

The Western alliance has great experience in offering reassuring collective security and promoting reconciliation between the former Allied and Axis powers, as the difficult termination of Franco-German hostility shows. Will NATO aspire to be a framework for stabilizing the highly volatile and dangerous geopolitical situation in the South Asian region?

NATO is assertively proclaiming its preeminence as a security organization on the global plane and is yet sticking to its trans-Atlantic moorings against a backdrop where Europe's (the Western world's) dominance in international politics is on the wane and there is a shift in the locus of political and economic activity shifting away from the North Atlantic toward Asia.

To quote Zbigniew Brzezinski, "Whether they are "rising peacefully" (a self-confident China), truculently (an imperially nostalgic Russia) or boastfully (an assertive India, despite its internal multiethnic and religious vulnerabilities), they all desire a change in the global pecking order. The future conduct of an relationship among these three still relatively cautious revisionist powers will further intensify the strategic uncertainty."

From a seemingly reluctant arrival in Afghanistan seven years ago in an "out-of-area" operation as part of the UN-mandated ISAF [International Security Assistance Force], with a limited mandate, NATO is suo moto stepping out of the ISAF, deepening its presence and recasting its role and activities on a long-term basis. South Asian security will never be the same again.

At the Lisbon summit, NATO and Afghanistan signed a declaration as partners. The UN didn't figure in this, and it is purely bilateral in content. The main thrust of the declaration is to affirm their "long-term partnership" and to build "a robust, enduring partnership which complements the ISAF security mission and continues beyond it."

It recognizes Afghanistan as an "important NATO partner… contributing to regional security". In short, NATO and Afghanistan will "strengthen their consultation on issues of strategic concern" and to this end develop "effective measures of cooperation" which would include "mechanisms for political and military dialogue… a continuing NATO liaison in Afghanistan… with a common understanding that NATO has no ambition to establish a permanent military presence in Afghanistan or use its presence in Afghanistan against other nations."

NATO and Afghanistan will initiate discussion on a Status of Forces Agreement within the next three years. The Declaration also provides for the inclusion of "non-NATO nations" in the cooperation framework.

The Lisbon summit, in essence, confirmed that the NATO military presence in Afghanistan will continue even beyond 2014, which has been the timeline suggested by Afghan President Hamid Karzai for Kabul to be completely in charge of the security of the country.

President Obama summed up: "Our goal is that the Afghans have taken the lead in 2014 and in the same way that we have transitioned in Iraq, we will have successfully transitioned so that we are still providing a training and support function."

NATO may undertake combat operations beyond 2014 if and when a need arises. As Obama put it, all that is happening by 2014 is that the "NATO footprint in Afghanistan will have been significantly reduced. But beyond that, it's hard to anticipate exactly what is going to be necessary… I'll make that determination when I get there."

Clearly, the billions of dollars that have been pumped into the upgrading of Soviet-era military bases in Afghanistan in the recent period and the construction of new military bases, especially in Mazar-i-Sharif and Herat regions bordering Central Asia and Iran, fall into perspective.

Reaching out to India
As the biggest South Asian power, India seems to have been quietly preparing for this moment, backtracking gradually from its traditional stance of seeking a "neutral" Afghanistan free of foreign military presence. Of course, the bottom line for the Indian government is that the foreign policy should be optimally harmonized with US regional strategies. Therefore, all signs are that India as a "responsible regional power" will not fundamentally regard the NATO military presence in zero-sum terms.

Several considerations will influence the Indian approach in the coming period. One, India is an direct beneficiary of the US's "Greater Central Asia" strategy, which aims at drawing that region closer to South Asia by creating new linkages, especially economic.

Second, India has no strong views regarding NATO's partnership programs in Central Asia - unlike Russia or China, which harbor disquiet over it. At a minimum, there is no conflict of interest between India and NATO on this score. On the outer side, India would see advantages if NATO indeed works on a strategy to "encircle" China in Central Asia. The US military base in Manas, Kyrgyzstan, the induction of a fleet of AWACS (airborne warning and control system) aircraft into Afghanistan, and so forth give the alliance certain capability already to monitor the Xinjiang and Tibet regions where China has located its missiles targeted at India.

It is within the realms of possibility that NATO would at a future date deploy components of the US missile defense system in Afghanistan. Ostensibly directed against the nearby "rogue states", the missile defense system will challenge the Chinese strategic capability. Meanwhile, India is also developing its missile defense capabilities and future cooperation with the US in the sphere is on the cards

The stated Indian position so far has been that it will not identify with any military alliance or bloc. Having said that, it is also important to note that India enjoys observer status in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization [SCO] and is seeking full membership in it. There has been a dichotomy insofar as incrementally, India's contacts with NATO have been gathering steam.

Contacts with NATO at the level of the Indian military establishment have been unobtrusive but have also become a regular affair. NATO delegations have been regularly interacting with Indian think tanks and the defense and foreign policy establishment in Delhi. Unsurprisingly, much of this interaction remains sequestered from public view even as the Indian establishment continues to mouth for public consumption its traditional aversion toward military alliances and blocs.

Top Indian officials have crafted a new idiom calling for an "inclusive" security architecture for South Asia, a firm wedge leaving the door open for the inclusion of the extra-regional entities such as the US and/or NATO at some point. India probably perceives such "inclusiveness" as useful and necessary to balance China's rapidly growing profile in the South Asian region.

Most certainly, India harbors the hope that a NATO presence in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future may not be a bad thing to happen, after all. Delhi regards NATO's continued participation in the Afghanistan-Pakistan conflicts to be a bulwark against the possibility of a Taliban takeover in Afghanistan.

Also, it is useful for India that the Western alliance continues to be seized of the paradigm (from the Indian perspective) that the core issue of regional security in South Asia is the Pakistani military's policy of using the Taliban militants to gain "strategic depth" and of conceiving terrorism as an instrument of state policy

India is acutely conscious that the US sensitivities regarding its interests are at odds with NATO forces' pressing need to elicit a full and genuine political and military support from Pakistan to work out an Afghan settlement that can withstand the threat of a Taliban takeover in Kabul.

Again, given India's rivalry with China, Delhi watches with unease the US efforts to engage China in a geopolitical dialogue over Pakistan's long-term security
, although logically, it ought to feel a stake in avoiding a regional upheaval in Pakistan and ought to welcome a constructive role by China in helping to stabilize the situation in Pakistan.

In the year ahead, the thing to watch will be any paradigm shift in the direction of a cooperative NATO outreach toward the Moscow-led Collective Security Treaty Organization [CSTO]. Russia has been assiduously cultivating a strand of thinking within the alliance that joint security undertakings with CSTO could foster and even render optimal NATO's effectiveness on a trans-regional basis.

So far, the US has remained adamant about not conceding Russia's implicit claim of a sphere of influence in the post-Soviet space
. The CSTO summit meeting on December 10 points toward Moscow going ahead with the build up of its alliance also as a global security organization. Moscow seems to have concluded that any NATO enlistment of CSTO cooperation in the explosive area of the Afghan problem will be a protracted process, if at all - leave alone formal, direct links.

With India, on the other hand, the US has been promoting interoperability, discussing the potentials of cooperation in meeting mutually threatening contingencies and developing genuine strategic cooperation. The massive induction of US-made weapons systems into the Indian armed forces that can be expected in the coming period will accelerate these processes, and it is entirely conceivable that at some point India may overcome its lingering suspicions regarding Western domination and establish formal links with NATO with a modest first step of forming a joint council.

This train of thinking in Delhi will be significantly influenced by any pronounced eastward shift in NATO's center of gravity toward the Asia-Pacific region involving the East Asian powers, especially China

Reassuring Pakistan
The conviction in New Delhi is that NATO interests in Afghanistan and Pakistani (military) objectives are ultimately irreconcilable and sooner rather than later the US will have to address the contradiction. India could be underestimating the criticality of Pakistan's role in the US regional strategy.

The fact remains that geography dictates that Pakistan will always play a major role in ensuring the stability of Afghanistan. Arguably, India can be kept out of conflict resolution in Afghanistan, but Pakistan cannot be. Even countries that are friendly toward India - Russia, Turkey, Iran, Tajikistan - find it expedient to work with Pakistan. And towards that end, they are willing to acquiesce with Islamabad's "precondition" of keeping India at arm's length.

In fact, India doesn't figure in a single regional format involved in the search for a political settlement in Afghanistan. Its involvement almost entirely devolves upon its cogitations with the US.

There are any number of reasons why Pakistan's centrality in any search for conflict resolution in Afghanistan needs to be acknowledged. Afghanistan's subsistence economy cannot even survive today without trade and transit provided by Pakistan.

The Afghan political elites, especially the Pashtun elites, view Pakistan as their single most important interlocutor. They may seek out India as a "balancer" when the Pakistani intrusiveness or belligerence becomes too much for them, but ultimately, they have to have dealings with Pakistan.

Again, the Afghan insurgency is Pashtun-driven and the tribal kinships across the Pakistan-Afghanistan border are historical. Close to three million Afghan (Pashtun) refugees live in Pakistan. Pakistan wields decisive influence over a range of Afghan insurgent groups - Quetta Shura, Haqqani network, Hezb-i-Islami - and maintain extensive contacts with even groups that previously belonged to the Northern Alliance and spearheaded the anti-Taliban resistance, in particular, the "Mujahideen" leaders who fought the Soviet occupation such as Sibghatullah Mojaddidi, Burhanuddin Rabbani, Rasul Sayyaf, and others.

Needless to say, the terrorist nexus operating in the region includes Pakistani groups, and the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence continues to patronize some of them - and increasingly Pakistan is prepared to admit openly that they are its "strategic assets" inside Afghanistan to safeguard its long-term interests. Pakistan has invested heavily in men and material during the past two decades to gain "strategic depth" in Afghanistan and appears today to be every bit determined to influence any Afghan settlement.

Over and above, NATO and the US heavily depends on the two routes through Pakistan - via North-West Frontier province and Baluchistan - to supply the troops in Afghanistan.

The WikiLeaks disclosures have shown that the relationship between Pakistan and the US has been extremely complex. On the one hand, the US wields enormous influence on the Pakistani elites and the US diplomats blatantly interfere in Pakistan's domestic affairs - and the Pakistani politicians unabashedly seek American support for their shenanigans. But on the other hand, everything points to the limit of American power in Islamabad.

Pakistan surely has an uncanny knack to hunker down and even defy the US when it comes to safeguarding its core concerns and vital interests. Having said that, while Pakistan may behave in a exasperating way - full of doublespeak and double dealings - and at times shows signs of "strategic defiance", Pakistan also is extremely pragmatic and is finely tuned into the US's critical needs at the operational level, as the policy on the US drone attacks in the tribal areas testify.

WikiLeaks singles out two instances at least during the past year when the Pakistani military actually allowed the US forces to conduct operations inside Pakistan, completely disregarding the vehement "anti-Americanism" sweeping the country and quite contrary to its vehement public stance against any such erosion of Pakistani sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The heart of the matter is that both Pakistan and the US are under strong compulsion to reconcile their divergent approaches and work toward an Afghan settlement. The main sticking point at the moment devolves upon the strategy currently pursued by US commander David Petraeus who hopes to degrade the insurgents so that the Americans can eventually talk with the Taliban leadership from a position of strength.

Pakistan has the upper hand here since time is in its favor. Therefore, the likelihood of the US-Pakistani discords reaching a flashpoint in any given situation simply doesn't arise.

A finished product of Afghan war
This geopolitical reality is very much linked to NATO's future role in Afghanistan. US strategy toward an Afghan settlement visualizes the future role for NATO as the provider of security to the Silk Road that transports the multi-trillion dollar mineral wealth in Central Asia to the world market via the Pakistani port of Gwadar. In short, Pakistan is a key partner for NATO in this Silk Road project.

The Afghan-Pakistan trade and transit agreement concluded in October was a historic milestone and was possible only because of Washington's sense of urgency. It stands out as the late Richard Holbrooke's fine legacy. Actually, Holbrooke, the US diplomacy point man in the region, sought and obtained India's tacit cooperation in these negotiations leading to the Afghan-Pakistan agreement, which shows the extent to which Delhi is also counting on Washington to smoothen the edges of the Afghan-Pakistan-India triangular equations regarding trade and transit issues.

Without doubt, Pakistan is assured of a key role in the US regional strategy, which will keep foreign money flowing into Pakistan's economy. The Pakistani military will willingly accelerate the existing partnership programs with NATO and even upgrade them. The resuscitation of the Silk Road project to construct an oil and gas pipeline connecting Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India (the TAPI pipeline) will need to be seen as much more than a template of regional cooperation.

The pipeline signifies a breakthrough in the longstanding Western efforts to access the fabulous mineral wealth of the Caspian and Central Asian region. Washington has been the patron saint of the TAPI concept since the early-1990s when the Taliban was conceived as its Afghan charioteer. The concept became moribund when the Taliban regime was driven out of power from Kabul.

Now the wheel has come full circle with the project's incremental resuscitation since 2005, running parallel with the Taliban's fantastic return to the Afghan chessboard. TAPI's proposed commissioning coincides with the 2014 timeline for ending the NATO "combat mission" in Afghanistan. The US "surge" is concentrating on Helmand and Kandahar provinces through which the TAPI pipeline will eventually run. What an amazing string of coincidences!

The NATO Strategic Concept adopted in the Washington summit in April 1999 has outlined that disruption of vital resources could impact on the alliance's security interests. Since then, NATO has been deliberating on its role in energy security, clarifying its role in the light of shifting global political and strategic realities.

The Bucharest summit of the alliance in April 2008 deliberated on a report titled "NATO's Role in Energy Security", which identified the guiding principles as well as options and recommendations for further activities. The report specifically identified five areas where NATO can play a role. These included: information and intelligence fusion and sharing; projecting stability; advancing international and regional cooperation; supporting consequence management; and supporting the protection of critical infrastructure.

The alliance already conducts projects focusing on the Southern Caucasus and Turkey - the Baku-Ceyhan crude oil pipeline and the Baku-Erzurum natural gas pipeline. In August this year, a new division was created within NATO's International Staff to exclusively handle "non-traditional risks and challenges", including energy security, terrorism, and such.

On the map, the TAPI pipeline deceptively shows India as its final destination. What is overlooked, however, is that the route can be easily extended to the Pakistani port of Gwadar and connected with European markets, which is the ultimate objective.

The onus is on each of the transit countries to secure the pipeline. Part of the Afghan stretch will be buried underground as a safeguard against attacks and local communities will be paid to guard it. But then, it goes without saying that Kabul will expect NATO to provide security cover, which, in turn, necessitates long-term Western military presence in Afghanistan

In sum, TAPI is the finished product of the US invasion of Afghanistan. It consolidates NATO's political and military presence in the strategic high plateau that overlooks Russia, Iran, India, Pakistan and China. TAPI provides a perfect setting for the alliance's future projection of military power for "crisis management" in Central Asia.

Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar was a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service. His assignments included the Soviet Union, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kuwait and Turkey
^In sum, TAPI is the finished product of the US invasion of Afghanistan.

it was always about the 'oil' black-gold which will drive western economies.
He did not lied. Those who think otherwise are fooling themselves only.

If you are leader of a nation and you are threatened with such grave consequences by an extremely powerful adversary, what will you do?

Sir, Pakistan survived in those times because of:

1. Less energy requirements
2. Lower inflation
3. Cheaper dollar (around Rs.40/- mark)
4. Pakistan was getting US aid even during the time of sanctions
5. Pakistan was not in a state of war

Read this excellent report: US Aid to Pakistan and Democracy

Wars can put severe strain on economy. Our professional war-machine depends upon these resources. Or you think that people will fight without wages and hardware?

Unfortunately, we are so much habitual of relying upon aid money that we have forgotten the very basics of economic system.

This is becoming silly by the day LeGend...

Can I ask you something... Do you seriously think that this "aid" actually trickles down to the common man in Pakistan...

Yaar... It mostly ends in the pockets of our politicians and fat Generals... and the rest you can understand ;)
He did not lied. Those who think otherwise are fooling themselves only.

If you are leader of a nation and you are threatened with such grave consequences by an extremely powerful adversary, what will you do?

Sir, Pakistan survived in those times because of:

1. Less energy requirements
2. Lower inflation
3. Cheaper dollar (around Rs.40/- mark)
4. Pakistan was getting US aid even during the time of sanctions
5. Pakistan was not in a state of war

Read this excellent report: US Aid to Pakistan and Democracy

Wars can put severe strain on economy. Our professional war-machine depends upon these resources. Or you think that people will fight without wages and hardware?

Unfortunately, we are so much habitual of relying upon aid money that we have forgotten the very basics of economic system.

assalam alaikum

What leader? who told him to be a leader in first place?


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