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Pakistan alleges role of US behind No Confidence Vote against PTI government

There is lot more than circumstantial, there are two dozen documented embassy to politicians meetings followed by diplomatic threat. This is direct evidence.
National security council which consists of top military leaders and civilian validated it. So military of Pakistan is also lying?

not this again, all appointments on the council are at the behest of the Prime Ministers Office. So, the PM has influence over the council....period.
Wasn't there a recent infighting between the Western block, when Submarine deal b/w France and Australia :p

France threw a tantrum.
Australia, US and UK shrugged it off.
As Boris Johnson said, "donnez moi un break!"
This has been happening for decades.

Look how she proudly says "welcome to London". I wonder who paid for this property :lol: She still has $2 billion of Pakistani current account money stashed away in a swiss bank account.

denel said:
The best thing I commend Erdogan and IKP... they neutered their army generals once and forall.
Until that is not done in Pak, their continuous interference against normal politics and economic well being will be left out. In my humble observations, the citizens of Pak have suffered hugely lack of progress to get their rightful place in this world...

A lot of horse s***. The pleasant-to-the-ears excuses include:
  • The government is not democratically elected
  • The government is corrupt and the president collude with greedy businesses
  • Return the people of so-and-so to their rightful place in history/in this world
  • This government has MDW and the world needs to get rid of the devil
  • .....
The Americans will say you're telling lies if you questioned them:
  • How come Saudi was not revolutionalized?
  • How come Khadafi was not deposed until he said he'd want Euro to replace Dollars in buying oil from Libya
  • ....
Ha... Both lists could go a lot longer than above.

Turkey have also suffered setbacks due to some of the decisions made by Erdogan. These setbacks include exclusion from F-35 program and Turkish economic situation is not good either.

On a broader level:

1. GDP per capita is 46% lower than OECD best performers.
2. Inequality is higher than in most advanced economies.
3. More than 3/4 of the population is exposed to harmful levels of air pollution.

Turkey is not living up to its economic and geopolitical potential in the present.

Erdogan is also facing political opposition in the country.

- - - -

Some countries are better off with checks-and-balances for DAMAGE CONTROL and COURSE CORRECTION due to internal political instability. Judiciary and Military can provide these checks-and-balances in theory. Pakistan have a lengthy history of political instability because this country is known to produce egotistical leaders on average.
This is the person who demanded IK to be removed from office. Her background explains a lot, she is a neocon. Also look at the disrespect, with just $50 million dollars she is attempting to trigger a regime change. Wake up people.



Her husband is also a neocon
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  • White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield categorically rejects PM Imran Khan’s allegation.
  • We are closely following developments in Pakistan, says Ned Price.
  • US respects and supports Pakistan’s constitutional process and rule of law, says State Department spokesperson.
The White House responded early Friday to the PM’s speech, in which he named the US government over the no-trust motion against him.

In a televised address to the nation on Thursday, referring to the "threatening memo" that the PM claimed to have received against his government from a foreign country, he mistakenly named the United States to be behind the conspiracy.

In an apparent slip of the tongue, he named "the United States..." but quickly moved on and stated that "a foreign country" had sent a "threatening memo" which was against the Pakistani nation.

During a regular press briefing, White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield categorically rejected PM Imran Khan’s allegation.

Responding to a question that the Prime Minister of Pakistan accused the US government of working to remove him from power, Bedingfield said, "absolutely no truth to that allegation".

A day earlier, responding to a question asked by Geo News regarding the ‘threat letter,’ the US State Department categorically rejected any kind of involvement in the no-confidence motion against PM Imran Khan.

“Allegations of US involvement in the no-trust motion and ‘threat letter’ to PM Imran Khan are baseless,” said the State Department.

Meanwhile, US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price also rejected Imran Khan’s statement that the US government is trying to oust him.

During a regular press briefing, Price was asked to comment on PM Imran Khan’s allegation, to which the US official said, "we are closely following developments in Pakistan, we respect and support Pakistan’s constitutional process and rule of law".

“However, when it comes to that allegation, there is no truth to it,” he concluded.

What is the 'threat letter'?​

On Sunday, the premier, during what PTI labelled as one of its "biggest" rallies in its history at the Parade Ground in Islamabad, flashed a letter before the public, saying that he has "written evidence" that "money has been pouring in from abroad," while "some of our people are being used to topple the government."

He had said that for months, "plotting and planning is being carried out to influence the foreign policy of Pakistan from outside."

However, during a televised speech to the nation a day earlier, in an apparent slip of the tongue, the PM named "the United States..." but quickly moved on and stated that "a foreign country" had sent a "threatening memo" which was against the Pakistani nation.

"...the letter stated that the no-confidence motion was being tabled even before it was filed, which means the Opposition was in contact with them," the premier alleged.

PM Imran Khan said the memo was against him, not against the government. "...it stated that if the no-confidence motion passes, Pakistan will be forgiven, if not, there will be consequences."

The premier stated that it was an "official letter" that was communicated to Pakistan's ambassador, who was taking notes during the meeting.

Pakistan lodged protest with US government​

After the National Security Committee (NSC) decision to issue a strong demarche to the country whose official communicated the "threat".

Pakistan summoned the US acting deputy chief of mission in Islamabad over the ‘threat letter’ and registered strong protest for the undiplomatic language used against Pakistan in the memo, according to sources in the Foreign Office.

The sources said Pakistan told the US envoy that interference in the internal affairs of Pakistan is unacceptable.

Doesn't mean jack shit. Why would a conspirer agree to his own conspiracy? They never agreed to killings and coups before. But later partially declassified documents showed that indeed they have been involved in meddling in external affairs of other countries.
This is the person who demanded IK to be removed from office. Her background explains a lot, she is a neocon. Also look at the disrespect, with just $50 million dollars she is attempting to trigger a regime change. Wake up people.

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Her husband is also a neocon
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Just heard her on NPR this morning singing India's praises while the host kept pushing her to talk about possible consequences for india for not being a part of the international sanctions regime against Russia. The host actually called out Modi's undemocratic turn and she just brushed it off lol.
Turkey have also suffered setbacks due to some of the decisions made by Erdogan. These setbacks include exclusion from F-35 program and Turkish economic situation is not good either.

On a broader level:

1. GDP per capita is 46% lower than OECD best performers.
2. Inequality is higher than in most advanced economies.
3. More than 3/4 of the population is exposed to harmful levels of air pollution.

Turkey is not living up to its economic and geopolitical potential in the present.

Erdogan is also facing political opposition in the country.

- - - -

Some countries are better off with checks-and-balances for DAMAGE CONTROL and COURSE CORRECTION due to internal political instability. Judiciary and Military can provide these checks-and-balances in theory. Pakistan have a lengthy history of political instability because this country is known to produce egotistical leaders on average.

We don't produce egotistical leaders, we produce duffers at an alarming rate compared to other nations.
Just heard her on NPR this morning singing India's praises while the host kept pushing her to talk about possible consequences for india for not being a part of the international sanctions regime against Russia. The host actually called out Modi's undemocratic turn and she just brushed it off lol.

There is more. This neocon is a very aggressive one, must be a Dick Cheney protege.

This is the person who demanded IK to be removed from office. Her background explains a lot, she is a neocon. Also look at the disrespect, with just $50 million dollars she is attempting to trigger a regime change. Wake up people.

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Her husband is also a neocon
View attachment 829492

And also of the "F the EU" fame. She was caught telling the US Amb to Ukraine "who was in play" leading up to the 2014 coup in Ukraine :)

And also of the "F the EU" fame. She was caught telling the US Amb to Ukraine "who was in play" leading up to the 2014 coup in Ukraine :)

Nothing like getting caught on audio deciding who gets to form another country's government :rolleyes:

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