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Pakistan alleges role of US behind No Confidence Vote against PTI government

Even die hard anti IK elements are saying that if he survives he won't "leave" anybody. It looks like last man standing match for Pakistan.
IK, Erdogan of Pakistan, hahaha, both using the same playbook, I wonder from which agency.


PM Imran has built himself up as a lone fighter for Pakistan’s cause

BY condemning in advance those who will be voting against him on Sunday as willing accomplices in an international conspiracy, Prime Minister Imran Khan has cemented his narrative for his upcoming election campaign. He knows that he is not going to survive, but, through a lengthy primetime address heavy on sermon and nationalist zeal, he has ensured that he will remain relevant to a broad cross-section of the electorate easily swayed by emotion and deeply invested in conspiracy theories.

He knows that publicly appealing to the better nature of his opponents is unlikely to win him any votes; yet, by premising his emotive appeal on upholding the dream of an independent Pakistan, he has cleverly framed going against him as akin to going against the founding fathers themselves. He has also, once again, built himself up as a lone fighter for Pakistan’s cause — the only voice to stand against tyranny when American drones were raining death on Pakistani soil. Now, he tells his supporters, he is being targeted for not kneeling to foreign powers’ demands to surrender Pakistan’s sovereignty.

He has asked why he should be punished for wanting Pakistan to be treated as an equal and not a servile partner while painting his opponents as willing sell-outs because they are so compromised by their corrupt deeds. This is shrewd messaging, built on the trope of a lone warrior fighting against insurmountable odds and it is clear the embattled prime minister hopes to turn public sympathies to his side once he goes down in parliament.

With his campaign strategy set, one hopes that the prime minister will let go of his ‘cable-gate’ ploy. He has already made a highly irresponsible mistake by letting slip that the cable originated in America after being advised by all the officials who matter to tread with care.

The National Security Committee, after being apprised of the contents of the diplomatic cable in question, had issued a reasonably worded statement that ought to have mollified the indignant premier and given him a graceful way out of a serious diplomatic mess. The committee had also assured that Pakistan would raise the matter through a “strong demarche”, “in keeping with diplomatic norms”. This is the sane, measured response one hoped to have initially seen.

It is worth asking why taking the letter to the NSC was not the first thing to have crossed the Foreign Office’s mind. If it was clear that a line had been crossed, why was this unveiled through a prop at a political event? Who advised the prime minister that this was the best strategy to take? The prime minister also owes it to the Pakistani people to reveal who he believes are the internal elements facilitating this alleged conspiracy against the country. It cannot only be the politicians at fault.

Published in Dawn, April 1st, 2022
This is all smoke and mirrors, just compare him with the effective and result proven leadership of other countries. Pakistani people are being screvved under one pretext to another. Same game plan but different faces.
The best thing I commend Erdogan and IKP... they neutered their army generals once and forall.
Until that is not done in Pak, their continuous interference against normal politics and economic well being will be left out. In my humble observations, the citizens of Pak have suffered hugely lack of progress to get their rightful place in this world.

US loves to state democracy ... but actually love dictators and miltiary junta ... look at pharoah sisi or clown donkey salman for the worse than Ukraine war he has been waging for now 6yrs +.

Let us hope who comes next is better not worse than what has been in past. Pak is following similar trajectory to SA .... we get morons and morons of morons..
Spot on. You made your come back with a bang.
Welcome back, bro.
No, US regime change has been used against democratically elected governments in the past. All that is required is that government to oppose US national/business interests.

He forgot the Orange Revolution in Ukraine was to oust Ukraine's democratically elected president, thus the turmoils that followed and until this war. The only guideline the Americans use to deploy color revolution is to judge whether that nation kowtows to Washington or not.
Spot on. Bro. You made your come back with a bang.
bro... how are you doing. hope all is well.

man, too many news to catch up with.

Sad about IK... I felt finally after decades of nowhere... Pak had a strong voice of independence. But alas I fear the underhanded tactics of US and other powers may have found him not wanting.

I hope citizens demand better PMs and politicians in the parliament. Entire elite from the brass to bureaucracy have deliberately underhanded sold Pak off to foreign powers.
denel said:
The best thing I commend Erdogan and IKP... they neutered their army generals once and forall.
Until that is not done in Pak, their continuous interference against normal politics and economic well being will be left out. In my humble observations, the citizens of Pak have suffered hugely lack of progress to get their rightful place in this world...

A lot of horse s***. The pleasant-to-the-ears excuses include:
  • The government is not democratically elected
  • The government is corrupt and the president collude with greedy businesses
  • Return the people of so-and-so to their rightful place in history/in this world
  • This government has MDW and the world needs to get rid of the devil
  • .....
The Americans will say you're telling lies if you questioned them:
  • How come Saudi was not revolutionalized?
  • How come Khadafi was not deposed until he said he'd want Euro to replace Dollars in buying oil from Libya
  • ....
Ha... Both lists could go a lot longer than above.
When IK showed it in public gathering and than saying it on tv. Im sure Bajwa and Co have stopped IK or as they say he would have "advised" PM not to name the country.

More like "The Neutered".

Great, so they have exposed them. They have been exposed a hundred times before, what did it do? Nothing. Will they take any actions against them or will Pakistanis be made to suffer under them for god knows how much longer?

Thats the job of PTV .
Guys I was asking about the info of meetings of US diplomats, plz try to understand Arshad Sharif was NOT FOLLOWING those individuals who were in contact with US diplomats. It is the Job of spy services.

As far as leak of this info is concern it is rumoured that this info was leak to him by 'IB'
Guys I was asking about the info of meetings of US diplomats, plz try to understand Arshad Sharif was NOT FOLLOWING those individuals who were in contact with US diplomats. It is the Job of spy services.

As far as leak of this info is concern it is rumoured that this info was leak to him by 'IB'

if it was IB (although i doubt) than it could be that ISI kept him in the dark as its the main job of ISI and they conveyed it directly to Military. That is again very ominous.
Guess Putin is agent of France too... Cuz they invaded Ukraine right after Macron visit :disagree:


French intelligence is world class.

On, wait...
Kindly watch the video portion. It has been time stamped 27.20 min mark onwards portion..different US embassy officials were meeting with different Pak politicians including the later defecting PTI members or allies and some certain media ppl too..this started from oct last year..

US officials are only doing what they are paid to do, it is the treacherous Pakistanis who are causing the most damage.

Intelligence agencies are supposed to keep tabs on diplomats: where they go, whom they see, etc. If these diplomats are interfering, as people claim, then they would know and release the information. So far nothing has come from this.
Agency personnel pass on the information, it is the higher officials who assess and sit on the information and then decide when and how to act on that information.
French intelligence is world class.

On, wait...

Wasn't there a recent infighting between the Western block, when Submarine deal b/w France and Australia :p

They were hand in glove.

New law needs to be passed in parliament making these meetings illegal. Any meetings with foreign embassy delegates will be conducted in the presence of MI and Intelligence agencies and made public on TV. If clandestine contacts are discovered, traitor shall lose his head without being afforded a due process.
Meetings held at embassies are protected by diplomatic immunity. Besides, such meetings are commonplace. Even IK, before being PM, visited the US Embassy many times. Doesn't make him an agent.
View attachment 829300
  • White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield categorically rejects PM Imran Khan’s allegation.
  • We are closely following developments in Pakistan, says Ned Price.
  • US respects and supports Pakistan’s constitutional process and rule of law, says State Department spokesperson.
The White House responded early Friday to the PM’s speech, in which he named the US government over the no-trust motion against him.

In a televised address to the nation on Thursday, referring to the "threatening memo" that the PM claimed to have received against his government from a foreign country, he mistakenly named the United States to be behind the conspiracy.

In an apparent slip of the tongue, he named "the United States..." but quickly moved on and stated that "a foreign country" had sent a "threatening memo" which was against the Pakistani nation.

During a regular press briefing, White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield categorically rejected PM Imran Khan’s allegation.

Responding to a question that the Prime Minister of Pakistan accused the US government of working to remove him from power, Bedingfield said, "absolutely no truth to that allegation".

A day earlier, responding to a question asked by Geo News regarding the ‘threat letter,’ the US State Department categorically rejected any kind of involvement in the no-confidence motion against PM Imran Khan.

“Allegations of US involvement in the no-trust motion and ‘threat letter’ to PM Imran Khan are baseless,” said the State Department.

Meanwhile, US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price also rejected Imran Khan’s statement that the US government is trying to oust him.

During a regular press briefing, Price was asked to comment on PM Imran Khan’s allegation, to which the US official said, "we are closely following developments in Pakistan, we respect and support Pakistan’s constitutional process and rule of law".

“However, when it comes to that allegation, there is no truth to it,” he concluded.

What is the 'threat letter'?​

On Sunday, the premier, during what PTI labelled as one of its "biggest" rallies in its history at the Parade Ground in Islamabad, flashed a letter before the public, saying that he has "written evidence" that "money has been pouring in from abroad," while "some of our people are being used to topple the government."

He had said that for months, "plotting and planning is being carried out to influence the foreign policy of Pakistan from outside."

However, during a televised speech to the nation a day earlier, in an apparent slip of the tongue, the PM named "the United States..." but quickly moved on and stated that "a foreign country" had sent a "threatening memo" which was against the Pakistani nation.

"...the letter stated that the no-confidence motion was being tabled even before it was filed, which means the Opposition was in contact with them," the premier alleged.

PM Imran Khan said the memo was against him, not against the government. "...it stated that if the no-confidence motion passes, Pakistan will be forgiven, if not, there will be consequences."

The premier stated that it was an "official letter" that was communicated to Pakistan's ambassador, who was taking notes during the meeting.

Pakistan lodged protest with US government​

After the National Security Committee (NSC) decision to issue a strong demarche to the country whose official communicated the "threat".

Pakistan summoned the US acting deputy chief of mission in Islamabad over the ‘threat letter’ and registered strong protest for the undiplomatic language used against Pakistan in the memo, according to sources in the Foreign Office.

The sources said Pakistan told the US envoy that interference in the internal affairs of Pakistan is unacceptable.

Funniest thing ever heard, more from a comedy show:-
"US respects and supports Pakistan’s constitutional process and rule of law, says State Department spokesperson:"
Yup, this thing doesn't sound credible. It should be thoroughly investigated, if it's fabricated or if it's real, all involved should be fully exposed.
Funniest thing ever heard, more from a comedy show:-
"US respects and supports Pakistan’s constitutional process and rule of law, says State Department spokesperson:"
This is the operative part of the message. Constitutional process and rule of law implied here is the no confidence motion.

So while denying the spokeswoman already showed support to the NCM.
Own up to your Prime Ministers fantasy? Is it not possible that your Prime Minister directed his embassy staff in Washigton to fabricate the minutes in "the letter" to revive his political career at the expense of relations with the US.

What evidence does your Prime Minister have that the words in "the letter" came from the mouths of US officials?
National security council which consists of top military leaders and civilian validated it. So military of Pakistan is also lying?
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