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Pakistan Air Force Transport

when was the squadron the raised? if it is a real squadron that is
Name of aircraft?

Registration: AP-AUG

Certificate of Registration Number: 382

Registration Date: January 1967

Operator/Owner: Pakistan International Airlines (PIA)

Aircraft Type: Hawker Siddeley HS.121 Trident IE-103

Construction Number: 2133

Line Number:

Year Built: 1966

SelCal Code:

First Flight: August 24, 1966

Test Flight Registration:

Delivery Date: February 14, 1967

Aircraft Name:

Previous Registration:

Previous Operator:

Fate: Sold to China in 1970

Next Registration:

Next Operator:

Additional Remarks: Construction number 2133. Registered in Pakistan as AP-AUG for President of Pakistan VIP flights. First flight on August 24, 1966. AP-AUG in PIA livery took part in Farnborough Airshow, United Kingdom (UK), held in 1966 from September 5 to 11. Aircraft painted in Pakistan Air Force (PAF) markings at factory. Change in Pakistan Government decision. Aircraft eventually repainted and delivered to PIA on February 14, 1967, as AP-AUG in PIA livery. Registration AP-AUG removed from Pakistan Aircraft Register on August 7, 1970. Aircraft to People's Republic of China (PRC) under barter trade with Pakistan, June 1970. Served China as Chinese Air Force One with serial number 238, serial number 50152. Leased out to China United Airlines, June 1990. After retirement it was put on display in Beijing, sporting People's Republic of China (PRC) registration B-2207.


Hawker Siddeley HS.121 Trident IE-103 (Abbas Ali Collection)

Hawker Siddeley HS.121 Trident IE-103 (registration AP-AUG)



The Douglas DC-3 is an American fixed wing, propeller driven aircraft whose speed and range revolutionized air transport in the 1930s and 1940s. Because of its lasting impact on the airliner industry and World War II it is generally regarded as one of the most significant transport aircraft ever made. Many DC-3s are still used to this day in all parts of the world. The aircraft's legendary ruggedness is enshrined in the light hearted description of the DC-3 as "a collection of parts flying in loose formation."

Transferred to Pakistan on formation of the Royal Pakistan Air Force (14 August 1947). Used to start the crucial valley flights; to Pakistani Outposts in Azad Kashmir.32 aircraft were in service; eventually retired in 1955 from Pakistan Air Force service.

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