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Pakistan Air Force Transport


Do you think PAF is open to expanding its IL-76 fleet?

I think PAF has the capacity (though not funds) to expand the fleet of IL-76 to 12 to 15.
So, why PAF is going to pay $30 million for upgrade?

Need to keep current 4 flying, but speaks volumes that when we now have over 100 Mirages and JF-17s plugged for air t air refuelling we never ordered more IL-176s.

Engines are a pain to maintain, and guzzle a lot of fuel

Need to keep current 4 flying, but speaks volumes that when we now have over 100 Mirages and JF-17s plugged for air t air refuelling we never ordered more IL-176s.

Engines are a pain to maintain, and guzzle a lot of fuel

Also $30 million for 4 planes to get upgraded is peanuts
I think PAF will wait for the Y20 to mature, before considering that option. The Engines are still a problem on the Y20 ( similar to the current IL-176s ) so until they get a better turbofan, it will not meet Pakistans needs.
I read the Ukranians were upgrading theirs with new engines. Could engine replacement solve the fuel consumption problem?
Need to keep current 4 flying, but speaks volumes that when we now have over 100 Mirages and JF-17s plugged for air t air refuelling we never ordered more IL-176s.

Engines are a pain to maintain, and guzzle a lot of fuel

Also $30 million for 4 planes to get upgraded is peanuts

It's for the upgrade of only 2 IL-76s not 4.

Moreover, A330 MMRT is fairly a good option if it can be bought with some monetary support from Banks.
they are scrap will be scrap and remain scrap sir . cant you see those whom got them from USA now parked for nothing ? better got 2 c-130s rather then 10 c-27s
you do know why Afghanistan scrapped them yes?
they would sell are the spare parts in "kabaree bazaar" for scraps..
hell even lending gears were stolen and sold for scraps

however its a moot point, why indcut another plateform
Need to keep current 4 flying, but speaks volumes that when we now have over 100 Mirages and JF-17s plugged for air t air refuelling we never ordered more IL-176s.

Engines are a pain to maintain, and guzzle a lot of fuel

Also $30 million for 4 planes to get upgraded is peanuts
I think the report of the PN choosing the Lineage 1000 for the LRMPA could be a way for Embraer to pitch the C-390 to the PAF. I think the C-390 is a solid complement to the C-130: it can handle AAR, but also manage non-rugged transport duties (leaving the C-130s to focus on hot-and-high). Plus $200 m per unit with a 12-year support package is a pretty good price.
you do know why Afghanistan scrapped them yes?
they would sell are the spare parts in "kabaree bazaar" for scraps..
hell even lending gears were stolen and sold for scraps

however its a moot point, why indcut another plateform
They are grounded in us and other countries too.
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