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Pakistan Air Force Transport

will be surprised if nothing is released....USA want to withdraw and wants some intelligence support/eye on Afghanistan.
Trump is smart, he will use the afghan trump card right around election..
nothing is better for votes for declaring military victory ..
this is something he will use...
will be surprised if nothing is released....USA want to withdraw and wants some intelligence support/eye on Afghanistan.
Trump is smart, he will use the afghan trump card right around election..
nothing is better for votes for declaring military victory ..
this is something he will use...

What ever Americans release, will be partial. Thay aleay keep something back with them to blackmail later and play by there terms
What ever Americans release, will be partial. Thay aleay keep something back with them to blackmail later and play by there terms
of course...currently they are using IMF card..otherwise they would have released these items long ago..now why we end up with IMF..well we like to print notes and keep high losing entities in service for no reason
of course...currently they are using IMF card..otherwise they would have released these items long ago..now why we end up with IMF..well we like to print notes and keep high losing entities in service for no reason
Brother, by "high losing entities " you mean loss making Public Sector Corps / State Owned Enterprises ?
You should try a career as a suspense writer lol

I'm practicing already.

Rumour has it Pakistan is apparently getting C-130Js Sorry @aeromerix hope I didn't take the cat out of the bag here.

We have been looking for J's for a long time. But nothing is in the pipeline yet.

This week it should be back, IA with Zulu's

9 of them, all -30 J's. 5 new.

This is news to me and many others in the 6 sqn honestly. The Il-78's trip last month to US was to drop off COVID supplies and bring back F-16 and C-130 sustainment kits. These visits are very frequent as maintenance supply chain inventory is replenished every now and then. Even the current C-130 is there for the same reason.

Do you have any pictures of PAF C-130s with rocket assisted take offs? This one is a US hercules.

Not yet. It will not be this exciting because we ususally practice with 2+2 JATO's instead of 4+4 as shown in the picture. This is to save on inventory.

You mean C130 -30 (5 new and 4 used) ??

Zulus you mean heli 12 which were stored if am not wrong ? Question how Il78 can refuel them or these will be in one C130 sent for corvid iteam ?


X number of Il-78's are for cargo purposes. They can be converted into refuelers and vice versa in 'some' time. So refueling is not the focus of this discussion.
This is news to me and many others in the 6 sqn honestly. The Il-78's trip last month to US was to drop off COVID supplies and bring back F-16 and C-130 sustainment kits. These visits are very frequent as maintenance supply chain inventory is replenished every now and then. Even the current C-130 is there for the same reason.
Contract was signed sometime ago, they will be landing in a few months, and I expect you to be the one breaking the news with some nice pics IA.
Is PAF still interested in acquiring used C-130s?

I sometimes think that PAF C-130s (16) should be converted into SIGNIT & Recon planes. Or like a small C4ISTR plane that can assist in the battle situations. These can be very helpful in war and in peace situations.
Contract was signed sometime ago, they will be landing in a few months, and I expect you to be the one breaking the news with some nice pics IA.

Correct me if I am wrong but my understanding of your posts is this: these cargo planes will be landing back with Zulus and the C-130s newly acquired will be coming in a few months? Is that correct understanding?
Correct me if I am wrong but my understanding of your posts is this: these cargo planes will be landing back with Zulus and the C-130s newly acquired will be coming in a few months? Is that correct understanding?
The Il-78 stuck in the US - is waiting for Zulus, yes.

Hercs - Used ones, Yes.
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