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Pakistan Air Force to procure Belgian C-130 Transport Aircraft | June 2022 .

Whats wrong with Chinese Y-20 ?

It is right up there. They are still building them c130 It has been in production for 63 years, albeit with many modifications over the years.It will be extremely hard to find a more versatile medium size cargo plane. It is right up there with the B-52 on length of service and both are highly versatile in their roles, the Ç-130 is used by the Hurricane Hunters and can even be used as a bomber, gunship, or refueler the Chinese y20 maybe is to big or large for PAF needs or it’s a unproven platform I might be wrong on all of this or our PAF love USA made stuff
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It is right up there. They are still building them c130 It has been in production for 63 years, albeit with many modifications over the years.It will be extremely hard to find a more versatile medium size cargo plane. It is right up there with the B-52 on length of service and both are highly versatile in their roles, the Ç-130 is used by the Hurricane Hunters and can even be used as a bomber, gunship, or refueler the Chinese y20 maybe is to big or large for PAF needs or it’s a unproven platform I might be wrong on all of this or our PAF love USA made stuff
Y-20 is comparable to the IL-78s in PAF, which we don't need replacing. The ideal replacement for the C-130 is the Embraer KC-390 (also capable of inflight refueling). However because of the extensive infrastructure present we can keep the C-130 flying for as long as spares and used units available. For old aircraft its the maintenance/overhaul man hours which makes them unfeasible for service after a point however since PAC Kamra employees are on PAF pay roll, as long as parts are there, the additional maintenance/overhaul man hours are not a burden for it. Eg some of our Mirages have gone through even 5th major overhaul (12yrs each) whereas OEM only envisioned up to 3.

The ideal replacement for a c130 is a c130, preferably a J model
The Dutch found out the C-390M is a better replacement for the Dutch C-130’s. The C-130J lost the replacement tender. In Portugal the same happened.

There is any chance to get older surplus f-16 from Belgium also if us don,t put obstacles in this possible deal.
No chance. The USA still has to allow Belgium to sell their F-16’s to any other country. Which in the case of Pakistan won’t happen.
The Dutch found out the C-390M is a better replacement for the Dutch C-130’s. The C-130J lost the replacement tender. In Portugal the same happened.

No chance. The USA still has to allow Belgium to sell their F-16’s to any other country. Which in the case of Pakistan won’t happen.
On paper c390 is better than the c130.
But the c130 has been around for more than 50 years, with 1000s of ac in service around the globe, with a huge infrastructure in place around the board, with a great ease n availability of spare.

Its like the DC 3 it took more than a few decades to replace it for the simple fact n reasons I have stated above n still they are in operation as commercial ac in Africa n Latin American
Y-20 is comparable to the IL-78s in PAF, which we don't need replacing. The ideal replacement for the C-130 is the Embraer KC-390 (also capable of inflight refueling). However because of the extensive infrastructure present we can keep the C-130 flying for as long as spares and used units available. For old aircraft its the maintenance/overhaul man hours which makes them unfeasible for service after a point however since PAC Kamra employees are on PAF pay roll, as long as parts are there, the additional maintenance/overhaul man hours are not a burden for it. Eg some of our Mirages have gone through even 5th major overhaul (12yrs each) whereas OEM only envisioned up to 3.

The ideal replacement for a c130 is a c130, preferably a J model
Ex-Belgian Air Force C-130H Serial No. 4479, Registration CH-09 also appears to have been repainted. According to the sources who pointed out the first CH-12 aircraft, this 2nd aircraft is also ready to be delivered to PAF.
View attachment 857862
Always looking for used end-of-life stuff as soon as PMLN / PPP comes in power.
There is any chance to get older surplus f-16 from Belgium also if us don,t put obstacles in this possible deal.
The Dutch found out the C-390M is a better replacement for the Dutch C-130’s. The C-130J lost the replacement tender. In Portugal the same happened.

No chance. The USA still has to allow Belgium to sell their F-16’s to any other country. Which in the case of Pakistan won’t happen

Did the math, these aircraft have flown less than 28k flight hours(per a/c) over 50 years. Theyre very lightly used. Just the SLEP adds 40k flight hours, these can serve well into the 2050s.
Belgium is a tiny tiny country, makes sense if not used under NATO command

Get a strategic airlift capability with H 6
The second C130 in PAF colors
The oldest squadron of PAF,
No 6 ATS Squadron,

nicknamed the “Antelopes,
and the work horses ,

finally gets the much needed additions,


"Former Belgian Air Component (Belgian Air Force) Lockheed C-130H Hercules transport aircraft construction number 382-4479 built in 1973 has been painted in full Pakistan Air Force (PAF) colours."


This C-130 was delivered to Belgian Air Component in March 1973 and served under serial number CH-09 with No. 20 Squadron.

The aircraft has been observed in full PAF markings with PAF serial number 4479 taped over with Belgian serial CH-09.

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