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Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

PAF Aircrew spotted with Exercise specific patches at "Spears of Victory".
Griffins with their F-16s and Black Spiders with their JF-17s are participating from PAF's side.

A pity they weren't around to protect the Erieyes and Orions.
Because they didn’t exist as such - most of the defenses at key installations were MP grade responses focused on policing activities rather than offering meaningful defense against the very well trained and planned terror attacks.

Officer leadership at the time of incident was questionable as well although part of it simply was ignorance or washing over of procedures.

I have 3 weapons - unless I not know only train with them regularly but also in the context of home defense the best I will do is fire them in the general direction and then just sit and hide somewhere.
Because I was given guidance on where in my place I have kill-corridors for intruders - where my weapons are and how to get to them and more importantly remember the process instead of just passing over the drill - I will have intruders get in and take control.

Which btw is still doable because at the end, if someone is committed to it and trained they will do their best to get in
A pity they weren't around to protect the Erieyes and Orions.

Even more pityful is that no reply was given to the adversary. TTP has no fighter aircrafts and no submarines. TTP had absolutely ZERO threat from our AWACS and anti-submarine aircrafts. Those force multipliers exists in Pakistan only for one enemy that is India. It is 100% obvious that RAW planned those attacks to its final details and funded the whole operations. Our Billions of dollars of worth equipment wasted in those attacks.

I will say these were highly successful sabotage operations conducted by RAW. Its complete pity that our primary intelligence agency is reduced for internal political manipulation. They should have responded by sabotaging high value indian targets but no response was given.
Even more pityful is that no reply was given to the adversary. TTP has no fighter aircrafts and no submarines. TTP had absolutely ZERO threat from our AWACS and anti-submarine aircrafts. Those force multipliers exists in Pakistan only for one enemy that is India. It is 100% obvious that RAW planned those attacks to its final details and funded the whole operations. Our Billions of dollars of worth equipment wasted in those attacks.

I will say these were highly successful sabotage operations conducted by RAW. Its complete pity that our primary intelligence agency is reduced for internal political manipulation. They should have responded by sabotaging high value indian targets but no response was given.
Likely correct but in a way it back fired for RAW even though costly endeavor for the PAF / PN. PAF can now build AWACS in house thanks to lessons learned on repairing and or was able to acquire few more along with the ones lost.
Even more pityful is that no reply was given to the adversary. TTP has no fighter aircrafts and no submarines. TTP had absolutely ZERO threat from our AWACS and anti-submarine aircrafts. Those force multipliers exists in Pakistan only for one enemy that is India. It is 100% obvious that RAW planned those attacks to its final details and funded the whole operations. Our Billions of dollars of worth equipment wasted in those attacks.

I will say these were highly successful sabotage operations conducted by RAW. Its complete pity that our primary intelligence agency is reduced for internal political manipulation. They should have responded by sabotaging high value indian targets but no response was given.
ISI just isn't as capable as an intelligence agency should be. Especially for a primary one.

Typically they have several wings capable of multitasking, so internal politics involvement is not an excuse.

It's funny how every institution in Pakistan is run like a circus by poorly skilled incompetent & corrupt folk but magically people think ISI is any different. There's hundreds of incompetent Bajwas dotted all over government institutions.

Unfortunately from the current trajectory, the air force may lose its historical prestigious legacy too, due to the same gradual decay of our institutions through carelessness, incompetency and nepotism.
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