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Back in 2018 I over heard a convo between two PAF pilots while sitting besides them in a tennis court that A-5s are still in war reserve

During 2001-2 standoff, PAF was lacking bvr capability while IAF had it, so it'd would've have been interesting to see how PAF would counter this great handicap. Moreover we also lacked any credible AD assets.
The only solution I could see is that we would've to conduct preemptive strikes on their airbases and keep them suppressed, but even then what about their bases inland?
@SQ8 @Windjammer @PanzerKiel
During that standoff, we were actually planning for the worst. In one particular briefing session at Mureed, the visiting DCAS Ops was so amped up his hands were shaking during address and his voice had a certain hard edge to it that we realized that we were much closer to the abyss than anyone had realized! And at Sukker and and one other base, dry rehearsals were conducted for possible nuclear strikes at 06 hours notice. Intel that filtered downward suggested that the Indian pilots had been allotted attack slots and sortie data. All that was left was the word GO.
And we had no plan to go after the inland bases. The only thing that mattered was the imminent incursion in Reti-RYK area and the very real prospect of a massive Air-Land battle by the opposition.
Interesting, last time Falcon Talon between the two countries was held in Jan. 2019....at the request of the USAF who complained that PAF was holding joint exercises with, China, Turkey, Saudi Arab etc but not USAF. Then it was held at PAF Base Shahbaz.

Interesting, last time Falcon Talon between the two countries was held in Jan. 2019....at the request of the USAF who complained that PAF was holding joint exercises with, China, Turkey, Saudi Arab etc but not USAF. Then it was held at PAF Base Shahbaz.

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But was that exercise held with USAF fighter jets? If i recall it was not fighter jets ..
IMO the story begins from F-6, A-5 seems to be a modified version with nose cone and side intakes and addition of hardpoints. No idea about the engines that both types have the same or different. F-6 was also a twin-engine.
Both use 2 WP 6 engines which was copy of RD9B
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