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The economy is currently under chemotherapeutic state; our focus is to get the JF-17 fleet up to its status so we might even go all the way to 200 JF-17s to augment it.
Internal loans and purchases are easier to take and “book” versus an external one.

Plus besides adding in more F-16Vs, anything other than AZM is luxury.
IMHO JF17 equipped with AESA and PL15 should be able to take care of Rafale threat
I'd say the Rafale isn't a free ticket. It's a very pricy platform and the loss of even a few would be very significant. Can we really expect the IAF to send them for a border fight at the LoC? I think their job will be to prevent an even worse scenario, like the PAF trying to knock out high value targets? Or a bigger attack role, like trying to deny the PAF its own airspace?

Makes one wonder... How about setting up a unit of 24 Typhoon T3s to specifically match up to any Rafale force? Between now and Azm, I imagine the dream would be to fit the F-16s with AESA and get 18~24 T3s... Get a solid 100 tier one long-range jets to be the edge of a sledgehammer of 150+ JF-17 fleet (ideally all with AESA)

It's not the plane, it's the equipment and armaments that matter. And we should be looking to design our own in cooperation with China. Forget already about the Western platforms. We need to think how we can best them, not how we can use them.
The economy is currently under chemotherapeutic state; our focus is to get the JF-17 fleet up to its status so we might even go all the way to 200 JF-17s to augment it.
Internal loans and purchases are easier to take and “book” versus an external one.

Plus besides adding in more F-16Vs, anything other than AZM is luxury.
Then retrofitting Block-I/II with the LETRI AESA radar will be key.
Then retrofitting Block-I/II with the LETRI AESA radar will be key.
I suspect PAF will very closely analyze the effectiveness of KLJ7 radar in this particular effort. This is no longer the case of fighter vs fighter but a net centric warfare era where the AWACs are leading the show from the rear. So what advantage do we get from mass level exchange of Radars costing us 5-7 million per plane (2 million loss of old radar plus 5 million new one plus time for exchange plus testing) . Do we build another 30-50 fighters instead and these can be armed with AESA Radar which can be a lot more useful expenditure than discarding nearly 100 perfectly good Radars just because they are PDs. I think PAF will be thinking hard before it puts its money in.
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Hello all
We use our F-7pgs as interceptor ,,,,,,,,, What if we replace them with EFT t-3 ( We can use them as interceptor ) …….. F-7pgs still have 5+ years life in them ……. In these 5 years PAF can do needful (money + negotiations +contract )……
What you all think ……
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