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Pakistan aims to set up semiconductors zone with China's help: Fawad

Skilled manpower is a huge problem in Pakistan. You'd know it, if you were hiring locally.
We need advanced technical colleges. the problem is that the educated class that leans towards science or technology either jumps on the doctor bandwagon or the information technology bandwagon, no one bothers with other fields of science.
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We need to move away from textile and into tech related field for exports. Imagine all you need is a computer to do what 1000 workers do in a textile factory with no need for any raw material or pricing fluctuations …..
If only our planners could see this point….
sir textile sector gives employment to our less skilled labor force and we have such labor in huge number so its on our planners now to atleast think about future and turn next generation into skilled labor then only such fantasies will turn into reality!
The question here is if Pakistan has enough trained manpower to absorb semiconductor manufacturing business from China, at scale - like Vietnam or Indonesia?
currently no, it is because for this reason as first step the interested company is first setting up a training center for the development of HR for their upcoming project in Pakistan
Pakistan has proposed an ambitious plan to build the semiconductors zone with the help of China, converting the country to self-sufficiency in modern gadgets and opening new avenues for development.

This was stated by Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Fawad Chaudhry in an interview.
He said during the visit of Prime Minister Imran Khan, they discussed the shifting of the semiconductors industry to Pakistan and the role of this technology is very important not only for Pakistan but also for China, China Economic Net reported.
"We want Chinese tech companies to come to Pakistan and make Pakistan a hub of semiconductors manufacturing”, the minister added.

It is to be noted that the Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting also served as Federal Minister for Science and Technology and during that tenure, he signed many memorandum of understandings (MoUs) and agreements on semiconductors technology and also collaborated with China to train Pakistanis in semiconductors' skills.

“We will also like to start semiconductor designing in Pakistan. I’m very happy to tell you that Chinese investors are very keen to join hands with Pakistan and the technology zone will be converted into the semiconductor zone,” he added.
Fawad further said that there is a huge area in science and technology where both countries could cooperate, adding that mobile phones are now assembled in Pakistan but they would like to take a step further and start full-fledged manufacturing of mobile phones in Pakistan.

He said that bilateral cooperation increased in the area of health-related types of equipment, which was also very important, and in the first few months of Covid-19, they were importing everything related to this area but now Pakistan is a major exporter of health material.
“This is a landmark that we have achieved within a short period and now the health sector is open to collaboration. Pakistan has skilled labour, cheaper labour, and a huge market. We hope that Chinese tech companies will join hands with Pakistan to join our technology zone, and we will be able to come up with bigger cooperation in these sectors,” he further said.

He hoped many Chinese technologies companies would come to Pakistan after the visit of PM Imran because semiconductor is a core element of every technology, which would help bring value addition to the local manufacturing products.
It is worth mentioning that during his visit, the prime minister held a series of meetings with leaders of China’s leading technology companies, and both sides agreed to enhance cooperation in software development, information and communication technology, medical diagnostic, and other related sectors.
I can help with policy making and guidance for planning.
Skilled manpower is a huge problem in Pakistan. You'd know it, if you were hiring locally.

Pakistan produces metallurgical and electrical engineers, both needed in this field.. most of them go overseas beacuse of better opportunities… This will allow a lot of talent to come back
The train them...I refused to hire trained individuals as they bring with them bad habits.
Pakistanis are smart people, leading docs and engineers globally, skilled manpower is not a problem, advanced tech know how is..
That's a minority, and we are talking about Pakistani citizens here, not globally, and they are not exactly what you described

Pakistanis are smart, it's the country which is failing them
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Some background i dug up:

and yet, no body paid any attention to india's offer. these companies play in billions every quarter, a piddly little 1 billion isn't even catch their attention. the drain being that indian academia lacks the chemical and electrical expertise not to mention expertise in microphysics to be able to provide the required technical brains needed for the such an industry. same thing is gonna happen in Pakistan if the government does not heavily fund the fields of microphysics, electrical engineering and chemical engineering to attract to talent from across the country...
Agree fully. That is why a strategic G2G agreement is the way to go here. We are too small and economically irrelevant to attract the hi-tech industry merely at the back of investment incentives.
semiconductor zones don't necessarily translate to semiconductor manufacturing. Fabs are a long shot at the moment, the best they can achieve is a few design or verification centers to support actual semiconductor manufacturing growth elsewhere.
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