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‘Pakistan ahead of developed countries in neurosurgery’

Developed nations can't make ancient surgical instruments? Sure they can and also 90% of other equipment needed for state of art neurosurgery.

They can or they cannot I don't know but we are making them.
They can or they cannot I don't know but we are making them.

I bet Pakistan also imported equipment to make these instruments with cheap labour. Difference between developed and underdeveloped nation like Pakistan.
I bet Pakistan also imported equipment to make these instruments with cheap labour. Difference between developed and underdeveloped nation like Pakistan.

Nope we did not. The profession is very old in Gujrawala it was famous for swords then when the age changed it was famous for knives and surgical instruments. :)

Allah may protect you from any illness but in time if you need a brain surgery you should be proud it will a Pakistani blade that will open your head.
makes me laugh about common misconceptions people have about medical field:pakistan:

Nope we did not. The profession is very old in Gujrawala it was famous for swords then when the age changed it was famous for knives and surgical instruments. :)

Allah may protect you from any illness but in time if you need a brain surgery you should be proud it will a Pakistani blade that will open your head.
pinpoint, we use a drill and saw, not a blade to open the head
Imagination is more important than knowledge - Albert Einstein

Neurosurgery is an art form to an extent. Best surgeons find their own way out to get to the target!! Pak folks have such a mindset - Babur, Ebabil, Harbah etc...
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neurosurgery has lot to do with the training of physicians than the equipment. Equipment helps in all aspects.
Is this claim based on one doctor saying something at a conference in Pakistan? Honestly, guys, you should seek to avoid going the Trumpian way of claiming made up stuff.

You really think countries like ours which have put up 100s of billions in medical research and training is below Pakistan's level in any medical field, leave alone neurosurgery?

I'm 100% Full Blooded American; The Indian flag in my profile is forced upon me because they don't like the substance of my posts and taking on bullies.
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