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Pakistan agrees to free several Afghan Taliban prisoners



New Recruit

Sep 4, 2012
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has agreed in talks with Afghan peace negotiators to free several Afghan Taliban prisoners, officials from both countries said on Wednesday, the clearest sign that Pakistan will put its weight behind Afghan reconciliation efforts.
“We aren’t too certain whether they can play an important role in peace negotiations but it is a positive gesture from Pakistan in helping peace efforts,” an Afghan official told Reuters.
A senior Pakistani Army official said it had not yet been decided if the former Afghan Taliban second in command, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, would be released.
Afghan officials have identified him as a figure who may still have the influence to persuade the Taliban to pursue peace after more than a decade of fighting US-led Nato and Afghan forces.
The decision to release the prisoners was a major step for Afghanistan’s High Peace Council, which is on a visit to Islamabad to push for Taliban releases and has been struggling to ease mistrust between the Taliban and the Kabul government.

Pakistan agrees to free several Afghan Taliban prisoners – The Express Tribune
So now Taliban are officially part of post-2014 scenarios... So why they destroyed and pushed Pakistan into this mess for the 1st place? America and NATO are the fools, and Because of their stupidity Pakistan is facing this..

So now Taliban are officially part of post-2014 scenarios... So why they destroyed and pushed Pakistan into this mess for the 1st place? America and NATO are the fools, and Because of their stupidity Pakistan is facing this..
I, wont have peace until i find out what did we get in return.
The same thing that was obtained after reopening the supply routes.

Not unexpected of a regime running a dead F. Policy.

Karzai was sucking up Manmohan's hairy balls the same day his N. alliance Army bombed Pakistani villages and sent his "peace negotiator" to Pakistan and we decided to release people that matter to them without any horse trading. Very well !
Not unexpected of a regime running a dead F. Policy.

Karzai was sucking up Manmohan's hairy balls the same day his N. alliance Army bombed Pakistani villages and sent his "peace negotiator" to Pakistan and we decided to release people that matter to them without any horse trading. Very well !

So who exactly is responsible for the foreign policy that is failing so miserably?
So who exactly is responsible for the foreign policy that is failing so miserably?

Our govt was not elected by a popular vote but by a Bush brokered "political deal the NRO" with around 60 million bogus votes. Our F. minister has a degree in "Hotel management", our President has a degree from a college in London that doesn't exist.
The worst of Pakistanis are ruling Pakistan, the best medicine for this nation. By not standing up it has brought morons to rule on itself. This nation deserves to be kicked in the buttt a little more to wake up... it deserves a massive TEEKA.
Our govt was not elected by a popular vote but by a Bush brokered "political deal the NRO" with around 60 million bogus votes. Our F. minister has a degree in "Hotel management", our President has a degree from a college in London that doesn't exist.
The worst of Pakistanis are ruling Pakistan, the best medicine for this nation. By not standing up it has brought morons to rule on itself. This nation deserves to be kicked in the buttt a little more to wake up... it deserves a massive TEEKA.

But the foreign policy is made according to directives emanating from where, Sir? ;)
But the foreign policy is made according to directives emanating from where, Sir? ;)

If you are trying to blame the military, it is pointless. Zardari has tried to sabotage the army left and right and is now hiding out in his presidential palace, he takes little if any orders from Kayani.
But the foreign policy is made according to directives emanating from where, Sir? ;)

GHQ has its way because civilian govt is rotten to its core. When civilian govt becomes strong and builds institutions, the Khakis back off from excessive leverage over F.policy. Look at what Erdogan and Mursi did. Until we have a powerful, civilian leadership with a strong public mandate,strong chunks of our F.Policy and other matters will serve dictates from the Khakis. Speak of power vacuum !
GHQ has its way because civilian govt is rotten to its core. When civilian govt becomes strong and builds institutions, the Khakis back off from excessive leverage over F.policy. Look at what Erdogan and Mursi did. Until we have a powerful, civilian leadership with a strong public mandate,strong chunks of our F.Policy and other matters will serve dictates from the Khakis. Speak of power vacuum !

However even if GHQ tries to dictate f policy, how much of it is actually getting through to Zardari??
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