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Pakistan aerobatic team "Sherdils" to fly at Airshow China 2010

Nice to hear Sherdils are heading displaying again out of Pakistan. I'm trying to post a video up of the Sherdils team back in 1989 during the graduation at PAF Academy, but for some reason it is not showing up.
@ Imran Khan..... Acrobatics is an Art Going Against or Beyond the designing laws of Aircrafts, So while performing a brutal stunt, its Not un natural that the Pilot looses control over the Aircraft.....

Such brutal Stunts can Only be performed by the best....

just two things
1) The best pilot is one who can control the aircraft like a tamed dog even at the limits of its speed
2) Performing Maneuvers accurately and efficiently should be the yardstick not the brutality
having said this I would also like to request imran khan to stop degrading others.
well proud to know that we got world's most best pilots ever lived no one come clos to our pilots no americans no russians no europenas we are best in the war time and even in aerobatics and i must thank to ALMIGHTY ALLAH that this thing ALLAH kept with pakistan not even with arabs thanx to ALLAH and keep best pilots coming seems like it is in our blood air is in our blood
Sherdils aerobatics is good, but it can be even better with a 30 minute show routine. I am not an expert at this, but since my dad used to be on the Sherdils team in 89, I have a little knowledge of how PAF can improve its aerobatic team. Now that K-8s are in the team, its a fantastic aircraft for formation flying. There should be a 2nd part to its program such as synchro pair manoeuvers, knife-box, heart.........I'm sure PAF can do it and hopefully will add it to their Sherdils display. Also the F-16 display needs improving. I have seen displays from Shahid Javed and Amjad Javed and those were the best F-16 manoeuvers I recall. However during the last few years it hasn't been like what it used to be.

Hawker Furies stream past Harvards forming national emblem - 22 Feb 1955

My mouth is open can sm one close it :woot:
Fascinating :smitten::smitten:


The second formation aerobatic team on the F-6 (MiG-19) fighters of the PAF was called "The Tigers". Like its predecessors "The Rattlers" (1969), the second team was also formed at Sargodha Airbase. The F-6 was a high energy fighter of its time on which formation aerobatic displays were especially demanding because the F-6 needed skillful piloting during low airspeed manoeuvres.

For some weird reason I always assumed that F-6 was a single engined aircraft. Nice to know that it was a twin engined aircraft.

Its always a delight to see aerobatic teams display their stuff! Though I havent have had the pleasure of watching any of the aerobatic teams from the sub-continent, I have had the pleasure of seeing both the USN - Blue Angels and the USAF - Thunderbirds in action. Breathtaking displays.

The vids posted above are also show breathtaking maneuvers! Kudos Sherdils!
Professionalism at it's best!

Do you have videos of the show?
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