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Pakistan advice on attack: 'Hit Israel'

Salim, please check your PM over at WAB.

Regardless of which country, the nuclear release authority rests with the leader of the government. Through that leader, he issues responsbilities and duties to the nuclear weapons holders. Until that leader issue a release order, those weapons in theory should not be used.

Ok, those are the protocals, meaning the rules.

The N5 went further with electronic locks, meaning even if you're the nuclear weapons holder. Until you've received the electronic release codes, you can't use the nuke.

That in essence is the "football." The electronic key release and that should be near the leader of the government at all times.

Now, back in the old days, the "release" was in the form of a sealed envelop that the weapons holder should only open at the time of weapons usage. He compares the contents with the release that he just recieved and if they match, he lets go the weapon.

That currently is the situation with the Pak system today though it's not as bad as it sounds since Pak nukes are stored in component form and would require several release orders just to get the parts and then the knowhow on how to put it togehter.

Taking this further, both the Chinese and Russians have a dual release system. One for the delivery vehicle and the other for the warhead. In the Soviet days, the Strategic Rocket Forces control the missiles that deliver the warheads. The warhead arming codes resides solely with the KGB. The Chinese have gone one step further in storing the warheads away from the delivery vehicles and put them under civilian guard instead of military.
NEO. Every country who is a nuclear power has a football system. A football system is basically a portable nuke launcher. The president keeps it with him where ever he goes. Football contians all the code and stuff for that county's nuke system. The president can also launch nukes from it.
Thunder said:
The president can also launch nukes from it.

That is not correct. The president has no control over the weapons control. Actual weapons release has to be done by the weapons operator(s).
Officer of Engineers said:
Salim, please check your PM over at WAB.
Hey Officers wht about us or me i also need the explaination i did not know about that so i didnt reply now i need the information about these systems and explaination wud u kinldy post it.
By the way whts wrong in sending PMs on this forum instead of WAB:)

Hope u wud send the info its a request.
The PM concerns OPSEC protocals concerning another matter, not this one. However, I had thought I explained the systems in that post. Can you clarify what you're looking for?
Officer of Engineers said:
The PM concerns OPSEC protocals concerning another matter, not this one. However, I had thought I explained the systems in that post. Can you clarify what you're looking for?

This OPSEC u r talking about and plz if u can send me the explaination about the systems also.
regards jana

I once had read a fiction FAILSAFE.

It was a fiction about how by error a nuke was released. If I can get my hands on that I will like your comments on that!
You should watch the movie with Henry Fonda. Extremely powerful.

Accidental release? Always a possibility but thus far, it has not happenned yet.

We've came close a few times but always, the Man In the Loop stopped it.
Jana said:
This OPSEC u r talking about and plz if u can send me the explaination about the systems also.
regards jana
I am not in a position to discuss the OPSEC issue with you. It's a private matter between me and Salim.

As for the system, I take it you want me to discuss Pakistan specific. Let me hit up my source for as much info as I can.
Thunder said:
NEO. Every country who is a nuclear power has a football system. A football system is basically a portable nuke launcher. The president keeps it with him where ever he goes. Football contians all the code and stuff for that county's nuke system. The president can also launch nukes from it.
I know that Thunder. I was referring to Pakistani variant as mentioned by OoE, i.e. mobile phones.
Jana said:
This OPSEC u r talking about and plz if u can send me the explaination about the systems also.
regards jana

Here's something for you Jana Jee.

I know term OPSEC from 'Power Play' books by Tom Clancy Sir.
Just trying to be funny..:evil:
Officer of Engineers said:
Accidental release? Always a possibility but thus far, it has not happenned yet.
We've came close a few times but always, the Man In the Loop stopped it.

India and Pakistan will not release it accidentally for sure. USA and USSR had EWS unlike us, we will know only after it hits us :sad:
What about radar and satellites? Wouldn't they be able to detect the nuclear missiles?

Oh boy once it launches its done. :embarassed:

I also know that Pakistan doesn't use the guidance system, it uses some terminal system to blast off targets accurately.
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