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Pakistan admits India attack link

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we are against all those who spread violence and we as people have power to tell govt wat we want through election.and we do it always in India.
Pakistan did everything to deny the involvement. Recently, there were news leaks about the Bangladesh involvement to test whether the world buy it or not. After they found out that it is not possible to sell their story, they admit that part of the conspiracy was planned in Pakistan.

Even ISI is involved, the GoP will not accept it and destroy the evidences. GoP will only accept the involvement of non-state actors, though I am not sure they will be prosecuted.

Why not sacrifice some of your assets to protect yourself (ISI)? After all you can buy plenty of such assets using the religion.

Again u r jumping thr gun dude, *** we been telling u to let us see the facts, now that we see it, we will prosecute the dumb guy, again u go and prejudge the working of judiciary. Let the case go through courts, your duty now is to provide the full facts so that we can convict this guy. Dude.
My dear Indian brothers,
Please stop blaming pakistan now. It has already accepted 'somewat' responsibility for the mumbai attacks. I dont think we are going to yield something just by blaming.
The time is to take action. Govt of Pakistan should make it clear, if it is ready to destroy all the camps where the attack was planned and training was given Or should India do it??
All peace loving pakistani people have major role to play now. They should come ahead and be proactive in demanding action against the people whereever they are . May it be ISI and LeT ( as claimed by India) or Non state actors( as claimed by pakistan).
If people from pakistan wants to regain identity as peace loving they cant sit at homes . They need to come out against anti - Indian elements who have maligned image of their nation. Hope god will provide more strength to pakistanis who are in favour of gud relations with India.

Yaa I am agree with U :cheers:

I am only try to answer the Jihad's alligation
Question to pakistani brothers who have said thousand times that they are against violence and terrorism....
want to know what will you be doing to pressurize ur govt to act against the terrorist?

U can already see the feelings of Pakistan people on this forum after the fact, but Indians, be weary and provide true facts, not exaggerated type the real facts , so that Pakistan can prosecute this guy and set an example for others.
Finally! After dillying and dallying and looking for a thousand escape routes, Pakistani government realized that it had no choice but to admit the facts.

Anyways, its the first truly optimistic sign. Hopefully this process will continue and the entire terror network will be dismantled.
Finally! After dillying and dallying and looking for a thousand escape routes, Pakistani government realized that it had no choice but to admit the facts.

Anyways, its the first truly optimistic sign. Hopefully this process will continue and the entire terror network will be dismantled.

Again u say dilly dallying. man when would u learn to see the facts, we asked u for facts, it took some long discussions to get u to see the truth, and u call it dilly dallying, how can u be so naive, now that u have given some fact do not stop cooperating with facts when asked for and do not exaggerate but give the true facts, your exaggeration of the facts will make us both look silly. continue to cooperate till the culprit is punished.
Yes ....pakistan has the right to deny all the allegations till they "fully" investigate matter...all that is ok....but what irked me the most was the amazing and full scale propganda exercise which pakistan's media establishment undertook saying the attackers were HINDU terrosists........R.A.W...MOSSAD etc were responsible. 30 minute news shows 'revealing' the conspiracy of the mumbai attack .....and yes how can i forget the one and only Mr. ZAID HAMID who people looked upto like an angel falling from heaven and enlightning them about how RAW with HINDU terrosists planned the mumbai attacks on various talk shows and a meticulous analysis of the indian dossier pointing out innumerable flaws..Ajmal Kasab was a hindu he conjectured!!!....LOOK WHAT HAPPENED.
People accused the Indian media of making up stories and misrepresenting facts.....except for the isi connection which is still not clear ...each and everything
the indian media said was CORRECT. The boat , the sea route , telephonic conversations....everything.....yes a couple news channels went overboard...... I hope now atleast people realise the true nature of Zaid Hamid ..he's an amazing aggressive orator....speaks passionately....captivating...except for one small thing ....80% of what he says is wrong.
More like finally the investigation is complete and a proper statement based on the investigation can be released - this isn't denial, its called following the proper process and conducting an investigation to confirm, as much as possible, what happened.

Of course we realize that this is an alien concept in India, where investigators are blessed with supernatural powers that allow them to implicate the ISI and Pakistan while en route to the crime scene. :rolleyes:

Alien concept ?? If I recall the current GOP wants UN to investigate BB's death. How come this ' not so alien investigation process " is applied at home ?

Supernatural powers ? it needs only sub natural powers to arrive at conclusions which GOP has now most reluctantly been compelled to admit.
79 days ago, Zaid Hamid became a popular person in Pakistan. Where is he now?
this is called the mutt and jeff approach. we implicate the ISI, you give us the Laskhar e Toiba - get over it :D
79 days ago, Zaid Hamid became a popular person in Pakistan. Where is he now?

I'm eagerly awaiting his next program. I'm predicting that he will encourage his loyal viewers to overthrow the traitor Pakistan government, which is clearly under the influence of RAW.
i do not blame dude, I present the facts dude, watch what i put up for u in the post above.

Dont divert attention of people here .
We are talking about Pakistan's responsibility in Mumbai attack. and rather than digging out past issues stick to subject of thread
Though admitting 26/11 was carried out by Pakistanis is gonna show the world that the current Pakistani estabilishment is serious about tackiling terror, it is also going to show that Pakistan is the hub of all the terror, that affects India. It increases the India's credibilty, that all of it claims against Pakistan are indeed true. 26/11 has indirectly strenghthened India's resolve to stop stop cross border terror. And has shown that there is more than just a military solution when it comes to make Pakistan act against terror carried out against India.
Finally! After dillying and dallying and looking for a thousand escape routes, Pakistani government realized that it had no choice but to admit the facts.

Anyways, its the first truly optimistic sign. Hopefully this process will continue and the entire terror network will be dismantled.

As a senior member, I would expect a post of some higher degree.
You know very well that Pakistan has finally ended it's investigation, has now come to a conclusion, and now we wait and see what happens.
I don't know how much of a help India was during the investigation other then the little monkey rants from Mr. Mukherjee against Pakistan or the countless of threats by your army officials or Sonia Gandhi for that matter?
If the GoP says that the attacks were partially planned on Pakistani soil, then I will have to believe that aswell, however, before the investigation, each and every Pakistani HAS the RIGHT to deny any involvement untill proven otherwise.
Yours and the other posts in this thread from your countrymates are all led by emotions and you've all turned a blind eye towards the basic rules of investigation and judiciary.
Though admitting 26/11 was carried out by Pakistanis is gonna show the world that the current Pakistani estabilishment is serious about tackiling terror, it is also going to show that Pakistan is the hub of all the terror, that affects India. It increases the India's credibilty, that all of it claims against Pakistan are indeed true. 26/11 has indirectly strenghthened India's resolve to stop stop cross border terror. And has shown that there is more than just a military solution when it comes to make Pakistan act against terror carried out against India.

so you are having a party???
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