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Pakistan adding submarine muscle while India hems and haws

Somewhere i saw the follow-on Arihant class submarines will be twice the displacement of Arihant and will have two reactors. :yahoo:
Correction they indeed are the U-209's n not the 212"s. However the upgrade package is for these subs and not for the Kilo Class subs.

After this upgrade, they will be expected to remain in service until 2025-2030, since the last was purchased close to 1990.

Most of the Kilo Class submarines have already undergone their MLR which will upgrade them to Project 08773 standard which includes a complete overhaul of major systems and addition of the Klub ASCM. These will be expected to serve till 2025 as well.

However, the point that you made is very valid that India needs to integrate AIP on a priority basis. As of now, only the last 3 Scorpene's and the Project 75I subs will have it.

I think the IN has some very potent surface ships with specialised ASW roles and the addition of the P8I will only make it better. Till then lets cross our fingers.

Not last three scorpenes , Last two will have AIP providd DRDO can come up with a solution by then..BTW 2 more Scorpenes are also in Pipeline ..
So, a total of 8 (6 + 2 ) Scorpenes and 6 P-75I SSKs... In the long term however Plans are to build 12 SSks designed indigenously..
Somewhere i saw the follow-on Arihant class submarines will be twice the displacement of Arihant and will have two reactors. :yahoo:

i had heard that they will have dual hull..however a lot of these can be imagination of some fanboy..
dont distrub our babus

let them sleep forget china now we are thinking for pakistan

Please, grow up. its like thousand times i have read this babu stuff in this forum. the babus you r talking about are one of the best brains of our country. u must know how tough it is to get a govt. job and how tough it is to qualify for ias. its on the leadership how they utilise them. babus r govt. servent. politicians r the real boss. see how well and fast the so called babus r performing in gujrat. it all depends on the leaders whether they use their talents on good things or on assiting them on corruption.
What is the damn big deal... we are buying these to set some sort defence offset one can't compare the two navies if put side to side IN is 3 times size of PN simply why make a damn fuzz about it get over it and move on.

I think the article is about Submarine's not surface warship's. In case of submarine's there is not that much diff though.
Please, grow up. its like thousand times i have read this babu stuff in this forum. the babus you r talking about are one of the best brains of our country. u must know how tough it is to get a govt. job and how tough it is to qualify for ias. its on the leadership how they utilise them. babus r govt. servent. politicians r the real boss. see how well and fast the so called babus r performing in gujrat. it all depends on the leaders whether they use their talents on good things or on assiting them on corruption.

Are you a trying to become a babu????:P
Jokes apart, the guys are freely taking highly intellect IAS officials as those babus sitting in a government office demanding money for passing files.
I would be pretty calm in this situation if you invert the stats of the two navies because:
1.India is pushing forward on ingenious submarine production;which at first is slow because you have to find the unique characteristics,but after the firt sub is rolled out the production will catch momentum and improvement will come along on the way.
2.Pakistan has to rely on leasing or buying subs which will become slower than India after their production starts because we aren't exactly the ritchest nation on the face of the earth.

In this game the golden principle of"Quality over quantity" cant really be applied if we are outnumbered by a long margin(but pakistan has something up her sleeve for that ;just wait:azn:).
We have already built indegenous submarines.
Please, grow up. its like thousand times i have read this babu stuff in this forum. the babus you r talking about are one of the best brains of our country. u must know how tough it is to get a govt. job and how tough it is to qualify for ias. its on the leadership how they utilise them. babus r govt. servent. politicians r the real boss. see how well and fast the so called babus r performing in gujrat. it all depends on the leaders whether they use their talents on good things or on assiting them on corruption.

Thank You......
Pakistan adding submarine muscle while India hems and haws

NEW DELHI: Even as India dithers in even finalizing its new submarine programme called " Project-75 India", Pakistan has moved swiftly to seal a deal with China to acquire six advanced submarines equipped with crucial air-independent propulsion (AIP) systems.

Conventional diesel-electric submarines have to surface or snorkel every few days to get oxygen to recharge their batteries. But those fitted with AIP can stay submerged for much longer periods to significantly boost their stealth and combat capabilities, somewhat narrowing the gap with nuclear-powered submarines which of course can operate underwater for virtually unlimited periods.

While India is still years away from getting an AIP-equipped submarine, Pakistan already has one in the shape of PNS Hamza, one of the three French Agosta-90B submarines inducted by it over the last decade. Moreover, work is also underway to retrofit the French "Mesma" AIP in hulls of the other two submarines, PNS Khalid and PNS Saad.

The six new-generation submarines from China, the improved Yuan-class boats with "Stirling-cycle" AIP, will further add a punch to Pakistan's underwater warfare capabilities.

India, in sharp contrast, has so far refused to consider the Mesma AIP option in the ongoing Rs 23,562-crore project (P-75) to build six French Scorpene submarines at Mazagon Docks (MDL), already running three years' behind schedule with the boats now slated to roll out from 2015 to 2020.

"There has also been a huge cost escalation. To incorporate the steam-based Mesma AIP in the 5th and 6th Scorpenes would cost another $100 million or so," said a senior defence ministry official.

"Moreover, Navy is more keen on fuel-cell AIP. DRDO is developing one such system, which has been tested on shore. If it comes through, it can be considered for the 5th and 6th Scorpenes," he added.

To further compound matters, there is excruciatingly slow progress on P-75I, which envisages acquisition of six new stealth submarines, equipped with both tube-launched missiles for land-attack capabilities as well as AIP, for over Rs 50,000 crore.

The RFP (request for proposal) to be issued to foreign collaborators like Rosoboronexport ( Russia), DCNS (France), HDW (Germany) and Navantia (Spain) will be possible only towards end-2011 at the earliest.

"If one foreign shipyard can give AIP, it cannot provide land-attack missile capabilities, and vice-versa. So, P-75I is very complex...it will take at least two years to even finalize it, and another six-seven years after that for the first submarine to be ready," he said.

The plan till now is to directly import two submarines from a foreign collaborator, with three being built at MDL in Mumbai, and the sixth at Hindustan Shipyard in Visakhapatnam under transfer of technology.

Incidentally, Navy will have only five of its existing 10 Russian Kilo-class and four German HDW submarines by 2020. Consequently, even with the six Scorpenes, India will be far short of its operational requirement of at least 18 conventional submarines for the foreseeable future.

PNS Ghazi lives on :cheers: :pakistan:
Thank God its 6 subs, I was thinking its 60..
Pakistan needs to invest heavily in subs, I mean 6 just 6?:what:
The dear brother China is giving it at good price, so I think you should order at least 30 more, you never know with all inflation and stuff, when the prices go up.
Thank God its 6 subs, I was thinking its 60..
Pakistan needs to invest heavily in subs, I mean 6 just 6?:what:
The dear brother China is giving it at good price, so I think you should order at least 30 more, you never know with all inflation and stuff, when the prices go up.

India 2011 inflation is 9%, read it for yourself. Lets not project India as som hot-shot, we know 440 million people below the poverty line. But stop the troll and lets stick to the topic.
India Inflation Rate

6 will give Pakistan a total of 12 submarines and 20 midgets submarines enough to protect Pakistan's martimine interest. Additional French and German submaries will also add a punch to PN capabilities.

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