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Pakistan abstains from UN vote demanding Russia to withdraw from Ukraine


May 21, 2006
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Pakistan abstains from UN vote demanding Russia to withdraw from Ukraine​

2 hours ago
by The Frontier Post

NEW YORK (APP) : Pakistan Thursday stressed the need for resumption of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine for a peaceful solution to the raging conflict, after abstaining from a vote in the UN General Assembly on a resolution calling for Moscow to withdraw its troops from the country, exactly one year after its invasion.
Sponsored by 75 countries, 141 members voted in support of the resolution, exceeding the two-thirds threshold needed to pass it. Seven members — Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea, Mali, Nicaragua, Russia and Syria — voted against the resolution. Thirty-two members abstained, including Pakistan, China, India, Iran and South Africa.
Speaking in explanation of his vote, Pakistan’s UN Ambassador Munir Akram said he had abstained on the resolution, which was drafted by Ukraine, despite efforts by the co-sponsors to moderate its tone, as some provisions were still inconsistent with Islamabad’s principled position. On Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had telephoned his Pakistani counterpart, Dr. Arif Alvi, to seek Pakistan’s support.
Pakistan, he said, fully supports the resolution’s call for respect for the principle of sovereignty, sovereign equality and territorial integrity of States and non-acquisition of territory by the threat or use of force. States cannot be torn apart by the use of force, the Pakistani envoy said.
But, Ambassador Akram said, he regrets that these principles have not been universally applied and respected for instance in the situation of foreign occupation and the ongoing attempt at the illegal and forcible annexation of Jammu and Kashmir.
His reference to the situation in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir drew a response from a representative of India, but which was effectively countered by a Pakistani diplomat.
In his remarks, Ambassador Akram said Pakistan also endorses the resolution’s call on member states and international organizations to redouble their support for diplomatic efforts to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine.
“While the hostilities continue, there is an ever-present danger of a further military and geographical escalation of the war. There is thus an imminent threat to global peace and security.” the Pakistani envoy said, noting that while agreeing with and endorsing the principles and general provisions contained in the draft resolution, some provisions were not consistent with Pakistan’s principled position.
“As a country that has seen and suffered the consequences of prolonged conflict in our neighbourhood, we attach the highest priority to the immediate cessation of hostilities and the resumption of dialogue to achieve a just and durable solution – through direct or indirect negotiations, mediation or other peaceful means.
“In this regard, we see an important role of the UN and the Secretary-General, inter alia under Chapter VI and VIII of the UN Charter provisions (pacific settlement of disputes), for efforts aimed at de-escalation, renewed negotiations and sustained dialogue for a peaceful diplomatic solution,” he added.
“Pakistan continues to hope that, in a constructive approach, the parties will soon accept a mutual and early cessation of hostilities,” Ambassador Akram said, adding, “We also hope for the resumption of a dialogue for durable resolution of the conflict based on the principles of the UN Charter and past agreements, and bearing in mind the legitimate security interests of all States.”
By the terms of the 11-paragraph resolution, the Assembly reiterated its demand that Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine and called for a cessation of hostilities”.
The Assembly, through the resolution, urged Member States to cooperate in the spirit of solidarity to address the global impacts of the war on food security, energy, finance, the environment and nuclear security and safety.
Underscoring that arrangements for a lasting peace should consider these factors, the Assembly also called upon all nations to support the Secretary-General in his efforts to address these impacts.
The Assembly’s emergency session had met on Wednesday to begin debating the resolution, with the Assembly President, Csaba Korosi, saying that for a full year, the 193-member Assembly, the Secretary-General, and the international community “have been consistent and vocal in our calls to end this war, and to adhere to the UN Charter and international law”.
The resolution also emphasized the need to ensure accountability for the most serious crimes under international law committed in Ukraine through independent national or international investigations and prosecutions to ensure justice for all victims and the prevention of future crimes.
The Assembly on Thursday also rejected two amendments proposed by Belarus, an ally of Russia, with Pakistan also abstaining on those motions. The first proposal would have altered several of the resolution’s provisions, and the second would have had the Assembly call on Member States to, among other things, refrain from sending weapons to the zone of conflict.
Days after the 24 February 2022 invasion, UN Security Council members had voted to allow the General Assembly to convene the eleventh emergency special session after Russia had vetoed a resolution that would have condemned the invasion of Ukraine.
What happened to faujeets apeing over Zelensky?

If supporting Ukrainian struggle for freedom makes someone a faujeet

I am one 🇵🇰♥️🇺🇦

download (36) (1).jpeg

On topic

- Pakistan stance makes zero sense

If you're abstaining that means you're neutral - but why are you selling weapons to UK and indirectly supporting Ukraine?

That Acts makes you a party in this conflict

Either we are supporting Ukraine or we are neutral - there's no in between, gray area imo...

I support the neutral stance as we have no skin in the game but I feel like even Pakistani strategic thinkers have no idea what they're doing
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lol ... now where are so called IK haters who barked day night on IK when he decided to remain abstain in the last UN voting ?
the fornicator ahzam wanted neutrality because india was:

"I thwarted Gen. Bajwa’s attempts to force an anti-Russia stance over the war."

“When I came back from Russia visit, Bajwa asked me to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,” Khan said. “I told him that India, which is a strategic ally of the US, is staying neutral. So, Pakistan should stay neutral.”

this time:
Pakistan, Ambassador Akram said, fully supports the resolution’s call for respect for the principle of sovereignty, sovereign equality and territorial integrity of States and non-acquisition of territory by the threat or use of force. States cannot be torn apart by the use of force, the Pakistani envoy said.

But, Ambassador Akram said, he regrets that these principles have not been universally applied and respected for instance in the situation of foreign occupation and the ongoing attempt at the illegal and forcible annexation of Jammu and Kashmir.
- Pakistan stance makes zero sense

If you're abstaining that means you're neutral - but why are you selling weapons to UK and indirectly supporting Ukraine?

That Acts makes you a party in this conflict
abstention is NOT against Ukraine or what is contained in the resolution. abstaining due to the UN hypocrisy and selective implementation of its past resolutions
the fornicator ahzam wanted neutrality because india was:

"I thwarted Gen. Bajwa’s attempts to force an anti-Russia stance over the war."

“When I came back from Russia visit, Bajwa asked me to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,” Khan said. “I told him that India, which is a strategic ally of the US, is staying neutral. So, Pakistan should stay neutral.”

this time:
Pakistan, Ambassador Akram said, fully supports the resolution’s call for respect for the principle of sovereignty, sovereign equality and territorial integrity of States and non-acquisition of territory by the threat or use of force. States cannot be torn apart by the use of force, the Pakistani envoy said.

But, Ambassador Akram said, he regrets that these principles have not been universally applied and respected for instance in the situation of foreign occupation and the ongoing attempt at the illegal and forcible annexation of Jammu and Kashmir.

aag lagy basti main , JHQ k ghundy apni masti main :lol:
aag lagy basti main , JHQ k ghundy apni masti main :lol:
View attachment 917689
looks like imam e ahzam and acolytes on a loveme outing. by the way great response just like his holiness would have.
  • riz: why was my cult leader criticized for being neutral?
  • reply: he was emulating modi [his role model]
  • cultist: why Pakistan now neutral?
  • reply: Pakistan is not now neutral, abstention is to highlight UN's past hypocrisy
then cultist posts a photo of imam sahib's walk-about
looks like imam e ahzam and acolytes on a loveme outing. by the way great response just like his holiness would have.
  • riz: why was my cult leader criticized for being neutral?
  • reply: he was emulating modi [his role model]
  • cultist: why Pakistan now neutral?
  • reply: Pakistan is not now neutral, abstention is to highlight UN's past hypocrisy
then cultist posts a photo of imam sahib's walk-about
boot licking syndrome can damage the brain cells, your post is an example of that disease, you need a doctor kid
Principled stand by Pakistan.


And providing arms is 'business'. Someone else would if Pakistan wouldn't. Pakistan and many countries of the world are staying 'neutral'. Pakistan is part of "Asia". The ongoing war in Ukraine is yet another European tribal war. Don't be too impressed by shiny cities in Europe: They can't escape their brutalities and may well drag the world into a Third World War. I see this war as war of choice by the Neo Cons sitting in Washington. Europe is too feeble and too tribal to resist that and if this war gets out of hands then Europe will pay another huge price. Problem for Pakistan is that Pakistan is too close to Europe geographically and any 'fallout' may reach Pakistan too.

This article in NY Times should not be an eye opener to this forum but to Americans it should be puzzling: How can 'democracies' like India stay neutral??

the fornicator ahzam wanted neutrality because india was:

"I thwarted Gen. Bajwa’s attempts to force an anti-Russia stance over the war."

“When I came back from Russia visit, Bajwa asked me to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,” Khan said. “I told him that India, which is a strategic ally of the US, is staying neutral. So, Pakistan should stay neutral.”

this time:
Pakistan, Ambassador Akram said, fully supports the resolution’s call for respect for the principle of sovereignty, sovereign equality and territorial integrity of States and non-acquisition of territory by the threat or use of force. States cannot be torn apart by the use of force, the Pakistani envoy said.

But, Ambassador Akram said, he regrets that these principles have not been universally applied and respected for instance in the situation of foreign occupation and the ongoing attempt at the illegal and forcible annexation of Jammu and Kashmir.
itna lamba chora essay and not enough reading comprehension skills to realize that this bootya govt has essentially taken the same diplomatic stance as IK hahahahahh
Nvm how foolish of me to expect common sense from FA pass dhobis and/or their cheerleaders
but why are you selling weapons to UK and indirectly supporting Ukraine?
Because we have a legacy of trade in that sector with Ukraine ..since breakup of ussr.
Well Russia sells weapons to india..what does that imply?
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