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Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism, Chris Alexander says

Where is the proof? show us one pic of OBL in Islamabad dead or alive.

Osama was found happily in abbotabad pretty near a millitary complex....either ISI was complicit in hiding him or else they are the biggest idiots who shame everyone by calling themselves an intellegence agency
Ok..we are not talking here about some random maoist, who at max is an internal threat.(BTW RAW doesnt handle the red corridor)...we are talking about the most wanted terrorist on earth.The man USA was looking for years.Bin laden must somehow gotten into pakistan...he must have some sources inside the ISI to make sure nothing gets screwed up while entering....again i am not accusing pakistan high command of colluding to protect bin-laden...all i am saying is that elements in ISI helped him across afghanistan to pakistan, secured a house for him, its unbelievable and naive to think otherwise
No, it's unbelievable and naive to actually believe something without evidence. Do you hear yourself right now? Read your comment, it's filled with flawed logic. Look at the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan. For decades the Afghans have refused to help Pakistan secure the border, and every time Pakistan has tried to seal it off, Afghanistan has always complained about it (sometimes even firing shots at Pakistani border guards). Anyone can cross the border, it isn't hard, so it's not hard to believe that bin laden could easily escape.

By the way, no matter who handles the red corridor, according to your logic, the same principle applies and it reflects badly on India as a whole. Those aren't just random maoists, they have leaders and a command/control structure.
No, it's unbelievable and naive to actually believe something without evidence. Do you hear yourself right now? Read your comment, it's filled with flawed logic. Look at the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan. For decades the Afghans have refused to help Pakistan secure the border, and every time Pakistan has tried to seal it off, Afghanistan has always complained about it (sometimes even firing shots at Pakistani border guards). Anyone can cross the border, it isn't hard, so it's not hard to believe that bin laden could easily escape.

By the way, no matter who handles the red corridor, according to your logic, the same principle applies and it reflects badly on India as a whole. Those aren't just random maoists, they have leaders and a command/control structure.

Obviously no point in continuing discussion....i have no credible proof per say of pakistani involvement, only hypothesis that having the world's most wanted man in your borders must have some kind of internal collusion...which you must agree is a valid assumption.Anyway, lets hope some U.S files on this hunt gets declassified, then we would be in a better position to discuss this issue.

P.S : Maoists millitary activity is at an all time low, all that once powerfull organisation can cough up now is one or two attacks a year.
Seriously? Do Jews and Iranians look that hideous to you?

Kidding man, this Indian is being a dick.

Jew bitches hot a.k.a. Bar Rafaeli :smitten:

All kidding aside it was harmless fun :p:
Osama was found happily in Abbotabad pretty near a military complex....either ISI was complicit in hiding him or else they are the biggest idiots who shame everyone by calling themselves an intellegence agency

Osama was trained and financed by CIA so what are you saying ?

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Pakistan kills its own citizen by state sponsored terrorism and then give the terrorist a clean chit in the name of dialogue..what do you expect from a state like this?
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