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Pakistan: A Nation for Hire?

@A.M. Good Job Larke :-) Its what every patriotic person should think about.
Pakistan must never allow its boots on any foreign soil in combat roles.
Pakistan must never allow its boots on any foreign soil in combat roles.

That can only happen if Pakistan policies becomes Pakistan First.
Currently they are acting like thekedars of Islamic world and under that scenario they cannot drop there boots when asked for.
just stick on pakistan and think for peace and daal roti and bijli for nation first . sari dunya ke thekedar mat bano
Since you are an Indian and no offense but you've been indoctrinated to harbor anti Pakistan bias, its almost instinctive to you and it prevents you from seeing Pakistan for what it is rather than what Door Darshan taught you what it is.

Pakistan IS Pakistan and no we haven't been acting like anything else, you however can tell that to yourself as much as you want. We refused to land forces in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Yemen and now Uncle SAM and Arabs want us in Iraq and Syria. The answer to that is a fat NO.

That can only happen if Pakistan policies becomes Pakistan First.
Currently they are acting like thekedars of Islamic world and under that scenario they cannot drop there boots when asked for.
Since you are an Indian and no offense but you've been indoctrinated to harbor anti Pakistan bias, its almost instinctive to you and it prevents you from seeing Pakistan for what it is rather than what Door Darshan taught you what it is.

You have quite and experience of handling this forum, i am not sure if its your experience with indian internet wariors or its how you have been grown up with that you carry a feeling that Indians are indoctrinated to harbour anti Pakistan bias.

From class one to master degree in general has no subject that talks about Pakistan, or wars with Pakistan or leaders of Pakistan. Infact the Indian independce history stops with Jinnah and foundation of Pakistan after that what happen in Pakistan from 1947 to till date is no where in our books. Out of 100 students, 95 will not be able to tell whats the capital of Pakistan or how many wars India had with Pakistan. Thats how far fetched is idea of Pakistan in common man mind. Only time when we learn about Pakistan is when a terrorist incident happens in India or a suicide attack happens inside Pakistan.

And since you are fan of Door Darshan, check out Door Darshan Gyan channel you will find what does Door Darshan teaches.

Pakistan IS Pakistan and no we haven't been acting like anything else, you however can tell that to yourself as much as you want. We refused to land forces in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Yemen and now Uncle SAM and Arabs want us in Iraq and Syria. The answer to that is a fat NO.

Well lets get back to some time in history, During Nehru era Inda was gaining its bases in UN as well as was leading force behind NAM. Where as Pakistan had no such cloud. Ayub Khan wanted to grow to global stature and wanted to gain notice and recognition for himself as global leader as well as for Pakistan, so he focused on Muslim Ummah concept and worked upon forming OIC. The formation of OIC was on based on fundamental concept of ISLAM that all muslims are one. Thus as a member of OIC if Pakistan want to have some strength and say in the OIC it was a necessity for it to put its boot everywhere when called upon either directly or Indirectly. Thus the policy from being Pakistan First to became Ummah First centeric at times, which came with its heavy price tag.
Pakistan: A Nation for Hire?

Written by user A.M. for Pakistan Defense Forums

Pakistan’s history is littered with events where foreign Islamic nations have asked for assistance and this nation has answered the call every time. Over time such assistance has almost become a given as opposed to something that other nations should be thankful for. As the recent tension with Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates illustrates, it’s evident that we are now expected to provide soldiers for hire whenever there is a conflict in the Islamic world and especially in the Middle East. It doesn’t even matter if our help is necessary or not. Exacerbating the issue is the fact that certain factions within Pakistan promote such behavior as if this nation is responsible for the stupidity of others around the world.

One must ask, why Pakistan? Are we simply being used by others for their personal benefit? Why are some factions within Pakistan hell bent on involving us in conflicts that don’t concern us and offer no strategic benefit to us? The conflict involving Saudi Arabia and Yemen has brought this issue to the forefront and something that needs to be discussed using facts instead of religious emotion. Does Saudi Arabia actually need our help or, once again, is our assistance expected just because? One must also ask, where were these nations when Pakistan was in deep trouble a few years back?

In April, Pakistan’s Parliament voted unanimously in favor of the country’s neutrality in the ongoing conflict in Yemen. From an outside perspective, the decision made absolute sense. The country had a war raging in the North West, tensions rising along the eastern border with India and the western border with Iran and domestic operations going on in multiple provinces. It had zero capacity to get involved in another conflict, especially one with sectarian implications. Pakistan already has had issues containing sectarian violence at home and involving itself in a conflict which is essentially a manifestation of Sunni – Shia struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran could have had disastrous results at home. Pakistan also shares a border with Shia dominant Iran while Saudi Arabia does not.

Another reason for the neutral stance was the Chinese – Pakistan Economic Corridor. China has executed agreements of over $40 Billion to connect the Chinese and Pakistani cities of Kashgar and Gwadar. The agreements include construction of several infrastructure projects including roads and railways between the two cities. A significant concern for the Chinese has been the law and order situation in Pakistan because, after all, if a nation is pouring billions of dollars into another country, it wants assurances that the investment will be safe in the long run. It is rumored that there was pressure from the Chinese to focus entirely on resolving the issues at home instead of sending soldiers to other countries.

On its face, the parliament’s decision was the right one. So why the uproar? Within hours, leaders from Saudi Arabia and its allies in the Middle East were condemning the vote privately and publicly. Pakistan was warned of having to pay a “heavy price” for its decision and was accused of turning its backs on allies. Within months, the prime minster from India was invited for a visit to UAE almost as if to teach Pakistan a lesson for misbehaving. The fact of the matter is that Saudi Arabia doesn’t need our assistance in this conflict or any other for that matter. It has a military budget that is five times larger than Pakistan’s, it is surrounded by friendly or weak nations, its military is equipped with the best hardware that money can buy, it routinely executes multi-billion dollar deals with western nations. As this article was being written, King Salman was in the U.S. to sign a $1 billion arms agreement. The kingdom already has enough friends to support its adventures in the Middle East, it doesn’t need another.

It’s high time that our government articulate a tough stance on this issue and make it clear, internally and externally, that Pakistan isn’t a nation for hire. Pakistan will get involved in foreign conflicts, but as a mediator, not aggressor. Pakistan will take a neutral stance on conflicts so it can solve them, not inflame them. Pakistan’s sons won’t give up their lives for someone else, their blood will only be spilled to protect this nation from its enemies. Pakistan should forge strategic relations with nations who invest in Pakistan, not countries who grant “friendly gifts” to sway the politicians in their favor. “Friendly nations” who won’t admonish logical decisions, but will support them.

This is a critical time for Pakistan and the focus should be at home so that this country can move forward and realize its true potential. Our primary concern should be the people of Pakistan and not Kings and Ministers of other nations. We are a proud nation and its time we start behaving like one.

@WebMaster @Horus @fatman17 @Serpentine @Oscar

Hi A.M

This is an absolutely THIRD RATE POST----the poster has not looked into the history of warfare over the last 2000---3000 years----.

If the poster had taken some consideration and done some research---he would have found out that nations and tribes have helped and assisted other brethren nation over the years of the centuries---to help them protect their lands and resources from invading armies---and then in the process formed alliances to fight together and then later on joined together or were taken over by the stronger to form a larger and stronger nation.

That has been the natural course of action of the centuries---small tribes asking big tribes to help---peaceful tribes asking warring tribe to protect them---.

As an old man---I am really disappointed at the level of illiteracy and a lack of knowledge amongst the children of Pakistan---and it is a shame that they are proud of it----.
Hi A.M

This is an absolutely THIRD RATE POST----the poster has not looked into the history of warfare over the last 2000---3000 years----.

If the poster had taken some consideration and done some research---he would have found out that nations and tribes have helped and assisted other brethren nation over the years of the centuries---to help them protect their lands and resources from invading armies---and then in the process formed alliances to fight together and then later on joined together or were taken over by the stronger to form a larger and stronger nation.

That has been the natural course of action of the centuries---small tribes asking big tribes to help---peaceful tribes asking warring tribe to protect them---.

As an old man---I am really disappointed at the level of illiteracy and a lack of knowledge amongst the children of Pakistan---and it is a shame that they are proud of it----.
You missed the entire point of the article.

I am well aware of the history of warfare and how alliances are made to address mutual needs. The key word being "mutual". This is what my second last paragraph is geared towards. Pakistan should always help its "brethern" but the help should be a two way street and should never be taken for granted.

"That has been the natural course of action of the centuries---small tribes asking big tribes to help---peaceful tribes asking warring tribe to protect them---."

So SA is the small and peaceful tribe and Pakistan the big and warring one?

To avoid having this topic go sideways, i won't any more comments but advise you to re-read and maybe without your hidden bias against PDF, TTs and this contest. Thanks.
You missed the entire point of the article.
To avoid having this topic go sideways, i won't any more comments but advise you to re-read and maybe without your hidden bias against PDF, TTs and this contest. Thanks.


At my age close to 60---I don't hold bias against issues and idols---but am more concerned about the utility of the source and the usage of the resource---. For you to understand that---you will have to get to that certain pleateau.

Now---by the by---have you ever thought that instead of performing Hajjj---you donate that 5000 dollars and establish some businesses for the poor s that they can get on their feet. I know that you do help them---but a little more help would not hurt either.

So---when you are peforming Hajj---just think about it----what pleateau would you have achieved---.
In my humble opinion your essay echoes the sentiments of the majority of the Country; it is not a matter of who helped who in the hours of need in the past nor it is an obligatory ummah calling which need to be answered...it is about looking at the reality of the situation and circumstances Pakistan finds itself in. Pakistan need sustained stability and as such cannot afford to engage its military resources outside its borders specially in mid-east.

At my age close to 60---I don't hold bias against issues and idols---but am more concerned about the utility of the source and the usage of the resource---. For you to understand that---you will have to get to that certain pleateau.

Now---by the by---have you ever thought that instead of performing Hajjj---you donate that 5000 dollars and establish some businesses for the poor s that they can get on their feet. I know that you do help them---but a little more help would not hurt either.

So---when you are peforming Hajj---just think about it----what pleateau would you have achieved---.
Ahhh Hajj...In my opinion, your thoughts posted in that other topic are so off point I don't even know where to begin. Too bad I can't post in that forums or I would have shared my full response.

Shame on you for denying your mother the opportunity to visit Mecca.
Your money would have changed the lives of all these people forever----.

Only if they want it to be so. After all, I should be more worried about what happens to me after death than I should be about how I help the living down here on Earth. Right? May be not?

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