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Pakistan, a British problem, but a German solution?

lol, bring it.


I understand you are retired?
Wow! Are from the CIA?? :woot: :lol:

If yes, you must be alive in 1970s and 60s, what were your thoughts on China?
Yep! Alive and kickin'!! :-)
I think China is a great nation and your turnaround has been spectacular.

And yes, Nehru is the one who screwed up Sino-Indian relations for a needless 'forward policy' in the late 50s. If it hadn't been for him, Russia, China and India would have been more than a counter to Western hegamonism.

And remember, even today in an atmosphere that is apparantly loaded with suspicion, trade relations between our two countries have grown by leaps and bounds - from $70 billion today, slated to reach $100 billion by 2015 and $500 billion by 2020!

In addition, China has at hand $40 billion worth of projects in India today. A Chinese working group has submitted a five-year trade and economic planning cooperation plan to the Indian government offering to finance 30 per cent of the $1trillion targeted investment in infrastructure during the 12th Five-Year Plan (2012-17) to the tune of about $300 billion.

So whatever one may say for scoring brownie points by bashing each other, the fact is that relations between our two countries are galloping ahead to the the envy of many!

As Clinton said: It's the economy, stupid!

Cheers! :cheers:
At least both were fat.

Indians need Roti, Not freedom of speech to shout their hunger :-)

Ok .to provide Roti to all these peoples can you agree for the suppression of opinions of people?If we implemented a policy like that similar to chinese ,a stable system in India will finish forever.
Ok .to provide Roti to all these peoples can you agree for the suppression of opinions of people?If we implemented a policy like that similar to chinese ,a stable system in India will finish forever.

I agree. It is deadly to suppress the voice of a drunken Mallu. :D

@scorpionx why the positive rating :unsure:
I agree. It is deadly to suppress the voice of a drunken Mallu. :D

chetta .athinte avasyam ellayirunnu.Njan madyam totdathu polumilla.
Pinne Chinayude reethi valare vatyasam niranjathanu.We cant implement such a system in India.Chinese system has its own advantages and disadvantages.Only a neutral chinese can told that.
chetta .athinte avasyam ellayirunnu.Njan madyam totdathu polumilla.
Pinne Chinayude reethi valare vatyasam niranjathanu.We cant implement such a system in India.Chinese system has its own advantages and disadvantages.Only a neutral chinese can told that.

LOL. Just kidding around. I understand what you meant :)
Wow! Are from the CIA?? :woot: :lol:

Yep! Alive and kickin'!! :-)
I think China is a great nation and your turnaround has been spectacular.

And yes, Nehru is the one who screwed up Sino-Indian relations for a needless 'forward policy' in the late 50s. If it hadn't been for him, Russia, China and India would have been more than a counter to Western hegamonism.

And remember, even today in an atmosphere that is apparantly loaded with suspicion, trade relations between our two countries have grown by leaps and bounds - from $70 billion today, slated to reach $100 billion by 2015 and $500 billion by 2020!

In addition, China has at hand $40 billion worth of projects in India today. A Chinese working group has submitted a five-year trade and economic planning cooperation plan to the Indian government offering to finance 30 per cent of the $1trillion targeted investment in infrastructure during the 12th Five-Year Plan (2012-17) to the tune of about $300 billion.

So whatever one may say for scoring brownie points by bashing each other, the fact is that relations between our two countries are galloping ahead to the the envy of many!

As Clinton said: It's the economy, stupid!

Cheers! :cheers:

Cool, but I mean like your thoughts on 60s, 70s China. We were so insane that we make the insane terrorists of today look like the moderates. We make the heart eating Syrian look like he's unsure on violence.

But things can change.

Pakistan needs a leader to change the course of history, if he can do that, then Pakistan is primed to do what I outlined. A big if, but nothing is impossible.

and Chinese intelligence is the food and drugs safety department.

China isn't a dictatorship, China has no dictator, we are authoritarian, but we are not a dictator. Which dictator steps down every 10 years like a elected president? Which president has no cult of personality?

China is not moving to democracy, we are moving to our own system that will provide Freedom, prosperity and prestige. It's possible if you think about, just like democracy doesn't promise what I stated, authoritarian doesn't mean no. It has happened before, and in China a few times too.

With the new passing of the leadership in a meritocracy fashion, it's actually quite possible that we will keep it going. But most people only see no democracy, no freedom. Yet democracy doesn't promise freedom. Freedom is Freedom.

@third eye

1) Muslims have been united before sam way Germany has. Just like that, Germany before the empire has been divided for a while and it is through the Prussians they reunited again.

2) Why Pakistan? I'm designing this scenario for Pakistan, this is like saying if you like economics why not go to US instead of improving China. Cause we are Chinese. As long as Pakistan can be economically superior, political dominate, militarily unstoppable, and technologically advanced. It's likely, Pakistan has a few things going for it, and it's not something that runs out.

3) This scenario assumes Pakistan control and rallying support for a war is doable, especially if Pakistan plays like Muslims were robbed by the Indians.

4) again Pakistan must be the dominate force, and the union must have certain rules that guarantees Pakistan say in matters of dispute. The german states were able to do this because Prussia was the undisputed leader, and they were the undisputed prestige getter. Pakistan union can have that effect on the people if union means respect and prestige.

5) Pakistn must solve internal issues, that's for sure, this scenario is assuming that is based on the belief it could.

6) This scenario makes muslim nations relevant and makes them independent of foreign thoughts. You think Austria didn't try to stop the German Empire? OR confederation? But take what you want and let the pass people talk.

7) This scenario is not a let's talk, it's a be part of it, or we'll find someone who will agree to be part of it. Victory doesn't guarantee assimilation, but it can guarantee the joining of a group and the support of said nation. Pakistan is not going to annex, but to dominate.

8) Religion is a ruse, it's used as a bases for unity, in reality it's economy, prestige, and military that will do the talking. Religion is just a rallying cry not the first shot.

This scenario is way off the road, by then I perceive a multipolar world and Pakistan can take advantage of that and advance it's own interest, play one off the other to grow stronger and join its ranks.
Cool, but I mean like your thoughts on 60s, 70s China. We were so insane that we make the insane terrorists of today look like the moderates. We make the heart eating Syrian look like he's unsure on violence.

But things can change.

Pakistan needs a leader to change the course of history, if he can do that, then Pakistan is primed to do what I outlined. A big if, but nothing is impossible.

and Chinese intelligence is the food and drugs safety department.

China isn't a dictatorship, China has no dictator, we are authoritarian, but we are not a dictator. Which dictator steps down every 10 years like a elected president? Which president has no cult of personality?

China is not moving to democracy, we are moving to our own system that will provide Freedom, prosperity and prestige. It's possible if you think about, just like democracy doesn't promise what I stated, authoritarian doesn't mean no. It has happened before, and in China a few times too.

With the new passing of the leadership in a meritocracy fashion, it's actually quite possible that we will keep it going. But most people only see no democracy, no freedom. Yet democracy doesn't promise freedom. Freedom is Freedom.

@third eye

1) Muslims have been united before sam way Germany has. Just like that, Germany before the empire has been divided for a while and it is through the Prussians they reunited again.

2) Why Pakistan? I'm designing this scenario for Pakistan, this is like saying if you like economics why not go to US instead of improving China. Cause we are Chinese. As long as Pakistan can be economically superior, political dominate, militarily unstoppable, and technologically advanced. It's likely, Pakistan has a few things going for it, and it's not something that runs out.

3) This scenario assumes Pakistan control and rallying support for a war is doable, especially if Pakistan plays like Muslims were robbed by the Indians.

4) again Pakistan must be the dominate force, and the union must have certain rules that guarantees Pakistan say in matters of dispute. The german states were able to do this because Prussia was the undisputed leader, and they were the undisputed prestige getter. Pakistan union can have that effect on the people if union means respect and prestige.

5) Pakistn must solve internal issues, that's for sure, this scenario is assuming that is based on the belief it could.

6) This scenario makes muslim nations relevant and makes them independent of foreign thoughts. You think Austria didn't try to stop the German Empire? OR confederation? But take what you want and let the pass people talk.

7) This scenario is not a let's talk, it's a be part of it, or we'll find someone who will agree to be part of it. Victory doesn't guarantee assimilation, but it can guarantee the joining of a group and the support of said nation. Pakistan is not going to annex, but to dominate.

8) Religion is a ruse, it's used as a bases for unity, in reality it's economy, prestige, and military that will do the talking. Religion is just a rallying cry not the first shot.

This scenario is way off the road, by then I perceive a multipolar world and Pakistan can take advantage of that and advance it's own interest, play one off the other to grow stronger and join its ranks.

It is easy to maintain an ostrich attitude.Presently it all seems normal.But when time arises all will change.Freedom in China.that is the hell of a joke.Off course your own style seems to provide you so much fortune for now.But freedom to protest against injustice has it own advantage.And it is human nature to protest and argue against social system.Presently it expresses through medias and media freedom in china i dont know..Authortarian and I mean communist dictatorship ,not a dictatorship like gaddafi.
These cases arises when there is a debate about delhi rape case in Sino Weibo .A debate started to criticize India democracy and it social system took U-TURN when a member in SinoWeibo compare Indians freedom to protest against it while a similar case in China go unnoticed.
Freedom is Freedom.That freedom means to response against system including govt system.Not filtered out system.
India start its pioneer with a weak ,poverty stricken country .But we got freedom through democracy in it.
All world denounce us and stated we will last only 20 years .But now it is 65 years of independence.And we are still developing
but not like some other developing countries.we are confident we could able to make so much advancement in all fields
.Now economy is slow down .But that not mean we wind up here.GoI have no other options, at any cost they will ensure higher gdp because 80 crore youths is there.You can see change in some parts of North India and whole South India.
Let not go offtopic here.we can stop these arguement .here
This is what successive pakistani dictators have tried to achive (industrialize and arm pakistan with weapons and make common cause with other muslim countries under OIC) to take on India.
Pakistan has been partially successful in the beginning but two countries afganistan and iran will potentially work against it.
Afganistan since soviet invasion has done terrible damage to pakistan, and has drained a lot of resources and focus. Subsequent WoT made it lot worse.
Iran is a rising power in ME and wont see a sunni union favourably and might try to inflict some damage.
Unite the subcontinent and bring peace by doing what? Create some 'Muslim Bloc' and start a mini-Cold war?
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