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"Pakistan - 5,000 years old" PMIK in China

May 7, 2012
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United Kingdom
There you have it ladies and gentlemen. It's official. I have been saying this for years. Our Prime Minister Imran Khan in China has confirmed "we [Pakistan] are 5,000 years old country. Yipee yee. Of course he did not bother with the "coterminous" part but given most Chinese grasp of English is poor it does not matter. Now it';s time for 200 million Pakistani's to note this.

Go to 11:35

Infographics of our Indus. Note it. We are there with other cradles of civilization. Europe does not even make a showing. Notice Ganga is still playing with bananas.


Our federation on the Indus Valley.


Original blueprint for "Pakistan". Rehmat Ali 1933.



Notice where the Indus Basin is and where Ganga basin is. I don't need to add anything. Everything is clear.

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Sorry but how does it matter ??

In the present, is Pakistan a nation that others would love to emulate ?? Has Pakistan developed a social, political and economic philosophy that can serve as guide to the rest of the world ??

Even little countries like Cuba have a better system than bigger countries like India and Pakistan.

@Indus Pakistan
Ancestors of the most of the Pakistanis are living here since centuries or thousands of years this area is populated since thousands of years
But modern state of Pakistan came into being in 1947
There you have it ladies and gentlemen. It's official. I have been saying this for years. Our Prime Minister Imran Khan in China has confirmed "we [Pakistan] are 5,000 years old country. Yipee yee. Of course he did not bother with the "coterminous" part but given most Chinese grasp of English is poor it does not matter. Now it';s time for 200 million Pakistani's to note this.

Go to 11:35

Firstly, I must admit that the liberal mafia is master in deceit and deception. This guy has picked up few words of PMIK and then twisted them to suit his own stupid narrative. This, in reality is like clutching at straws. He heard few words and jumped to the conclusion that IK is converted to liberalism or Indianism, the ideology which this guy preaches. IK is a straight forward Muslim and in almost every speech he repeats the phrase of "Rayasat e Madina". The same "Rayasat e Madina" which is the main target of liberalism.

Secondly, the greatness of Indus valley Civilization is Total and absolute rubbish. 1000 curses on the civilization which used to worship million big deities and billion smaller ones. This Indus civilization was so great that it was ruled and subjugated by a small minority for almost 1000 years. Moreover, the Indus Valley Civilization's own ideology was so bankrupt that it adopted the foreign Arabian ideology. The conversion to foreign ideology was so complete and absolute that Indus valley Civilization has now emerged as a torch bearer of a foreign religion by producing thousands of great scholars and millions of Mujahideen.
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