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Pak worried of 'robust', 'multifaceted' Indo-US ties: Haqqani

More like calling for an end to double standards and hypocrisy - why is calling for an end to that 'crying' to you?

I suspect the whole point was to flame, not actually make a sensible point.

Take this as a warning for any future comments along these lines.

AM as Achtungspitfire put it ,it is quite silly,even idiotic,If he had any concerns he must have privately adressed.Do it publicly is sending all sorts of wrong signals
United states is the powerful nation on earth. FULL STOP.

For the first 55 years of the sub continents independence USA was massively pro pakistani to the point of arming training the pakistani military. Even to the point of threatening india in 1971 to stop its invasion of the then East Pakistan by sending in their 7th Fleet carrier battle group.

USA in those days looked at india as a Russian client state. The indians where treated with mistrust but diplomatically very cool relations.

From the outside looking in throw china,s weight into the equation behind pakistan and you can see why Pakistan would feel the equal of india with those 2 giants flanking you.
TIMES HAVE CHANGED and pakistan can blame the fall of Russian threat and THE RISE OF CHINA to that..

USA is so worried by the rise of the dragon they are looking for new allies.
Pakistan is caught in the middle of CHINA OR USA sitution. Throw in you rise of islamic terror fear,, by the west thanks to 9/11 and you can see why USA/INDIA relations are warming up nicely.

India is already far stronger than pakistan be it diplomatically, military or economically. A PRO INDIA usa alliance will be difficult for pakistan to stomach

More like calling for an end to double standards and hypocrisy - why is calling for an end to that 'crying' to you?

I suspect the whole point was to flame, not actually make a sensible point.

Take this as a warning for any future comments along these lines.

what was wrong in that statement? and why was the warning???
if US and india's relationship goes well, can't it because of strong fundamentals of the indian economy and that naturally brings lot of opportunity to US firms.
you first clean and keep your house in order(atleast economically strong) and they will come and knock your door.
currently US and India engages not only in defence and also in education,biotechnology,agriculture,communication,energy.. to name the few. its not because the US has tilted towards india and offers everything but its because of the opportunities the indian market offers in terms of $$$$$ in billions, if they wont capitalise it then someone else.. its as simple as that.
considering all this, where is the question of double statndards and hypocrisy which guides US policy towards India(Pakistans economy and future prospects are not bright atleast for a decade if current situation persists)
one final truth is that choose either US or china... to solve your problems,.period.
More like calling for an end to double standards and hypocrisy - why is calling for an end to that 'crying' to you?

I suspect the whole point was to flame, not actually make a sensible point.

Take this as a warning for any future comments along these lines.

I can recall as many as 10 posts within the past two months made by Pakistani members on this forum where they taunt India for "crying" and "whining" whenever India raises the issue of terrorism on Pakistani soil.

But they never get "warned". Talk about "double standards".
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Tango see this just a glimpse in your society and ur hate against OUR MOTHERLAND
Ignore the title.As i my best to take out a vid with a neutral label Thanks
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this video is of a part of our society i am truly ashamed of.

i am not as ashamed of the corrupt netas as i am of these people.

thankfully the rule of law still holds and people dont go berserk as often as these <censored> want them to.

now that we have accepted that our society isnt perfect can you tell me what your point was?

if it was that some people in india spout anti pakistan propaganda, i wont deny it. i would just point out that people dont act on that propaganda and infiltrate into pakistan to perform terrorist acts.
Over the next 2 decades or so Pakistan's relationship with the US - which arguably oscillates between wary-but-allied to friendly-and-helpful - will prevent any significant US/India anti-Pakistan "conspiracy" from materializing (That coupled with the fact that there IS actually a co-dependence between the US and Pakistan, even if folks on both sides would sometimes like to deny this)

Beyond these 2 decades, China will eclipse the US as the most powerful nation on the planet. Our relationship with China is beyond question.

So in sum, I don't quite understand what Haqqani's worry really is. Short of an all-out US/Indian attack on Pakistan (highly unlikely), low-intensity threats can be tackled and responded to in kind.
Looks like she is just narrating someone else's speech. India should make laws to arrest such people who speak against religious freedom. This clearly should not be tolerated. Varun Gandhi was arrested for similar reasons and it clearly shows that more needs to be done.
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