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Pak will hopefully avoid becoming next US military target: James Jones

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lol, these guys seems to be unaware of Pakistani public and its will power! America will be doomed if they attack Pakistan....!!!!!
There will be no direct war.

The Pakistani establishment will toe the line.
Afghanistan didn't use force to repel US,but as you previously said"Pakistan is very powerful(still can't stop laughing:rofl: ) and a nuke power"
So that means that you were talking about Pakistan repelling US attacks...
Afgh didn't do this and survived,though its pushed 15-20 years back,now!

And if you use force against US,do you think it will spare you?:rofl:

Keep your f**king scared mindset with you! It looks beautiful with indians only, and suits Indians as a nation. Come to Pakistan and see how and what people think.
US has too many leverages against pakistan. they can achieve through thousands different means. force is the last resort. US can't impose fight on pakistan without any valid reason. what they gonna do is to launch more drone strikes and other covert operations. why US will attack the pakistan and what will happen aftermath?? they would like to have a pro american gov in pakistan, already they have this. so we need to discuss about the objectives of US policies. IMPV it is simply to put more pressure on pakistan to do more.

@fanboy..... pakistan is no match of US militarily, actually they are miles ahead of everyone. nuclear weapons dont have any implications for US in case of fight bcoz they donot have the reach to attack US mainland. US has all the knowledge of military bases of pakistan bcoz that are given on lease to them apart from all intelligence they have through technology
Keeping jingoism and our mighty Egos aside, I think we must be very careful in our dealings with US.
Saying that we are a nuclear power and mighty strong nations when it comes to fighting war, and we can take you on at anytime you want is a very stupid approach. The logic here given by my fellow countrymen is "we can get bruised but not beaten" which wont help at all. The point to ponder upon is, why not avoid any such conflict/ potential conflict, or how to reduce the probability of such an occurrence. Any negative engagement with the Big Boss would prove too costly, forget about war, even economic sanctions at this point of time can break our back.

Second thing to consider is, why most of us think that they would use the same approach and tactics, if there ever be a war, as they used in Iraq/Afg?? How about the huge conventional superiority? How about them not putting a foot on our land but using their extremely superior air power and destroy our economic and military hubs?? How about them playing it very clean and not getting on the dirty road?? What plans do you have to counter such a scenario??

In realty US is not interested in engaging with Pakistan negatively, but there is a common fear in the minds of Pakistanis, that they Might attack them as they have done with some of their allies in the past. US wants that fear factor in place, just to get its goals," If you don't obey me, You are gonna suffer the consequences" and trust me its works well.

My take, a threat is a threat, and therefore should not be taken lightly. To reduce any such catastrophes we should enhance our bilateral relations with the European Countries specially economic, whose input is mostly important for Mighty Sam, and those ties should enforce a Nada from Europe to US, even if it is thinking on those patterns. Remember the Mighty Sam always takes its Allies along whenever it plans an adventure.

Lastly we should have a very moderate approach when having relations with US, neither to close and chummy nor to far and anti. The close and chummy would lead to over dependency as usual and therefore lethal, and the anti part doesn't need to be explained.

Afghanistan survived after a 9 year war with America and Afghanistan doesnt even have an Air Force.

If Afghanistan can survive so can Pakistan.

No sir! that kind of survival is not a survival but living a life of misery!

It would be far better to avoid getting to that point in the first place, by all possible means.

i remember just before Afghan invasion, India offered its army and its logistical support to US for the purpose.I believe India have more compelling reason to offer even more in case US wish to bomb Pakistan.

On the statement... i wonder if our anti Pakistan American national Ambassador to US will ask for explaination over this statement!

Hold on hold on....India offered its Army and logictical support to US prior to invasion of Afghanistan???Now when did that happen????

As far as I know India stayed away from it and Pakistan decided to be a part of the coalition by providing logistical support such as passage to goods and offered the airbases that were used by US jets to bombard the talibans.
When and how did India offer its Army???Where from you got this info???

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People who feel that living in tents and eating pebbles is victory .. I suggest you take a trip to the flood affected areas and see what calamity looks like. The US will not be sending its soldiers in a single file to get mowed down by our G3 rifles. They will decimate our offensive power within the first few days and most probably our remaining planes will be try to land in India. When the swat operation began how many of you saw the IDP's? Do you have any idea how one sided this war can end up? Try to use logic rather than emotions. Your emotions are asking for the utter destruction of this country and for that you are a traitor.
us can only dream to attack countries like pakistan, iran, too strong for them in the region
Hold on hold on....India offered its Army and logictical support to US prior to invasion of Afghanistan???Now when did that happen????

As far as I know India stayed away from it and Pakistan decided to be a part of the coalition by providing logistical support such as passage to goods and offered the airbases that were used by US jets to bombard the talibans.
When and how did India offer its Army???Where from you got this info???

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actually this is one of the fictional arguement used by mushy at the time to justify his decision to join US on WOT. as per him had they not done that, india would have stepped in & taken the advantage!!
No sir! that kind of survival is not a survival but living a life of misery!

It would be far better to avoid getting to that point in the first place, by all possible means.


Better get doomed than the survival you are talking about!
And as far as Afghanistan is concerned, they are victors, and the condition they are in, is always been the case their, *Tribal culture* you know.
Pakistan can be brought to its knees without firing a single shot in anger.

A simple naval blockade will ruin economic activity, and destroy the social fabric in a matter of weeks by the secondary consequences.

However, the US would rather work with Pakistan rather than against it. India will also see the light of such a co-operative strategy after Obama's visit.
Better get doomed than the survival you are talking about!

My dear sir, I completely understand your feelings. But think again can you imagine the loss of any of your relatives(God forbid)??? And that too for not so solid grounds? The point here is avoid a fight if you can. But if it is forced upon, who says to stop punching, punch as hard as you can. But wont be it better to find ways which ensures to negate any chances of a fight?? Take your pic, but before that give it a serious thought.

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