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Pak-US operation to stamp out Haqqani network


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Pak-US operation to stamp out Haqqani network

Sunday, August 05, 2012

NEW YORK: Following intensive meetings between ISI chief Lieutenant General Zaheer-ul-Islam and his CIA counterpart David Petraeus, the two spy chiefs agreed on joint counter terrorism campaigns and operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday.

During the series of meetings that also involved senior State Department and Pentagon officials, US and Pakistani officials hoped that the latest move would mark an upswing in cooperation after more than a year of “rancorous” relations, the major American newspaper reported.

“The campaigns would be intended to help stamp out major security threats facing each country, targeting what the US says are sanctuaries for the Haqqani network, and what Pakistan says are sanctuaries for the Pakistani Taliban in Afghanistan,” the report said in a dispatch on the talks between senior officials.

The plans are considered, at best, promising, the dispatch said, pointing out that US officials have long pressed their Pakistani counterparts to target the Haqqani group, but without success.

The Wall Street Journal also quoted Pakistani Ambassador to the United States Sherry Rehman as saying, “Pakistan’s democratic government is committed to moving forward with the US in many shared goals.” The envoy added that her government was working to reshape its relationships in the region. “Better ties with the US can help us in this broader goal of creating equities for peace instead of volatility in a region that is going through many security transitions.”

“It’s a good beginning,” Vali Nasr, a former top State Department official who is currently dean of the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University, said. He pointed out that in previous joint campaigns, Pakistan had requested that it be involved in all aspects of intelligence gathering. But the United States has been sceptical about Pakistani requests to share information about potential raids. “It’s always been a sticking point,” said Nasr, an American of Iranian origin.

Also discussed during the meeting was Pakistan’s demand for a halt to CIA drone strikes in Pakistan, but no agreement was reached on any changes to the programme, the Journal said, citing officials.

According to the dispatch, US and Pakistani officials both described this week’s meetings as productive and indicative of a higher level of trust than in previous meetings. Until now, counter terrorism negotiations between the sides have been largely on hold after US forces killed 24 Pakistani troops near Afghanistan’s border in November. As tensions rose over the US refusal to apologise for theincident, General Islam, the new Pakistani intelligence chief, deferred a June invitation from the CIA to visit Washington. A US decision to apologise for the Pakistani soldiers’ deaths jump-started talks over the highly contentious CIA drone programme.

Pakistan then announced that General Islam would make his first trip to Washington since becoming chief of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency in March. On Wednesday, Ambassador Rehman hosted a dinner at her residence for Lieutenant General Islam, CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell and top lawmakers on the House and Senate intelligence committees. There they discussed “mutual challenges” according to one participant cited by the WSJ.

On Thursday, CIA Director David Petraeus hosted a dinner for General Islam and Sherry Rehman. “Both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to work together to counter the terrorist presence in the region that threatens both US and Pakistani national security,” a senior US official said of the Petraeus-Islam meeting.

In meetings with CIA’s Petraeus and other officials, Lieutenant General Islam explained that US concessions on drones and the Taliban sites in Afghanistan would give Islamabad room to build domestic support for counter terrorism work with Washington. Under this proposal, the US would also work with Pakistan to control the Afghan side of the border, so militants driven out couldn’t escape into the Afghan border region.

The Pakistanis have named the planned offensive in North Waziristan as Operation Tight Screw, according to the WSJ. During this week’s meetings, Pakistani officials asked the US to target about a half-dozen Pakistani Taliban operatives, based in the Nuristan and Kunar provinces of Afghanistan, who Pakistan says have carried out dozens of attacks across the border, killing Pakistani soldiers.

Last year, the US military began scaling back its operations in remote parts of Nuristan and Kunar provinces as it focused its efforts on southern Afghanistan and Afghanistan’s major population centres, the Journal said. That allowed insurgents to re-establish enclaves in the areas where the Afghan army was unable to establish control. In meetings with US officials, the Pakistanis have also cast their plan as part of a counter-insurgency approach, which seeks to not just kill militants but build up the local economy and institutions to prevent militants from regaining a foothold, the newspaper said, citing officials.
Do you think it will happen?Or PA is going to sacrifice its strategic assets but for what price?
I doubt whether such a operation would happens, If it happens means we can See F-16 along with JF-17 in action against Taliban, Pakistan has to rely on airstrikes to soften the targets, and then their army would move inside North waziristan, But pakistan army will face stiff resistance.
I do not believe in this cooperation at all. Other than some showoffs, neither side is going to do anything against their side. Pakistan needs Haqqanis for a friendly Afghanistan and if Pakistan compromises on Haqqanis, we would loose a "Queen" in our game of chess. What I see is that this is Pakistan's strategy to buy more time.

On the other hand, USA is continuously increasing its insurgent support against Pakistan. There are more talks of Baluchistan and more attacks are coming from Afghanistan to Pakistan now than-ever before. Why is USA doing that? Just to trade-off this Haqqani Network? USA is perusing its strategic game-plan according to which Baluchistan and FATA has to get under his control and Pakistan should be reduced to Punjab and Sindh. Pakistan finds USA as the center of the problems and it cannot offer its "key-asserts" to trade-off a short-lived relief from them. USA would come-back to its insurgency support within months and what would Pakistan to trad-off then? Supply Line? NA!
Do you think it will happen?Or PA is going to sacrifice its strategic assets but for what price?

It will stamp out the rag tag terrorist. Not everyone is a strategic assets many are just impersonators.
To put it bluntly: Drones to continue & Pakistan to attack Haqqanis :angel:
It will stamp out the rag tag terrorist. Not everyone is a strategic assets many are just impersonators.
Who are rag tag impersonators?Article clearly talks about action against Haqqani group.Now dont tell me if PA is sacrificing Haqqanis.coz haqqanis are no rag tag group or impersonators.
it should be give and take relationship now.

No it shouldn't be give-and-take between Pakistan and USA for Afghanistan atleast. If Pakistan have to offer anything, offer it to Afghans and not Americans there. But generally relationship between USA and Pakistan has been give-and-take since long now. See we received money and accepted this supply line again. I wish I wish I wish supply line was not traded for money atleast. We could've encashed it for a lot better deal than that but Zardari and the clan has eaten country inside-out. Hafeez Sheikh was desperate to receive this 1.2 B which practically would give him 3 months of additional barrier. So unfortunate.
To put it bluntly: Drones to continue & Pakistan to attack Haqqanis :angel:

This is not rational. Drones against Haqqanis offend Haqqanis against USA alone. If Pakistan would start attacking Haqqanis, they would attack back Pakistan. Haqqanis are not our obedient mesmerized child who if we ask to die would die. If Pakistan would attack Haqqanis, they are going to retaliate against Pakistan first before looking towards USA again. On ground Pakistan is not looking to offend new tribes and it would not.
Even now it's not too late for Pakistan to mend its ways.
If Pakistan Army goes through with it, I think that would be a BIG mistake. They cannot afford to alienate and be enemies with the Afghan Taliban (who also try to put a lid on TTP, partially successfully). But if this operation goes through and members of Haqqani and Afghan Taliban are targeted, Mullah Omer will declare Pakistan as its enemy as well and we dont want that. It will be bad :(

Why do we keep bowing more and more in front of America. We need to end wars. Why can't Pakistan be neutral? (if not pro afghan)
Commanders to decide nature of NWA operation

By: Sikander Shaheen | August 07, 2012

ISLAMABAD – Pakistan’s military brass would make a final decision on the North Waziristan operation in the next Corps Commanders Conference which may be held sometime this month.

According to the informed officials at a security agency, two options are likely to be discussed in the moot: the launch of a full-scale military offensive with the logistical support of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), or a curtailed crackdown in the area through intelligence sharing between the two forces.

Pakistan Army, the officials shared, has deployed two Infantry divisions, nine brigades, 23 battalions and 18 Frontier Corps (FC) wings in Waziristan region. Of them, one division, five brigades, 12 battalions and 11 FC wings are deployed in NWA while four brigades, 11 battalions, seven FC wings and a division are deployed in South Waziristan, the officials added.

“These deployments are not enough for launching a military operation or a major crackdown,” the officials said, adding that additional troops at division level are required to augment the operational strength of regular troops before launching any offensive in NWA.

In this situation, the sources said, Pakistan Army needs the backhand intelligence and logistical support of the NATO forces in case it is to jump into North Waziristan.

All the FC wings comprising Tochi Scouts, Shawal Scouts and Orakzai Scouts in NWA are mostly assigned border patrolling responsibilities and need proper logistical support to assist the regular army troops for a counter-terrorism operation.

ISAF Commander General John Allen’s Thursday visit to Pakistan saw a major headway towards strengthening border cooperation between Afghan National Army (ANA), Western military alliance and Pakistan Army.

General Allen’s visit, officials said, saw renewing of the commitment to work in coordination as per an informal agreement reached between the two sides last year that particularly concerned the NWA operation. The intelligence and military cooperation between the NATO and Pakistan’s military underwent a complete disruption after Salala incident which led to suspension of the NATO supplies into Afghanistan.

In October last year, Pakistan Army and the NATO-led ISAF had reached an understanding envisaging cross-border respective cooperation to take on all the major outfits including Haqqani Network through enhanced coordination at Pak-Afghan borderlands.

According to the understanding, the NATO troops were not to initiate any ground operations in Pakistani tribal areas. Pakistan was to launch crackdowns against the militants without launching a direct or full-scale military offensive in NWA.

And both the sides were to move ahead for the resumption of intelligence cooperation between Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for hunting down the militants on both sides of the border (Intelligence cooperation was stalled after the former US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen termed Haqqani Network as ‘veritable arm of ISI’).

While Pakistan’s military has reportedly agreed to launching crackdown in NWA without going for a large-scale offensive, pressure on Islamabad has mounted to go all-out on Haqqanis.

The last year’s limited crackdowns in NWA did not address Washington’s concerns suggesting that Haqqanis were not targeted in these offensives.
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