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Pak tries to outflank US and india

It's amazing to me that once again, both our Indian and Pakistani friends are barking and posturing for each others benefit without asking how it is that US policy has allowed such a colossal failure, that it's own satrap and it's own ally, the US now claims, seek to outflank it -- Isn't it incredible to you?? How did this come about?? Who is responsible for this ??

Can it be that just like the giant financial collapse triggered by negligence and greed in US markets, where no one has been held responsible, we may also find that instead of holding policy makers and those executing policy, responsible for this failure, the US may find it expeditious to transfer the blame for yet another failure on others? While such a eventuality may save the US policy makers and those responsible for executing the policies, powers, small medium and big, will lose confidence in the ability of the US to be considered a trustworthy manager of global affairs.
pakistan in my opinion was a reluctant ally in this war in afghanistan.

pakistan has always treated afghanistan as it backyard. post defeat of USSR, there was a chance to set things right but US lost interest in afghanistan as its sole purpose was achieved. it did nothing to further stop the gun culture prevalent in afghanistan. so war fighting continued and pakistan slowly increased its influence in region. a talibani regime was installed and pakistan became one of the only three country to support taliban.

post 9/11 wen US threatened to bomb pakistan back to middle ages, pakistan became a reluctant ally. it new geo dynamic situation had changed. too many fingers were being pointed at pakistan for being a country where terror grows.

though US and pakistan became partners in WOT the mistrust begin to come out in open. How could a country/organisation which till recently had close relations with talibani regime quickly and swiftly terminate contacts.

even if the top level contact are terminated, the field level contacts remain. and its not easy to terminate those contacts.

paksiatan knew american actions were in direct contrast to pakistani interest. so it perfected the art of hunting with hounds and running with the hares.

pakistan also knew that US would not remain in afghanistan for ever and wen it leaves paskitan should be in the smae position to extend influence in afghanistan as it was in mid 90s.

the move by pakistan to ask china to become a major player is to put pressure on US and may be get certain concessions/favours in return.
China will link up with Iran and the Middle East by high speed rail through Pakistan and Central Asia.

Once US dollar collapses, there will be a huge power vaccum in Afghanistan. China's PLA should be ready to step in to project our nation's power.
China will link up with Iran and the Middle East by high speed rail through Pakistan and Central Asia.

Once US dollar collapses, there will be a huge power vaccum in Afghanistan. China's PLA should be ready to step in to project our nation's power.

Waiting for that day where we can see PLA in Afghanistan :angel:
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