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Pak targets Indian soldiers during rescue operation in Kashmir: Says India

india has enough cash to buy high end explosives? keep dreaming buddy, india has 40 percent of the worlds malnourished population, india has a lower IQ then pakistan, india is a broke third world country that cant even generate enough taxes to meet its own budget despite having over a billion people.

if anything your dreaming not living in reality, yes pakistan has the expertise to make bombs that will do just as much damage as a regular bomb and yes the isi does support the kashmiris and it gives them tons of these explosives to defend them selves from the terrorist indian army.

india cant even defeat pakistan in its dreams in a war so what good are those explosives going to do you?, becuase in a case of war the whole of india will be another afghanistan, times have changed besides the pakistani army, pakistan also has ally talibans let or what ever and they will kill indians like flies dont forget these guys didnt exist up till the 80s when pakistan created them to bring down your biggest ally.

I know your teacher give you a assignment to write a essay about your country but due to your obession with India you replaced Pakistan with India.
Camel spy and pigeon spy is ok..do you remember the RAW tamatar spy being sent to pakistan ?:cheesy:

Camel spy and pigeon spy is OK?! Dafuq i read, you are showing the real maturity level of your nation :lol:
waiting for an actual source and more uodates……
otherwise BS & faqe……:wave:
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