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Pak targets Indian soldiers during rescue operation in Kashmir: Says India

why would i hade? heck i am not even 65 yeras old and i am not an old fart like you to keeps track and keeps changing historical facts , i prefer to live in present and the fact of the matter is india has good enough cash to atleast buy high quality explosives , why on earth would we go for cheap IEDs? so the base line is those IED's are yours because u buy cheap crap hardware.

india has enough cash to buy high end explosives? keep dreaming buddy, india has 40 percent of the worlds malnourished population, india has a lower IQ then pakistan, india is a broke third world country that cant even generate enough taxes to meet its own budget despite having over a billion people.

if anything your dreaming not living in reality, yes pakistan has the expertise to make bombs that will do just as much damage as a regular bomb and yes the isi does support the kashmiris and it gives them tons of these explosives to defend them selves from the terrorist indian army.

india cant even defeat pakistan in its dreams in a war so what good are those explosives going to do you?, becuase in a case of war the whole of india will be another afghanistan, times have changed besides the pakistani army, pakistan also has ally talibans let or what ever and they will kill indians like flies dont forget these guys didnt exist up till the 80s when pakistan created them to bring down your biggest ally.
have you been hiding in a hole for the last 65 years?

Why would India take the risk of any such smuggling through LOC?

There is no need to smuggle IED or any other explosive through the Kashmir, if at all, when much safer and transparent Afghan border is available!
Why would India take the risk of any such smuggling through LOC?

There is no need to smuggle IED or any other explosive through the Kashmir, if at all, when much safer and transparent Afghan border is available!

thats true
india has enough cash to buy high end explosives? keep dreaming buddy, india has 40 percent of the worlds malnourished population, india has a lower IQ then pakistan, india is a broke third world country that cant even generate enough taxes to meet its own budget despite having over a billion people.

if anything your dreaming not living in reality, yes pakistan has the expertise to make bombs that will do just as much damage as a regular bomb and yes the isi does support the kashmiris and it gives them tons of these explosives to defend them selves from the terrorist indian army.

india cant even defeat pakistan in its dreams in a war so what good are those explosives going to do you?, becuase in a case of war the whole of india will be another afghanistan, times have changed besides the pakistani army, pakistan also has ally talibans let or what ever and they will kill indians like flies dont forget these guys didnt exist up till the 80s when pakistan created them to bring down your biggest ally.

i am not interested in arguing with you,u seem to be hell bent on proving that india weak country
anyways let me give you an advice after u switch off your computer and come back to
reality drink a glass of water and do some exercise , dreamin alot with your eyes open is not good for health :cuckoo:
i am not interested in arguing with you,u seem to be hell bent on proving that india weak country
anyways let me give you an advice after u switch off your computer and come back to
reality drink a glass of water and do some exercise , dreamin alot with your eyes open is not good for health :cuckoo:

thanks for your response, i think i shut you *** up pretty good.
thanks for your response, i think i shut you *** up pretty good.
now it seems your frustrated lolz
also do mind your language, your on an media which represents your country worldwide , if u show your true nature on forums itself then god help u because i can't

india has enough cash to buy high end explosives? keep dreaming buddy, india has 40 percent of the worlds malnourished population, india has a lower IQ then pakistan, india is a broke third world country that cant even generate enough taxes to meet its own budget despite having over a billion people.

if anything your dreaming not living in reality, yes pakistan has the expertise to make bombs that will do just as much damage as a regular bomb and yes the isi does support the kashmiris and it gives them tons of these explosives to defend them selves from the terrorist indian army.

india cant even defeat pakistan in its dreams in a war so what good are those explosives going to do you?, becuase in a case of war the whole of india will be another afghanistan, times have changed besides the pakistani army, pakistan also has ally talibans let or what ever and they will kill indians like flies dont forget these guys didnt exist up till the 80s when pakistan created them to bring down your biggest ally.

- We have enough cash to buys things.... +40 billions USD without spending more than 2% of our GDP.

- Oh another Einstein coming with that 40% BS..... did you guys even bothered to read that article? Its an assumption by random NGO guy who could not back up his claim with any figures..... but whatever, as long as such things bring India into a bad light, its holier than the Quran itself.... but when its about Pakistan, its simply propaganda, conspiracy blah blah blah....

- Lol India is broken 3rd world country?
Ever had a look at the list of the top failed states? Guess which country is among the top.... If India is a 3rd world country, whats Pakistan then? hu? India is already a newly industrialized country (check the UN/World Bank lists), has medium level living standards, one of the largest economies with a steadily growing tertiary and secondary sector, G20 and BRICS member etc etc etc etc etc..... Get your facts right loser.

- "cant even generate enough taxes to meet its own budget despite having over a billion people." - shows precisely how much you know about the matter .

- "if anything your dreaming not living in reality, yes pakistan has the expertise to make bombs that will do just as much damage as a regular bomb and yes the isi does support the kashmiris and it gives them tons of these explosives to defend them selves from the terrorist indian army." - Seems that you have been educated by youtube

- "india cant even defeat pakistan in its dreams in a war"- my favourite one :D
1948: India stopped Pak advance to capture Kashmir (which was an independent country at that time).... Pak failed to capture
1965: Pakistan tried to take all of Kashmir, ended up fighting on its own soil for Lahore itself till the ceasefire was signed
1971: No comment
1984: A regular soldier called Bhana Singh and his mates recaptured the Siachen Glacier outpost fighting with bare hands against elite commandos
1999: Pathetic attempt to capture Kashmir..... militants and regulars were pushed back while denying any involvement while even refusing your fallen soldiers....

- "pakistan also has ally talibans " You mean the guys who are destabilising your own nation and massacring your own soldiers?

PS: Learn to use capital letters.....
thank you for your response einstein

- We have enough cash to buys things.... +40 billions USD without spending more than 2% of our GDP.

with spending more then 2 percent of your gdp?
what around 20 percent of your total budget right?
india cant generate enough revenue for its budget true? or no? if so then what good is that trillion dollar gdp doing you?

- Oh another Einstein coming with that 40% BS..... did you guys even bothered to read that article? Its an assumption by random NGO guy who could not back up his claim with any figures..... but whatever, as long as such things bring India into a bad light, its holier than the Quran itself.... but when its about Pakistan, its simply propaganda, conspiracy blah blah blah....
- Lol India is broken 3rd world country?
Ever had a look at the list of the top failed states? Guess which country is among the top.... If India is a 3rd world country, whats Pakistan then? hu? India is already a newly industrialized country (check the UN/World Bank lists), has medium level living standards, one of the largest economies with a steadily growing tertiary and secondary sector, G20 and BRICS member etc etc etc etc etc..... Get your facts right loser.

yeh india is broke just like any other third world country, to put india even on the same level as china is a sham.
who makes this list anyways? who decides what makes a country a failed state, becuase if it is just violence then only a decade ago sri lanka was a failed state? and it has twice the gdp per capita as india.

you could call india what you want but it is third world and it is broke, if its not broke then why is india in debt?

- "cant even generate enough taxes to meet its own budget despite having over a billion people." - shows precisely how much you know about the matter .

prove me wrong then, show me what surplus india is running that we dont know about, india cant even generate enough for its own budget so just shut the hell up.

- "if anything your dreaming not living in reality, yes pakistan has the expertise to make bombs that will do just as much damage as a regular bomb and yes the isi does support the kashmiris and it gives them tons of these explosives to defend them selves from the terrorist indian army." - Seems that you have been educated by youtube

right.... and you seem to be educated in india, ill stick with youtube.

- "india cant even defeat pakistan in its dreams in a war"- my favourite one :D
1948: India stopped Pak advance to capture Kashmir (which was an independent country at that time).... Pak failed to capture
1965: Pakistan tried to take all of Kashmir, ended up fighting on its own soil for Lahore itself till the ceasefire was signed
1971: No comment
1984: A regular soldier called Bhana Singh and his mates recaptured the Siachen Glacier outpost fighting with bare hands against elite commandos
1999: Pathetic attempt to capture Kashmir..... militants and regulars were pushed back while denying any involvement while even refusing your fallen soldiers....

kargil-pakistan still holds the highest peak in kargil, only few hundred soldiers died while india lost almost twice as much.
saichin- not enough on the subject on my behalf
71- was more of civil war then anything, india took advantage of this and attacked our army in the east, which was cut off from rest of pakistan.
65-pakistan went all the way into your great mighty india
48- pakistan took half of kashmir from india.

overall it comes down to kargil the last war fough between us, which was a failure for india, it got its *** whooped but still denies it, it was military victory for pakistan but not a political one.

- "pakistan also has ally talibans " You mean the guys who are destabilising your own nation and massacring your own soldiers?
LET, good taliban( not the indian mercenaries), the kashmiris, groups within india.

PS: Learn to use capital letters.....

why? is this an exam or something? lol
You guy's love to be victim, and you are paranoid of pakistan---did you remember ISI camel spy, and pigeons spys---you guys are World champion Losers :lol:

Camel spy and pigeon spy is ok..do you remember the RAW tamatar spy being sent to pakistan ?:cheesy:
india has enough cash to buy high end explosives? keep dreaming buddy, india has 40 percent of the worlds malnourished population, india has a lower IQ then pakistan, india is a broke third world country that cant even generate enough taxes to meet its own budget despite having over a billion people.

if anything your dreaming not living in reality, yes pakistan has the expertise to make bombs that will do just as much damage as a regular bomb and yes the isi does support the kashmiris and it gives them tons of these explosives to defend them selves from the terrorist indian army.

india cant even defeat pakistan in its dreams in a war so what good are those explosives going to do you?, becuase in a case of war the whole of india will be another afghanistan, times have changed besides the pakistani army, pakistan also has ally talibans let or what ever and they will kill indians like flies dont forget these guys didnt exist up till the 80s when pakistan created them to bring down your biggest ally.

You are still trying to prove pakistanis are superior :lol:
Probably the most broke and economically weak country you ll come across.
You live on foreign aid,43% population under poverty declining HDI economy=Maharashtra(one indian state :cheesy: ) Probably the only country that no one in the world has positive views about.
And the only country making it regulalry to the failed countries list.Have some shame :enjoy:
thank you for your response einstein

with spending more then 2 percent of your gdp?
what around 20 percent of your total budget right?
india cant generate enough revenue for its budget true? or no? if so then what good is that trillion dollar gdp doing you?

- Oh another Einstein coming with that 40% BS..... did you guys even bothered to read that article? Its an assumption by random NGO guy who could not back up his claim with any figures..... but whatever, as long as such things bring India into a bad light, its holier than the Quran itself.... but when its about Pakistan, its simply propaganda, conspiracy blah blah blah....

yeh india is broke just like any other third world country, to put india even on the same level as china is a sham.
who makes this list anyways? who decides what makes a country a failed state, becuase if it is just violence then only a decade ago sri lanka was a failed state? and it has twice the gdp per capita as india.

you could call india what you want but it is third world and it is broke, if its not broke then why is india in debt?

prove me wrong then, show me what surplus india is running that we dont know about, india cant even generate enough for its own budget so just shut the hell up.

right.... and you seem to be educated in india, ill stick with youtube.

kargil-pakistan still holds the highest peak in kargil, only few hundred soldiers died while india lost almost twice as much.
saichin- not enough on the subject on my behalf
71- was more of civil war then anything, india took advantage of this and attacked our army in the east, which was cut off from rest of pakistan.
65-pakistan went all the way into your great mighty india
48- pakistan took half of kashmir from india.

overall it comes down to kargil the last war fough between us, which was a failure for india, it got its *** whooped but still denies it, it was military victory for pakistan but not a political one.
99-You came in,you got your balls kicked you ran away.you cam forr kashmir,went with dead bodies of your soldiers,who won?
Siachen-Pakistan was controling it till we came,kicked you out and now control the highest battlefield in the world.You lost.
71-We took your arm,put it under a hammer and broke it apart.Also the battle of longewala where your sissy arm abandoned its tanks and ran back like cowards.
65-Operation gibraltar failed Miserably for pakistan,you came to capture kashmir ended up losing 3,800 sq. km of your territory :lol: with more casualities.
48-India didnt fight the war completely we came into action when hari singh signed the accession giving kashmir to India after Pakistan intruded kashmir which wasnt India's at that time.We stepped in and pakistan stopped within the kashmir it has now.
So kiddo..you failed every single time and will fail every time..kyunki baap baap hota beta beta hota hai :enjoy:
As for debt,i dont think you understand economics?US has External debt,china has external debt more than india..US,China must be broke too! Ever heared of foreign Exchange reserves?
india has enough cash to buy high end explosives? keep dreaming buddy, india has 40 percent of the worlds malnourished population, india has a lower IQ then pakistan, india is a broke third world country that cant even generate enough taxes to meet its own budget despite having over a billion people.

if anything your dreaming not living in reality, yes pakistan has the expertise to make bombs that will do just as much damage as a regular bomb and yes the isi does support the kashmiris and it gives them tons of these explosives to defend them selves from the terrorist indian army.

india cant even defeat pakistan in its dreams in a war so what good are those explosives going to do you?, becuase in a case of war the whole of india will be another afghanistan, times have changed besides the pakistani army, pakistan also has ally talibans let or what ever and they will kill indians like flies dont forget these guys didnt exist up till the 80s when pakistan created them to bring down your biggest ally.

This news was posted on Pakistani news website few days back but I refrain my self from Posting it. You seems to mention Malnutrition in very post of yours, so sharing info about Pakistan with you :pop:

State of malnutrition


The UN food aid chief’s statement that hunger in Pakistan is at emergency levels is a grim reminder of our worrying food security and malnutrition status. According to a report, the UN World Food Programme has declared that while the situation in Pakistan is dire, funding has now dwindled due to donor interest in other regions, such as Syria. Conflict and three consecutive years of flooding have caused untold damage to food security. In Swat, farmers complain that orchards and crops were destroyed both because of militancy and floods. The tribal areas face a similar situation.

The statistics indeed paint a sorry picture: nearly half of Pakistan’s women and children suffer from malnutrition, while around 1.5 million children face acute malnutrition. Forty per cent of children are underweight and a third of child deaths are associated with malnutrition.
Micronutrient deficiencies are common, with 51 per cent of women and 62 per cent of children under five estimated to be anaemic. Malnutrition is believed to cost Pakistan two to three per cent of its GDP.

While international donors may be losing interest, it is regrettable that the political will to tackle this issue also seems to be missing. Since malnutrition in Pakistan is linked to poverty and the consumption of inadequate quantities of food with low nutrition levels, the government needs to lay emphasis on poverty reduction programmes. A multi-pronged approach is needed that tackles malnutrition through health, education, nutrition and agricultural initiatives.

Beyond that, the government needs to look into the distribution and storage systems that may be leading to shortages. The role of middlemen in this regard can be destructive to production. Not only should the government assess the viability of a subsidy programme for farmers, it should also educate them and provide them adequate infrastructure to market their produce. Unless immediate steps are taken to tackle this issue, Pakistan will miss one of the major MDGs by a long shot to its own detriment.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 25th, 2013.

State of malnutrition – The Express Tribune
I still don't understand why everyone is making a big deal of a semi weekly occurrence, both sides are constantly violating the LoC, so why is it surprising?

Look at the coordination between the PA soldiers and the militants both working in tandem. Good job PA.

oh look, a populist opinion, how original.
Pathetic.....oops again this is Pak Army.
Fake propaganda news. Nothing new here.

Kids fighting like always.
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