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Pak slams U.S. for backing India’s UNSC bid

^^ Boys... read the news before commenting.

Gilani never uttered single word to US since Obama left.

False news from false source.
It would not happen anytime soon and we will continue to oppose. With Indian not abiding by outstanding UN resolutions on Kashmir and human rights violations, it will be hard to get.

Pakistan also need a permanent seat.:pakistan::welcome::pdf::victory::sniper:
United nations will be trivial entity in few years time -

So you can keep all the seats Muslims will Leave United Nations and other Nations like China and Russia as well

It serves no purpose other then to give King like status to select few dicators
United nations will be trivial entity in few years time -

So you can keep all the seats Muslims will Leave United Nations and other Nations like China and Russia as well

It serves no purpose other then to give King like status to select few dicators

i would love to c pakistan take initiative regarding this
ask your gov to abandon UN
Well............Omba showed u a bone and you start jumping and bar....
Just wait and see when he will return home and then listen his speaches.....and reaction of other UN permanent members.

We can understand your feelings dear , Best of luck for your future Pakistan { It will be coming } , Though India has many problems , but its moving & building on right Track , True fact {1} EASY TO DESTROY -- { 2 }DIFFICULT TO BUILT , Pakistan is carrying on with its first approach , while India moving on with the second aspect .... :cheers:
india can have a permanent veto for all i care - as long as kashmir is given the justice it deserves.

for the kashmiris to get justice in accordance of the un resolutions , first pakistan has to vacate all of kashmir( bringing all of it under Indian rule) and then only can the so called plebiscite be helled
India is not getting a UNSC seat... plain and simple

I do not know whether we will get it or not. I do not claim to be an astrologer, neither do I believe in astrology. But one thing is for sure: I sure am loving the way the Pakistanis are reacting, jumping all over and running around like there's a fire somewhere! :chilli:
Why Hide Ur Nationality

Well my nationality is British, it says it on my visa, so i am not Pakistani....good try though..if it is hard to digest I will break up slowly that you can understand this simple concept.

Ashamed .. perhaps

And I am not ashamed, as I think I know myself more than you, wouldn't you agree...or are you a stalker...lol.
Anyways have fun, you know what we are getting and what you are getting. This mud slinging will not acheive anything.

Mr Bhim I am not getting anything, it is just a debate. what I find hilarious is when a Indian member gets questioned, the clowns seem to answer for him, I am sure he has the balls to answer for himself, or do you control his balls.

Furthermore lahnavi was being arrogant and instead of replying in a mature way he decided to take the piss out of Pakistan so I replied back, and I backed it with links...so try again and let him answer.
Actually, there are so many major problems that by the time we are through discussing them, we don't even get a chance to discuss Pakistan's poverty, AIDS problem, and a hundred other things.

There are problems in Pakistan there is no doubt about that, but has Lahnavi was taking a piss out of Pakistan I just did the same with India. What comes around goes around.
I sure am loving the way the Pakistanis are reacting, jumping all over and running around like there's a fire somewhere!

Can't the same be said about Indian Generals and ministers who whine on a constant basis when the west supply Pakistan weapons..do you love it then..lol.
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