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Pak slams U.S. for backing India’s UNSC bid

Highly-placed sources told news agencies there were some indications already that the Chinese premier may announce a more evolved position on India's bid for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, which will be more advanced than its articulation on the issue so far.

Sources disclosed that Beijing may surprise New Delhi and belie critics who think the US support was meant to counter China's ascent on the global stage.

"The Chinese premier may come out with a clearer support for India's Security Council ambitions.It's quite possible," Srikanth Kondapalli, a China expert who closely tracks Beijing's moves, told the agency.

A day after Obama endorsed India's bid for permanent seat in the UNSC, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Tuesday said in Beijing that China was ready for consultations over the issue and values India's status in the international affairs and understands India's aspirations to play a greater role in the United Nations. Beijing's willingness to discuss the issue is seen here as "a step forward" ahead of Wen's visit.
That will be the day... Indians can keep dreaming about sitting in the security council as permanent members...

OK , now revolt against USA if u have guts & tell them U wont support them for war against Terror . Pakistan survives only with their attitude , but one has to keep up with their attitude if one is able to do so , In case of Pakistan all the rulers run away from their country & hide in foreign countries to safeguard their own life living a luxuries life { musharraf, bhutto , sharif ...........& many more }
Pakistan is a fake country not having proper directions to move ahead , from its existence 60 yrs back it has only survived on foreign $$$$$ which they received from US to destabalise other countries & now US is slowly turning it down ... Now Enjoy with your attitude lifestyle ..:cheers:
It would not happen anytime soon and we will continue to oppose. With Indian not abiding by outstanding UN resolutions on Kashmir and human rights violations, it will be hard to get.

Pakistan also need a permanent seat.:pakistan::welcome::pdf::victory::sniper:

You couldnt stop ur so called friend ally from Drone attacks in ur own territory , killing ur own country men & you expect ur views wil be heard in international arena , Be ready for new work , always better to have Businees ethnic attitude in mind as todays world is purely based on businees oriented module , many asians work in europe america & visaversa . No one is Permanent Friend or Enemy in this world , You have be ready as per the situation demands , thats why countries like China,India , Brazilare succssful & attracting more businees in their region ...:cheers:
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This line from Pakistanis

It also has implications for peace and security and stability in Asia, particularly South Asia,” the statement said.

The cabinet claimed it was “incomprehensible that the U.S. has sought to support India, whose credentials with respect to observing the U.N. Charter principles and international law are at best chequered”.

As an instance, the cabinet cited what it described as India’s “disregard of Security Council Resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir and gross and systematic violations of the fundamental human rights of the Kashmiri people”.

Means nothing outside of Sout Asia. Nobody knows wat the Pakistanis are talking about.

ITS A NON EVENT and thats why despite Pakistans constant bickering ranting raving NOT ONE SINGLE nation not arab not chinease not russian or american has even bothered to help difuse the row.

Pakistanis don,t seem to understand no one is listening.

THE WORLD CALLS it a bi lateral issue not global issue.
Isn't it time Pakistan distanced itself from a hardline country to a moderate one while keeping the Islamic values intact?

and isn't it time your colonial designs get lost from subcontinent and let people live the way they want?
They should change the forum title from PDF to BDF seriously the amount of Indian trolling here is beyond hilarious.
Justice will not be served for Kashmir. India will get the seat.

I can see that in a decade, UN will not benefit Pakistan in any way if we start growing.
Mr Bhim I am not getting anything, it is just a debate. what I find hilarious is when a Indian member gets questioned, the clowns seem to answer for him, I am sure he has the balls to answer for himself, or do you control his balls.

Furthermore lahnavi was being arrogant and instead of replying in a mature way he decided to take the piss out of Pakistan so I replied back, and I backed it with links...so try again and let him answer.

sorry for the delay and my sounding arrogant, its the UN resolutions which were raised regarding kasmir and India abiding them, then people must remember that the UN resolutions are in step by step process starting with pakistan's complete withdrawl from kashmir followed by Indian rule and then the plebiscite.
for the kashmiris to get justice in accordance of the un resolutions , first pakistan has to vacate all of kashmir( bringing all of it under Indian rule) and then only can the so called plebiscite be helled
Not to mention the returning of Shaksam Valley that it acceded to China in 1963 and first broke the "UN Resolution" and nullified it. And nor forgetting to mention the rights of now-more than 5 million Kashmiri pandits, sikhs and buddhists inside India.
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