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Pak shouldn't seek nuke deal with US, says Burns

Suspeding supplies - you will loose a key ally and aid giver and loose the very little sympathy that the world has towards Pakistan right now.

Covertly supporting afghan taliban! - Pakistan will still loose in the long run, The ISI is still very much aligned with the taliban anyways right now.

Telling em we aint gonna do more in WOT! - The WOT will save Pakistan from falling in to the hand of the extremist, sure stop the war and the differences between Afghanistan and Pakistan will also be erased soon. You are not doing anyone a favor by fighting this war, your saving your own backside.

USA cant afford war with another country with nuclear weapons 6-7 largest professional army, break UN laws while being stuck in 2 wars and in bad economic crissis. - Ohh im sure they can afford it lol The US can do whatever it want, it only needs an excuse, wake up from that pipe dream.

Overestimation of ones own capability is the precursor to ones downfall.....

But some fail to understand....

Luckily for Pakistanis....this fellow does not run the country and their leaders have better sense than to play Russian Roulette with their own future....
Apart from the bravado tell me one thing frankly - does Pakistan have any other option other than co-operating with US/NATO in this WoT ?

Remember I want a frank answer.:agree:
And a candid reply will you get! for us YES and for you NO(Don't ask why... because you wont get convinced & i don't intend to convince you either). Besides who asked USA to give the title of major "non NATO ally to Pakistan" ? and if they did then why let the double standards prevail......?
And a candid reply will you get! for us YES and for you NO(Don't ask why... because you wont get convinced & i don't intend to convince you either). Besides who asked USA to give the title of major "non NATO ally to Pakistan" ? and if they did then why let the double standards prevail......?

Can you explain what other options you got...and what options we dont have.?
Can you explain what other options you got...and what options we dont have.?
Like i said i am not interested in convincing you & even the Americans know that why and how Pakistan didn't have to be a part of WOT. besides, apart from empty threats could USA attack North Korea? No..... just learn why and how & you will get your answers. P.S the topic at hand is about nuclear deal and not who is mightier.
Like i said i am not interested in convincing you & even the Americans know that why and how Pakistan didn't have to be a part of WOT. besides, apart from empty threats could USA attack North Korea? No..... just learn why and how & you will get your answers. P.S the topic at hand is about nuclear deal and not who is mightier.

"I know,but I will not tell you" - one of the most common excuses given to escape answering.:D

Lol ok...Anyways what I meant to say is Pakistan is in no position to demand anything from the US.Right now they are in deeper shyt in FATA than the US is in Afghanistan. And they need the US help desperately to fight this war.
Ecomonically we cant maintain parity coz of population! 150 million vs 1.1 billion indians?

I am talking about per capita or the average.
If your number theory is right, then Pakistan should have more FOREX than Taiwan with 1/7th population of Pakistan, but they have more.

Try reduction of poverty?
15-17% vs 60% poor under poverty like and 60% of ur middle class tht is slighty above poverty line?

Here is your press:

The reasons for this high growth rate are many. Apart from usual causes like extreme poverty and social insecurity, Pakistani society continues to suffer from medieval practices like early marriage of women and their poor education. Almost 50 per cent of women in Pakistan are married before the age of 20, enormously increasing the chances of conception. In fact, the average fertility of women (number of live birth, per woman) in Pakistan is a high 6.1 compared to India's 3.7.

Pakistan's maternal mortality rate is the highest in South Asia and greater than all other Muslim countries, essentially due to birth-related problems. This is compounded by the very high prevalence of babies with low birth-weight only three countries in the world have a higher percentage of such babies.

Title: INDIA Vs PAKISTAN - Contrasts In Social Development
Author: Sultan Shahin
Publication: The Observer of Business and Politics Pakistan.

Education.... we are almost on the same level.
Human index?

Sultan Shahin again:
The average literacy rate in Pakistan is a poor 35.7 per cent compared to India´s 49.9 per cent. World Bank figures show that Pakistan´s literacy rate is even lower than some of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa like Ghana and Nigeria. School enrolment rates in Pakistan are less than half the averages in India.

India has 19 times more forex as well as Loans!?

Pakistan has more loan per head than India!

Ur rant again is not justified coz of ur population and size?

I proved to you, Population has nothing to do here, rule of average works here....

Also stop hidding behind flags of other countries... have some courage and display indian flags unless ur ashamed to be one!

My flags are right but I am married to a Indian. Also, I work with Reason and not religion.
apart from empty threats could USA attack North Korea? No..... just learn why and how & you will get your answers.

Is that why US came with the following threat:

We'll bomb you to Stone Age - Richard Armitage

And Pakistan succumbed to all the 7 draconian conditions of USA!
Is that why US came with the following threat:

We'll bomb you to Stone Age - Richard Armitage

And Pakistan succumbed to all the 7 draconian conditions of USA!
See even you are using the word "Threat" so if you say Pakistan couldn't withstand an American aggression then you will to share a lot more than your subjective views. and when you say Pakistan succumbed to the pressure, then keep in mind that you are talking about the person in command only. As even the Americans are aware of the fact that they don't have any sympathies of pakistani public rather people can't even tolerate their presence on pakistani soil. Secondly you people have been efficaciously answered why Pakistan needs nuclear technology so there is no need to divert the topic with irrelevant questions like How could Pakistan avert an American aggression, Americans can do this to you...... and that. if Americans were that super enough to bomb us to stone age then mark my words they didn't even to say this "We will bomb you to stone age" they would just do it............ don't believe it? tell it to those who care.
It goes both ways Karthic.

Agreed Gunner.

But that is based upon an assumption that US will continue to be in Afghanistan.

What if they on one fine morning decide enough is enough and start packing their bags..they will leave to their country half way round the world...Does Pakistan have that luxury?:no:

They still have to fight it out ,but this time no financial aid,no military aid,no drone attacks...nothing.

I just say in the long run it is Pakistan that gets to benefit more from this WoT rather than America.But many Pakistanis here think as if Pakistan is doing a favour to the Americans while in reality its the opposite.
if Americans were that super enough to bomb us to stone age then mark my words they didn't even to say this "We will bomb you to stone age" they would just do it............ don't believe it? tell it to those who care.

Why would they?

When Pakistan MEEKLY complied with ALL thier 7 conditions!
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