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Pak-salvo missile to deter Indian-cold start doctrine

Now,that we have ruled out an all out war till last man standing, that throws entire South Asia to oblivion, I would like to get back to my point, which is attrition.My very specific take on the matter is, it will cost Pakistan more than that of India to keep going on with this arms race, especially considering the present dismal state of Pakistani economy.


I understand what you have been saying---. In my 2 plus weeks visit in pakistan---not a single person I came across was talking about war with india----and I met quiet aa few of them.

There was no paranoia about india---the news media had hardly any news about india---there were no pakistani politicians making threats about india---there was no one stirring up the pot against india----.

Sir----you are extremely ill informed about pakistan---. It is your country that has a fixation on pakistan and not vice versa.

I understand what you have been saying---. In my 2 plus weeks visit in pakistan---not a single person I came across was talking about war with india----and I met quiet aa few of them.

There was no paranoia about india---the news media had hardly any news about india---there were no pakistani politicians making threats about india---there was no one stirring up the pot against india----.

Sir----you are extremely ill informed about pakistan---. It is your country that has a fixation on pakistan and not vice versa.
Sir, the problem is that both countries have only a peep hole view into each other's environment and that peep hole is covered by jingoistic and loud minority with an extremely hawkish stance towards the other side. so while majority of common people (and political leaders) have no view on the other side, a small minority of loud mouths on both sides are able to create an environment of antagonism.

I understand what you have been saying---. In my 2 plus weeks visit in pakistan---not a single person I came across was talking about war with india----and I met quiet aa few of them.

There was no paranoia about india---the news media had hardly any news about india---there were no pakistani politicians making threats about india---there was no one stirring up the pot against india----.

Sir----you are extremely ill informed about pakistan---. It is your country that has a fixation on pakistan and not vice versa.

Well, it is high-time that you take a visit to India as well, before drawing that conclusion then. I am inviting you, and assure you that you will have a good time.
Well, then, I don't think any of us have anything else to contribute to this particular point.So, I would like to end the discussion.
Well, it is high-time that you take a visit to India as well, before drawing that conclusion then. I am inviting you, and assure you that you will have a good time.
Well, then, I don't think any of us have anything else to contribute to this particular point.So, I would like to end the discussion.
I'm sure what you are saying is also true but then you will never hear about say Indian artists, performers or even players being heckled or even disrupted when performing in Pakistan. Pakistan issues visas to thousands of Sikh yatris each year who visit the country for their religious festivities on the contrary some 500 Pakistani nationals were refused entry to visit a Muslim shrine......hence there is a discrepancy i n the thinking level of some.
Cluster munition


Most anti-armor munitions contain shaped charge warheads to pierce the armor of tanks and armored fighting vehicles. In some cases, guidance is used to increase the likelihood of successfully hitting a vehicle. Modern guided submunitions, such as those found in the U.S. CBU-97, can use either a shaped charge or an explosively formed penetrator. Unguided shaped-charge submunitions are designed to be effective against entrenchments that incorporate overhead cover. To simplify supply and increase battlefield effectiveness by allowing a single type of round to be used against nearly any target, submunitions that incorporate both fragmentation and shaped-charge effects are produced.

Cluster munition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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